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Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American


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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic."

"Who in this country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families?" Pelosi told a mostly Hispanic gathering at St. Anthony's Church in San Francisco.

Am I the only one going WTF! Is she ****ing serious or more concerned with elections? Enforcing laws are wrong?

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wow....just wow...

nothing like throwing an entire organization under the bus. Next up give illegal immigrants the right to vote. That will help her cause. Oh and lets not worry about taxing them. I would love to know how much revenue the state of California would get from taxing the illegals that work in that state.

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Please explain. You do realize the point of raids is to catch the offending person off-guard, right?

See, you would have a different point of view on immigration, whether legal or illegal, if you knew people of had family that were immigrants trying hard to make money for their family. Thats all I'm saying.

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See, you would have a different point of view on immigration, whether legal or illegal, if you knew people of had family that were immigrants trying hard to make money for their family. Thats all I'm saying.

Okay, I see. But, the underlying question is . . . are they here illegally?

Because if they are, I am in complete disagreement with you.

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Okay, I see. But, the underlying question is . . . are they here illegally?

Because if they are, I am in complete disagreement with you.

I mean look I totally understand your POV. And rightly so, illegals should be deported if they are caught. But it doesn't make it any less sucky for the people being deported and their families. Im just looking at this at an empathetic POV. It seems like Pelosi was doing the same thing.

EDIT: but she should have shut her mouth.

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I mean look I totally understand your POV. And rightly so, illegals should be deported if they are caught. But it doesn't make it any less sucky for the people being deported and their families. Im just looking at this at an empathetic POV. It seems like Pelosi was doing the same thing.

EDIT: but she should have shut her mouth.

I can definitely see your POV. The problem is the ones who are committing serious crimes and such. Other than that, the ones simply trying to make a living are not a problem other than they are here illegally.

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The question is, why does the policy aim to punish the people looking for work, rather then the people at the top who are looking to employ the illegal aliens in the first place?

you're right...they should both be punished. ;)

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I can definitely see your POV. The problem is the ones who are committing serious crimes and such. Other than that, the ones simply trying to make a living are not a problem other than they are here illegally.

True. Some of those guys that are hanging outside 7-eleven in the morning are nasty mofos. But some of them are good dudes. I dunno man. America is the land of opportunity. Thats why everyone wants to come here. Illegal immigration is going to be a timeless struggle.

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preach on sista! :D

I'm just in one of those moods today, everyone's pissing me off, from our asinine speaker to those TMZ reporters following that poor Richardson woman's family around. What the hell is wrong with people. I feel like Mel Brooks: I'm surrounded by *******s!

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How is it close to be UnAermican? What right does an Ilegal have? Non thats right. If they want to come to America they need to come through the proper channels to enter the US. Case Closed. This worse then the guy who got sued by ilegal aliens

Well actually rights are limitations on the government's actions not actions certain people are allowed to do... but really it's more of the fact that due to political reasons our country does not have a pragmatic and coherent immigrations policy. It's easy to kick the crap out of the illegals, but we should really try to reform our immigration system so that this sort of thing isn't the primary way to reduce unwanted immigration.

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I agree with the speaker. Our immigration policy is Un-American and utterly hypocritical as is the prevailing nativist sentiment in this thread. Whether or not that sentiment is based on veiled racism can be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

The immigration system is broken. The immigration laws are unenforcable, outdated, and insufficient to meet our needs. They don't protect you, they don't keep out the thugs, they don't offer legal business solutions, but we go after innocent people who are simply trying to feed their families-something every damn one of you would do in their shoes.

Updating immigration laws would make a lot of sense (like Ronald Reagan did) and to his credit George W. Bush tried to, but he was unsuccessful purely based on irrational politics, not practicality.

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Pelosi is a joke that shames this country every day she is speaker. Whether illegal aliens are working for their family or working to support a drug habbit, it does not matter. They are here illegaly and need to be returned back to their country. If we refuse to secure our boarders, we will never be able to stem the tide of the crime that is flowing into our country at an alarming rate.

Fact: The city in the world that has the hightest rate of kidnapping for ransom is...Mexico City. The second highest city? -Now it is Pheonix, Arizona.

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