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JLC: Skins FA Buzz (Canty)


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At last, something that makes sense! Get Canty!


Skins Like Canty ... and Other Free-Agent Buzz

While Daniel Snyder's meeting with the agent for defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth drew lots of attention, many people around Redskins Park say they would be surprised if the Skins spent the kind of money it would take to land him. And if they did try to make that happen, it would leave them with other holes they could not fill. (I continue to say buyer beware when it comes to this guy, especially if he has the security of $30 million guaranteed in his pocket.)

Snyder and other owners meet with lots of agents at the combine - the Skins chatted with at least a half-dozen about free-agent deals, etc. - and, according to team and league sources, Dallas defensive lineman Chris Canty is someone they have significant interest in signing, and someone who is cost effective.

The plan remains largely as it was more than a month ago - to try to re-sign DeAngelo Hall, plug gaps on the offensive and defensive lines with value free agents, and likely re-sign some of their aging veterans on the cheap as insurance (Pete Kendall, maybe Phillip Daniels). Vinny Cerrato, the vice president of football operations, has expressed some frustration to others around the league about the slow progress with Hall, and the gap that exists between the sides, but the Redskins will continue try to sign him until free agency begins at 12:01 Friday.

Beyond that move, Cerrato is looking to address the lines in free agency. Canty is seen as a younger, more dynamic Daniels, according to a team source, and could occupy multiple blockers and stuff the run on first and second down, then rush from the inside on third down. (That's free agent Demetric Evans's role from a year ago, and explains why the team hasn't even given him a lowball offer to this point).

With Canty doing the dirty work, defensive end Jason Taylor might be able to play strong-side linebacker and rush from there, being granted more freedom from run responsibilities and being able to play the run on the way to the passer. (It's still baffling why they would bring Taylor back at $8 million, given his injuries and poor 2008 season and the fact that there would likely be no interest in him anywhere else at anything close to that salary. Still, Cerrato has long had a close relationship with Taylor's agent, Gary Wichard, who also happened to be Adam Archuleta's agent, for those keeping score at home.)

Canty is in that second tier of free agents the Skins will persue, but even so his average salary could creep to around $8 million. He's been a stalwart for years, played at Virginia and has a solid character. At just 26, he'd fit the long-overdue youth movement. He has played in a 3-4, but can play in a 4-3 as well. The other guy like that out there, San Diego's Igor Olshansky, has not drawn interest from the Skins, according to a league source. I get the sense from inside and outside the building that Canty would be their guy.

On the offensive side of the ball, we've long established that internally the Skins believe they need two guards and a tackle. They may not have the cap space and budget to go after a money guy here, especially if they were to sign Hall and Canty, for instance, but Mark Tauscher could be a name to watch as well. Tauscher has been a very good right tackle for the Packers for a long time, and is recovering from anterior cruciate ligament surgery. (He will ready for training camp, according to his agent, Neil Cornrich, and, while at 31 he's on the older side, he would be an upgrade if healthy.) He has shined in the postseason in the past against some of the better pass rushers and is a guy who has averaged $5 million a season in the past.

If you get him for a short-term deal, and you want some insurance at a vital position (Chris Samuels is coming off major surgery, even if the Skins do draft a tackle), you could do a whole lot worse. The Skins have only four draft picks and taking a tackle at 13 might not make sense. Tauscher plays squat and is bright, so a switch to the interior would not be impossible. Cornrich would not speak about particular teams in the hunt but did say, "it's been a very aggressive pre-free agency period," when asked about the potential market for Tauscher.

(One other thing related to the offensive line: I know a lot of you like Jets guard Brandon Moore, who will be released for cap purposes. However, the Skins have given no indication to this point that they will be in the hunt for the 27-year-old. From what I am gathering, I would be surprised if they pursue him - though he would surely be a major upgrade.)

By Jason La Canfora | February 23, 2009; 7:26 PM ET

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This is the way to go....Big run stuffing DE who is only 26!!!

Get players who fit the scheme, and although they might be expensive, won't be in the Haynesworth category.....While we'd like to see them getting younger immediately, its a progression and if that means upgrading with a short term fill in at tackle like Tauchser then go for it.....

If we make moves along this line and then draft a OLB/DE prospect like an Orakpo or Brown, then that's a good step in the right direction for this FO......What better player would there be than Jason Taylor for an OLB/DE like Orakpo or Brown to learn from.....

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A really good post from Jason for a change with some meat in it. Canty would be a great guy to go after but it does bother me a bit that we are letting the cat out of the bag with letting the world know that we'd keep Jason Taylor for 8 million. No matter how you look at it we've unnecessarily lost some of our bargaining power with Canty now. If he knows Taylors worth 8 million, he's not going to come cheap. Speaking about Taylor for once I actually want to quote JLC

"It's still baffling why they would bring Taylor back at $8 million, given his injuries and poor 2008 season and the fact that there would likely be no interest in him anywhere else at anything close to that salary."

He's absolutely right about that. We may have screwed ourselves with Canty agreeing to keep that bum another year at that price. Vinnie Cerato is an idiot and needs removed. We could have kept quiet about Taylor if we wanted to keep him and then gone after Canty and paid him 5-6 million a year but Vinnie had to let the world know we are complete morons and we were going to pay him 8 million after that pitiful display he called a season. Dont give me that crap that he was injured, Jason Taylors washed up and he should be let go peroid. If we want Canty we just agreed to a similar contract with him and for what? So that Jason Taylor feels better. Good god if that bit about his agents correct Vinnie should be fired tonight :(

We need to move past Hall, he's going where the money is and its not from us. That realities starting to set in. I am fine losing him.

We need to go after offensive lineman, I've been saying that here all day. If we can bring in some players to strengthen the line we have an opportunity to draft a LB like so many of you here want. I don't know how we are going to afford these players being so close to the cap but if its true I'd be happy

Good post Jason!

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You guys are fooling yourself thinking that Canty's or anyone in the leagues going to come here on the cheap. After telling the world that we would pay 8 million for another year of the Jason Taylor expirament we just lost all of our barganing power. Why in the hell did we have to announce that today before FA? Was the front office looking to get screwed over or were they looking for an excuse why they don't bring in more guys next season? There was a reason for this announcement, Jason's still contracted to us, we didn't need to do that. Im not one for conspiracys but I smell a rat

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Say NO to Canty. We don't need any ex-Cowboys on this roster.

He'd be a great fit here, for our defense. I think it makes tremendous sense, at the right price, of course.


When I first read about Canty becoming a FA, I was all about it! I just hope they don't overspend!

I remember your post. You were all over this before JLC hopped on the horn to dial his "sources."

I liked the move then and I like the move now.

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At least after 2009, we will have Taylors, Springs, Griff (likely), Daniels (likely), Thrash, Yoder, and maybe finally Jansen's contracts off our hands (especially if its an uncapped year). If we bring in Canty or any other FAs, we pay them a little less for 2009 and bump it up after that.

I'm getting a little nervous that we are starting to look like we are putting together a patchwork offensive line for another year, based on the ''buzz'' and the courting of Orakpo. That really is going to hurt the offense. But, I guess we weren't going to win the SB this year anyway.

If 2010 is uncapped, I see the team making BIG moves after this upcoming season... especially on the O-line.

Canty has also been on my wish list the whole time. Would be thrilled for a smart FA signing.

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I like Canty's size, abilities and versatility a lot and think he'd be a good fit. The problem is with those attributes he can fit into a 3-4 and a 4-3 scheme. In a small market of good, young, talented FA defensive linemen he is going to get a big deal after a bidding war. It isn't worth spending the farm on him.

I sure as hell hope they can come to an agreement with DHall.

Please don't just bring in old linemen in again. Trade down and draft many linemen.

And why not look at OG Moore. He is a good player and not as old as most of the rest of our OL.

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Canty is still young and might be a good fit here for the right price. We could tender Taylor an offer to stay, but I can't see another team paying him $4M, much less the $8M we seem to be eager to shell out. I wonder if Vinny is just taking kickbacks from these agents, or if he is actually swapping fluids? Love makes a man do funny things...

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So, the Skins FO is finally coming around to Canty. Bout time, Vinny. Where were you in 2005 when we were calling for you to draft him in the 4th but decided to take FB Manuel White instead? Oh right, that goes against the whole not drafting lineman in the first 4 rounds so we can pay them big free agent dollars instead philosophy.

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