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Obama: be scared about food (aka Obama Pledges to Improve Food Safety)


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Looks like Obama keeps trying to distract people from the economic crisis... which may not be such a bad idea... or is this a clever socialist ploy to have the government control what we eat???


Obama Pledges to Improve Food Safety

WASHINGTON — Describing the government’s failure to inspect 95 percent of food-processing plants as “a hazard to the public health,” President Obama promised Saturday to bolster and reorganize the nation’s fractured food-safety system.

“In the end, food safety is something I take seriously, not just as your president, but as a parent,” Mr. Obama said in his weekly radio address.

A bipartisan chorus of powerful lawmakers in Congress has already promised to enact fundamental changes in the nation’s food-protection system. In his address, Mr. Obama made clear that he not only supports that legislative effort but may push to expand it.


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so now he is going to stretch himself even thinner by trying to involve himself with food safety?

either this man is reed richards or he is going to burn out within a month.

Hopefully his skills in evaluating talent and picking good people will allow him to stay on top of all this without having to micro-manage it.

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Hopefully his skills in evaluating talent and picking good people will allow him to stay on top of all this without having to micro-manage it.

doesnt really sound like he means but I would like to think youre right.

although I am not too convinced he has the greatest skill in picking good people. but thats a different argument all together.

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doesnt really sound like he means but I would like to think youre right.

although I am not too convinced he has the greatest skill in picking good people. but thats a different argument all together.

Well, I certainly won't try to make the "greatest skill" argument... but I do think that there is plenty of evidence showing success of Obama's talent evaluations and management style. It may even be the case that his management style has contributed to his success a lot more than his skill at talent evaluation... a little "no bull" goes a long way.

This is from an interview done by Newsweek, printed in the Jan 5, 2009 issue, page 70:


What is it about your executive style that makes you good at standing

up to big organizations to meet unprecedented challenges - whether

it's the way you run your campaign or now - so quickly?


I don't think there is some magic trick there. I think I've got a

good nose for talent, so I hire really good people. And I've got a

pretty healthy ego, so I'm not scared of hiring the smartest people,

even if they're smarter than me. And I have a low tolerance for

nonsense and turf battles and game-playing, and I send that message

very clearly. And so over time, I think, people start trusting each

other, and they stay focused on the mission, as opposed to personal

ambition or grievance. If you've got really smart people who are all

focused on the same mission, then usually you can get some things


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Sweet! He's going to rescue yet another industry (that doesn't need to be rescued).
You don't think the food industry needs to be looked at? In the last couple of years we have had several large scale recalls (the E.Coli recall about a year ago and the salmonella recall now just to name two). To have two major recalls in two years is unacceptable to me and should be unacceptable to others as well.

Also, the first part of the thread title should be amended.

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I don't think this is a scare tactic at all. You want a scare tactic, how about this: in 40 years, prion disease (Mad Cow disease) may become rampant and end the human race. This is because the disease doesn't present until late in life (many of us may already have it), and it rapidly progresses to death. Oh yeah, we don't really have a cure.

I think the food industry needs to be looked at very carefully. What's wrong in having a little foresight?

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The FDA has been a joke for years and needs revamping. Thousands of people die each year from related failings. Many independents and bipartisans have been calling for this through Clinton and Bush.

There is hardly a topic with any socio-political element that can be introduced in this forum without the same reactionary lock-step puppet-like reponses from the "one-way-brain" afflicted.

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You don't think the food industry needs to be looked at? In the last couple of years we have had several large scale recalls (the E.Coli recall about a year ago and the salmonella recall now just to name two). To have two major recalls in two years is unacceptable to me and should be unacceptable to others as well.

Also, the first part of the thread title should be amended.

this struck me as to why I would like this.

but I think it should be choice 10 out of importance for things that need revamping.

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......There is hardly a topic with any socio-political element that can be introduced in this forum without the same reactionary lock-step puppet-like reponses from the "one-way-brain" afflicted.
Lottsa problems Jumbo

Maybe Crisis of the month is NOT a critisim of the issue

Maybe its to point out that TALK IS CHEAP

I support real solutions....so far Obama's solutions = Printing $$$$$

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this struck me as to why I would like this.

but I think it should be choice 10 out of importance for things that need revamping.

That I agree with, and I think if given the choice between dealing with the economic problems and dealing with the food supply, Obama will deal with the economic problems first.

But for the OP to question whether this move is an attempt at socializing the food supply and having government dictate what we can and cannot buy is absurd.

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That I agree with, and I think if given the choice between dealing with the economic problems and dealing with the food supply, Obama will deal with the economic problems first.

But for the OP to question whether this move is an attempt at socializing the food supply and having government dictate what we can and cannot buy is absurd.

Well he is already full force in the economic issues which I approve and applaud. I just dont want any distractions really. The thought of being unemployed or not being able to afford things for my son is scary and needs to be over with ASAP.

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Obama's trying to do everything he can to make this country the best that it can be. This is more then we can say about of a lot of former presidents.

If his job is to protect the American people, then going after the FDA is the right thing to do.

I'd rather him take on too much then too little, and I do hope he doesn't burn out. He could really turn this country around, but that doesn't mean he's going to run for a second term...

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Lottsa problems Jumbo

Maybe Crisis of the month is NOT a critisim of the issue

Maybe its to point out that TALK IS CHEAP

I support real solutions....so far Obama's solutions = Printing $$$$$

And this thread is about a specific topic. And you do this sort of thing in many threads. Now, since you're directly addessing me, I will respond directly, mi amigo. :)

Your post wasn't there yet when I wrote mine. I saw it after I posted. So my post did not directly address you, or, for that matter, stevenaa or deejaydana, who not usually deploy the type of posting style I was referencing. When I do choose to focus on a specific poster(s), I will quote their post(s) or make it clear by using their name(s). I'm not shy :).

While I like you as a member, and I do, I think your posts often (not always) cast you more of a hack than anything else. You generally embrace the regurgitating of minimally thought-out talking points and the kind of lock-step responses arising from a rigid "them bad/us good" bias applied to the vast majority of political issues/topcis that I've seen you address. Now as I go on in this post, some of my comments will be clearly specific to your remarks, and others will be general, again. :)

Now, while as I said, your post wasn't there at the time, the line I wrote jabbing at the easily predictable and usually simplistic responses on most any politically-related matter from reflexively rigid thinkers, which does seem to fit you, based on many (not all) of your posts.

But I restrict that analysis to just your posts on political themes and not beyond that to you as a person/member overall.

As far as "crisis of the month", were you calling such matters out during all the multi-colored lights "warning system" from Homeland, or during the “rush to Iraq & WMD” klaxons, or how about all the "terrorist warning/alerts" we'd get conveniently distracting during so many controversial political news stories in the previous eight years, just to name a few examples? Were you so concerned about "scare tactics" then? I'm skeptical. ;)

And did you miss Obama's "pep talk" just two days ago? And are the issues Obama's addressing not serious? Are some not dire? So we have a guy in the WH who isn’t ducking and dodging multiple issues behind a safe-to-make claim of “hey, my hands are full” and is instead meeting them head-on, as he told his constituents he would, failure or success to be determined. Some would say that's leadership.

At a young age, this guy has accomplished a lot personally, academically, and professionally. I'd suggest all that didn't happen because he was lazy, insecure, unmotivated, or hesitant. And he seems well more than some "figurehead" or "total delegator" type. Whether he is successful or a failure as POTUS is a little early to call for anyone with a healthily functioning brain, though serious concern is warranted during these times, including who was, and is now, president, and what has happened and may happen.

And if “talk is cheap“, then you my friend might be the Bruce Lee of paupers, because you seem to regard "making political talk" it as holy virtue just shy of the Great Commission. :silly:

Especially given, based on your posts, that your version of "talk" doesn't seem to include much listening or thinking about alternative views to "what you know you know already."

So far, Obama appears as a guy working his ass off in addressing these problems in concrete ways, whether you agree with him and his advisors’ or not. He has yet to manifest the "two vacations every month no matter what's going on"' stuff, and I hope he doesn't soon. Now I admit, I hope working directly at a personal and community, state, or national level on social and political concerns is something many of us do, and not just use compulsively posting our personal ideology on message boards as our main expression of involvement. I hope we can count you among us.

As for "just printing dollars", while the Bush bail-out may have been more of a mess regarding lack of oversight and specifics of execution (where and why the funds go), and while there are legitimate arguments against the TARP and budget bills, those efforts at least are far ahead in oversight, accountability, and controlled directivity of funds, and more needs to be done. In the case of a budget, we always have one, and it's the increase vs. freeze or reduction of spending that's the real debate, but again, at least there is more fosus and dialogue on areas of concern at the admin level than in the recent past. There is a lot more going on, right or wrong, then just “throwing money at it."

So as usual, and I am being blunt I know, you make a few vapid jingoistic statements (but you didn’t link some often-silly source :D) that don't even address the specific topic, let alone in any depth. That specific behavior is reflective of the type of posters I was referencing in my original comment.

This time, since you quoted me, I decided it would be appropriate to clarify my comments in reply. I usually don't much engage in semi-serious conversation with posters who present evidence that they are not here to really converse, or share their ideas and listen to others, and maybe even learn a little in the process as well as teach, but instead are here mainly to preach what they “already know" with a closed mind simply because they have a platform. Regardless of any unflattering nature some of my comments may contain, there is absolutely no personal ill-will attached...in this case. :D

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Lottsa problems Jumbo

Maybe Crisis of the month is NOT a critisim of the issue

Maybe its to point out that TALK IS CHEAP

I support real solutions....so far Obama's solutions = Printing $$$$$

Jumbo beat me to it in pointing out the more general flaws in your position. So, I'm going to get specific in pointing out how uninformed your position is in this.

By all accounts the FDA has been dysfunctional for many years, probably as far back as Reagan/Bush-or earlier. Over the years the FDA has been so under resourced that today they only inspect somewhere in the neighborhood of only 1% of imported foods. Furthermore, the climate of deregulation combined with antiquated laws and infrastructure has made their work of assuring food/drug safety difficult, if not impossible.

Now, please explain how one could go about fixing this problem WITHOUT spending more $$$ ? Maybe they could find food inspectors willing to work without being paid. Oh, I know. Obama is the "Magic Negro" so he'll just clap his hands and make the needed testing apparatus appear out of thin air. :rolleyes:

The bottom line is that we need to confront the fallatious idea that we've been fed by the right that Govt. should cost nothing. In general I agree that smaller Govt. is better. However at some point Govt gets so small that it can't effectively do the things we expect. So in effect what we've been saying for the past 3 decades is "I want roads, healthcare, safe food and water etc. but I'm not willing to pay for it." That's part of what Obama was referring to in his comment about putting away childish ideas.

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…..this thread is about a specific topic…..

Title in part-------Obama: be scared about food ……….

And comment from the OP

Looks like Obama keeps trying to distract people from the economic crisis... which may not be such a bad idea...
Topic seems to be related to Obama distracting/scaring us again?…seems my comment is inline

Heck, you could say my “Crisis of the Month” might be the SUB-Title

While I like you as a member, and I do,
Likewise your work and those on this site
I think your posts often (not always) cast you more of a hack than anything else. You generally embrace the regurgitating of minimally thought-out…….
lets just say that some of my thoughts take less time to gurgitate

Some of the best ideas are easy to understand….for some

….As far as "crisis of the month", were you calling such matters out during all the multi-colored lights "warning system" from Homeland, or during the “rush to Iraq & WMD” klaxons…
Can’t say as I did

I usually don’t provide food for liberal fires….I call that “Partisan”

Hacks ignore truth…Partisans embrace the truth of their positions

Partisan Hacks….you get the picture

….or how about all the "terrorist warning/alerts" we'd get conveniently distracting during so many controversial political news stories in the previous eight years, just to name a few examples?...
I guess you know that these warning were just Hackery?

You cut it off at 8 years…..hum, I remember a crisis now…..there was this aspirin factory once…..but that was more than 8 years ago

And did you miss Obama's "pep talk" just two days ago? And are the issues Obama's addressing not serious? Are some not dire?
Did Obama happen to mention Terrorism related food safety issues?…I missed it

Did you miss my line?

....Maybe Crisis of the month is NOT a critisim of the issue....
I would agree the Issue is real

I just think that Obama needs to de-escalate his rhetoric…..ergo “Crisis of the Month”

…..if “talk is cheap“, then you my friend might be the Bruce Lee of paupers, because you seem to regard "making political talk" it as holy virtue just shy of the Great Commission…
So my talk needs to = the Presidents?

I can only wish to be as good of a Talker as Obama

….there is absolutely no personal ill-will attached...
This Partisan blade will always be sharp….but your anti-hackery warning is noted
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IHOP, rather than do a point for point, I just want to say this was a great reply to my post, IMO. We will agree to disagree on several matters, but you expressed yourself well and in a manner that aligned with my intentions and effort to address you.

I wish this was the way it went more often when I choose to do such things. You reinforce my previous positive judgments of you, even within my more critical comments. While still finding you to be very partisan, and not that you should give a **** anyway :D, I also think you have merited removal of "hack" from my summary of your approach. You have clarified yourself effectively enough. I appreciate how you handled my response to you, and I respect your well-considered reaction. :)

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