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Craigslist Question


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I'm new to Craigslist and I posted a television for sale. Apparently I underestimated the popularity of the website because I offered the TV at a really low price, thinking I'd have a hard time selling it. Within 2 hours I had a flood of about 30 emails from people offering to buy it. Since it's not an online auction am I free to delete the posting and repost it at a higher price, or could I get in hot water with Craigslist for doing that? Perhaps I should take my medicine and go through with my original asking price. What do you think?

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Man, you really are new to CL.

It's the Wild West. You could delete it, respond to all thirty emails with porn, and put up a new ad that included a picture of you flicking them off, and CL wouldn't do anything to you.

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see above.

This isn't e-bay, no seller ratings to worry about and whatnot.

If you really want to take the time, email all of the people and tell them you sold it.

Actually, don't do that. As long as you haven't emailed any of them, no one would know it's you who bailed on the lower price as they don't have your real email address.

You may get some negative emails from people who think it's the same tv based on the description of the tv in the new post you make, but aside from that, you should be fine.

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Yea um if you got 30 responses of people saying they want to buy the tv, you could e-mail all those people back and if you're lucky 2-3 are ACTUALLY interested in buying it. Then try setting up a time for them to come pick it up or check it out, and maybe 1-2 of those people would actually come out. In my experience CL buyers/sellers are very flaky.

I'm surprised nobody tried to offer you a ham sandwich in exchange for the tv.

My point: I wouldn't worry 1 bit about relisting.

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Yea um if you got 30 responses of people saying they want to buy the tv, you could e-mail all those people back and if you're lucky 2-3 are ACTUALLY interested in buying it. Then try setting up a time for them to come pick it up or check it out, and maybe 1-2 of those people would actually come out. In my experience CL buyers/sellers are very flaky.

I'm surprised nobody tried to offer you a ham sandwich in exchange for the tv.

My point: I wouldn't worry 1 bit about relisting.

Great point. I completely agree with this. I've been on both ends and sometimes you just don't care enough to pull the trigger.

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My roommate posted tickets to a play that he had originally bought for him and his gf but he found he couldnt go. So people started e-mailing him and he kept e-mailing them back saying someone was willing to offer more than they were. He eventually sold tickets that he paid $100 for $160. He started the listing at $110. Just make up prices with the people, they'll never know.

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When I've got something to sell on Craigslist, I put my phone number in the posting. I tell the people not to email b/c I won't respond.

I don't deal w/ email b/c it's mostly BS window shoppers w/ only slight interest. Responding to email w/out a phone number is a waste of your time.

Motivated buyers will call you, while casual observers will email you asking 'if it's still available'.

Some people are affraid to publish their phone numbers in their ads, but it's really no different than ten years ago when you HAD to put your phone number in the newspaper classifieds.

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I wouldnt sell something as big as a car on CL.

and as for a tv, I would suggest you relist it for sure. Dont worry about the people on there responding and most of them will either flake or turn out not to be legit anyways.

i always inquire about things but never go any further after I do. its the nature of the swap meet.

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I've used CL to get free stuff, then turn around and sell it. I've sold a few things off there too. It is handy for that. THe last house I rented, I found off of craigslist and now am looking for land to buy, typically browsing the CL site for real estate.

Just make sure you get cash. For the question of why CL over Ebay? Well, no fees and typically it's a local exchange, so no worry about mailing something. And it can be faster.

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Actually, the answer is that you don't have to respond to anyone.

What you do on Craigslist is put up an advertisement. This is inviting people to make an offer to you to buy your TV for the price you advertised. You are not obligated to accept anyone's offer. You just reject it. You don't even have to reject. If you haven't accepted it, you don't have to sell it.

So, just put an ad up again and say this much money or best offer.

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Sold my car on Craigslist. No big deal. Just say you want cash in hand before you sign the title over. It's the same as if you placed a newspaper ad. I got someone from Indiana emailing me wanting to send more pictures of the car, because he didn't want to buy it without seeing it. I told him fine, but if you plan on buying I'll expect a face to face transaction and for him to pay cash. Didn't get any more responses from him. Watch out for out of state buyers. Some might be ok, but I believe most are scaming with fake checks.

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Craigslist will give you lots of good hits and lots of BS. I used it to sell stuff from the store I am closing down and within a day I was bombarded with calls and emails. lots of the big ticket items went fast. Now getting serious buyers on the smaller items gets difficult.

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Sold my Skins season tix for few years on CL. The classifieds here at ES are a joke, nobody ever has money and many try to get tix for nothing. At CL they were gone for my price in a day. Also found renters, sold odd items, found some dirt cheap contractors to do odd jobs.

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