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Washington Football Team Logo

Redskins Logo


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Why would you want to look like these guys? Just say no to the spear.

You realize that they stole that from us, right? And for what it's worth we never had the yellow with the arrow. It was an R with a feather. The spear was on the throwbacks from the 70th anniversary season. Personally I loved the spear when we had it up until 1969.

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Having a little Cherokee indian blood in me, Ive always felt close to our logo. One of the reasons Ive been a fan since I could talk. My fave too!

I was born in Silver Spring, into a huge Redskins family. On top of that, I also have Cherokee blood in me. I could go on and on why I'm a Skins fan, but those are the two most important reasons.

Oh, and I ****ing hate the Cowboys. :)

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I like the current symbol as it is...Never cared for the Yellow R one. If we were to change it thought we could go with this...It would be perfect.!!!

The team could run onto the field with "Big Trouble"

"Yankee Rose" after the SSB to take the field before kickoff

"Elephant Gun" after the long TD bombs

And when the Redskinettes take the field? What else? "Bump and Grind"

Then we could all wave goodbye to them loser Cowboys while "Thats Life" plays


Its even African/Native/Caucasian American!!! :hysterical:


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Always loved the logo. And I hope to see the all darks again. We played the Super Bowl Champs pretty tough for at least the first half. Maybe we will get another shot with the all darks.
I also LOVED the burgundy on burgundy!

Yes, the Burgundy on Burgundy was splendid. But I said it a thousands times and I will say it again. Bring back the DARK Burgundy.

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The Lions have a new logo?

Redskins logo is awesome. It shows someone who is proud and dignified. A "redskin" is a term that describes the use red clay or red paint on one's face in war and for ceremonial purposes... a badege of honor so to speak...

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