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DN : Dawk to Eagle Fans - Thank You!


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A true class act. I'm sad more for the person than the player.....especially this part....

"The day after, it would not be stretching to say Dawk sounded like he had regrets -- buyer's remorse, at the very least.

"In a couple of weeks or a month, I'll be excited about this team," Dawkins said. "I've got to get used to saying that -- I'm a Bronco." Then he paused. "I'll tell you one thing -- I'll always be an Eagle."

Then he paused again, and excused himself. "

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wrong message board for this type of thread


It's supposed to show that...

1 - He is a classy player...

2 - He is human...

3 - It is ATN...so even though it's a Redskins site, is it not okay to post something regarding a rival Bubba? I seem to remember that you posted an Eagles article ya darn self earlier today.....hmmmmm!

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It's supposed to show that...

1 - He is a classy player...

2 - He is human...

3 - It is ATN...so even though it's a Redskins site, is it not okay to post something regarding a rival Bubba? I seem to remember that you posted an Eagles article ya darn self earlier today.....hmmmmm!

This has no effect on the rest of the league IMO so its kinda dumb to have here.

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The moderators have the power to remove any thread. If this thread is in violation, why hasn't that happened?

They don't remove threads. Just close them.

And this thread is not breaking any rules. However, it doesn't hold any substance to be posted on a Skins site either. Albeit the ATN section.

This is a boo-hoo thread for the Wolverine. Somehow I think the only ones who care are the Eagle fans who frequent this site.

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They don't remove threads. Just close them.

And this thread is not breaking any rules. However, it doesn't hold any substance to be posted on a Skins site either. Albeit the ATN section.

This is a boo-hoo thread for the Wolverine. Somehow I think the only ones who care are the Eagle fans who frequent this site.

I didn't read the article and I don't intend to. I could guess what it would say and I'd be right within 5% or so. It's not something I care to read.

Still, seems like a matter of ignoring it into obsolescence to me.

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It's supposed to show that...

1 - He is a classy player...

2 - He is human...

3 - It is ATN...so even though it's a Redskins site, is it not okay to post something regarding a rival Bubba? I seem to remember that you posted an Eagles article ya darn self earlier today.....hmmmmm!

This is a section for news about players on other teams, as well as those teams in general right?

Therefore, why shouldn't this be a thread? This is news about a player from another team. Why are threads about how some ex-Cowboy (see the Quincy Carter thread below) met with jeers and laughter, yet a legitimately honest thread about a classy player is hushed up? Why will we make fun of Michael Vick, Pac-Man Jones, or some other bum player, but not respect a good one?

Are we turning into those classless Eagles or Raiders fans of whom we like to think we are better?

We as Redskins fans like to think we are a pretty reasonable, dedicated, and CLASSY fanbase. If that's the case, we should be appreciating the way a classy player is leaving his team, the same way we appreciated Jason Taylor doing something similar for the Dolphins. Plus, these are the stories of the NFL that don't exist much, and are always good to hear. We have had much worse threads than this posted and argued over, why bash this one?

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This is a section for news about players on other teams, as well as those teams in general right?

Therefore, why shouldn't this be a thread? This is news about a player from another team. Why are threads about how some ex-Cowboy (see the Quincy Carter thread below) met with jeers and laughter, yet a legitimately honest thread about a classy player is hushed up? Why will we make fun of Michael Vick, Pac-Man Jones, or some other bum player, but not respect a good one?

Are we turning into those classless Eagles or Raiders fans of whom we like to think we are better?

We as Redskins fans like to think we are a pretty reasonable, dedicated, and CLASSY fanbase. If that's the case, we should be appreciating the way a classy player is leaving his team, the same way we appreciated Jason Taylor doing something similar for the Dolphins. Plus, these are the stories of the NFL that don't exist much, and are always good to hear. We have had much worse threads than this posted and argued over, why bash this one?

WOW....now this post right here is CLASS!

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This is a section for news about players on other teams, as well as those teams in general right?

Therefore, why shouldn't this be a thread? This is news about a player from another team. Why are threads about how some ex-Cowboy (see the Quincy Carter thread below) met with jeers and laughter, yet a legitimately honest thread about a classy player is hushed up? Why will we make fun of Michael Vick, Pac-Man Jones, or some other bum player, but not respect a good one?

Are we turning into those classless Eagles or Raiders fans of whom we like to think we are better?

We as Redskins fans like to think we are a pretty reasonable, dedicated, and CLASSY fanbase. If that's the case, we should be appreciating the way a classy player is leaving his team, the same way we appreciated Jason Taylor doing something similar for the Dolphins. Plus, these are the stories of the NFL that don't exist much, and are always good to hear. We have had much worse threads than this posted and argued over, why bash this one?

I am not saying this should or shouldn't be a thread, but if someone started a thread for every quote any player has made, well the ATN would be flooded with senseless threads.

OK, the OP felt it was a classy quote by Dawkins, big whoop. Does it deserve a thread, I don't care that badly. But I certainly hope it would not spawn every yokle to start a thread based on a small quote a player said without there being more substance to the story.:2cents:

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OK, the OP felt it was a classy quote by Dawkins, big whoop. Does it deserve a thread, I don't care that badly. But I certainly hope it would not spawn every yokle to start a thread based on a small quote a player said without there being more substance to the story.:2cents:

I'd rather hear about a senseful thread about the Dawkins then I would a senseless thread about the Redskins, for which we are flooded with. Again, see Quincy Carter thread below, who cares?

And though it is a small quote, this to them would be like Darrell Green leaving us when he had about 2-3 seasons of playing time left. As the ATN section is for news of other teams and players, and since it's a pretty high-profile player involved, I don't think there is a problem with it. If you have a problem with reading it, then don't read it. I for one like to know who may be the decent players off the field in the league and who aren't.

Oh, and cheap shot artist? Our own Dirty 30 and even our late Sean Taylor had their fair share of them. Landry has had some pretty flagrant ones. It's part of the game.

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Classy player?

Try cheap shot artist...

Really?? I never thought of him as a cheap shot artist. He would lay the wood to you, but always seemed pretty clean to me. You want a cheap shot artist, think Andre Waters. Now there was a cheap shot artist.

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