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Greg Ellis: 'I think it takes more than one person to make it a bad locker room'


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"Do I think it was a good move? I don't think it was a good move," Ellis said. "Yeah, to me, I'm disappointed in it. When I see T.O. - and you've got to watch people, not necessarily what they say but watch their actions. And, I mean, to me, when I seen T.O. that day, that football game in Dallas, on our sideline, Patrick Crayton got the ball and T.O. comes out of nowhere and throws a block. That guy wants to play football. That guy cares and wants to win football games.

"I think it takes more than one person to make it a bad locker room, if you will," Ellis said. "And I say that because you've got to realize you're dealing with the NFL. You're not dealing with weak-hearted men. You're dealing with men that are used to coaches in their face cursing them out, saying a lot of bad things to them, a lot of language that you can't say on the radio. So you're used to that type of thing so I just don't buy into that any football player can verbally or really physically say one thing or do one thing to another football player to divide that football team.


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Im not trying to stick up for TO cause he is a problem sometimes but this year he actually was pretty good. Every Dallas game I watched the camera was on TO about 80% of the game hoping he would do something stupid and every reporter tried their best this year to get him to say something controversial in his press conferences but he said the right things for the most part. Again he does do and say some dumb stuff but I think he might have just been the scapegoat since its easy to point the fingers at him.

Remember good old Romo sits to pee was the one at the end of the year crying about Garretts offense sucking. Is he gonna get released to so there wont be heads butting between him and the offensive coach?

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It seems to me when you sign guys like TO Tank Johnson and Pacman Jones your asking for trouble. Once they added HBO hard knocks to the equation they were finished. I also see Jerry trying to bring in good locker room guys but it just hasn't worked out for him. This year its Keith Brooking and last year it was Zach Thomas.

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It seems to me when you sign guys like TO Tank Johnson and Pacman Jones your asking for trouble. Once they added HBO hard knocks to the equation they were finished. I also see Jerry trying to bring in good locker room guys but it just hasn't worked out for him. This year its Keith Brooking and last year it was Zach Thomas.

yeah...their organization is getting pretty embarassing

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Ellis is absolutely right about this. Warren Sapp used to talk about how divided the lockerroom was before Chucky got there. It's not that Dungy had no control over his team, but he held the D to a higher standard. The O would cost them games, but the D felt the whip of those losses. After a while the lockerroom became divided between O and D.

As far as the Pukes goes, it's easy to put the divisive target on T.O. because of his track record. But watch how bad this offense becomes without T.O. and then watch how divided it will become. In no way am I sticking up for T.O. but it's completely ridiculous to say one man can divide a lockerroom up. :helmet:

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I hear 3 words out of Elli's mouth every year ...

Wah Wah Wah.

He's just trying to get himself cut from the team.
Disgruntled as ever.

What's new?

Two years ago, he was the best player on your defense...and now, this is all the love you show him?

Puke fans...typical.

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Two years ago, he was the best player on your defense...and now, this is all the love you show him?

Puke fans...typical.

So me where I said that.

I'll wait. And wait. And continue to wait.

Until you provide another false statement.

Then the whole thing will start over again.

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So me where I said that.

I'll wait. And wait. And continue to wait.

Until you provide another false statement.

Then the whole thing will start over again.

You never said it...I did.

Try to read my posts and understand them before you make a silly post.

Ellis made Ware. Spencer will not.

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First Newman spoke out about how he thought they shouldnt havent let TO go and now Ellis is speaking out as well... Kinda weird how all the defensive players are sticking up for him. Was it Sam Hurd who said now Romo sits to pee wont always have to focus on TO. Sounds like to me the offensive players wanted him gone but the defensive players still wanted him here.

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don't forget that Roy Williams accompanied TO to the meeting with Garrett where TO complained about Witten getting preferential treatment from Romo sits to pee.

Williams is no panacea at WR. Yeah, he had a productive season in 2006 that put him on the NFL map as a presence, but to give up #1, #3 and #6 picks for him is a big gamble.

Sometimes Williams doesn't look like he has the desire to give up what it takes to become and remain an elite player.

The compensation for him was huge considering the Pats got Moss for a #4 pick, the Eagles originally got Owens for a #2 pick, etc.

Martin Mayhew's first move as GM of the Lions was a good one.

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