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JLC: Skins FA Buzz (Canty)


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OK, we get it. You've said the same thing 3 times in this thread. Did it ever occur to you that current sack-leader and possible future Hall of Famer Jason Taylor might command more money than 26 year old Canty?

Hahaha your a riot. Is this Vinny Ceratto in disguise? For real dude, come outta the closet and take a bow.

The only team that thinks of Jason Taylor and places one ounce of importance in "The Current Sack Leader" is our dumbass team. You want another Bruce Smith here? A guy thats washed up, well past his prime, looking out for himself and his stupid ass records and not playing for the Redskins?

Jason Taylor got all of those sacks on another team, playing in a different position, and was MUCH MUCH younger. What Jason Taylor did 5 years ago means NOTHING buddy. He is a shell of his former self. Paying a player 8 million bucks who produced the year that Jason did is dumb, stupid, and no other team in the league would do that except us. Your right I've said that several times in this thread and I'm going to keep saying it. Its mind baffeling why with all of the problems we have on this current team, with all of the players we need, with the little bit of cap room we have comparred to the rest of the league why in the hell we'd want to keep this super expensive stop gap for one more season?

As far as Jason Taylor commanding more money then Canty, dude that's wrong. Jason Taylor is on the other side of his career, Canty has many more years of playing left. The only thing that Jason has over Canty is his name, and unless your Daniel Snyder with an agenda to sell shirts and are running a hustle on your fan base no one in there right minds would pay Jason Taylor more money then a younger, better, more athletic, healthier, Canty. No one in the league was sniffing Jason Taylor this offseason but I'd bet your paycheck that many teams are interested in Canty.

My beef with this is that if the teams willing to announce we are willing to overspend on a washed up Jason Taylor any agent would be salavating at the idea of the Redskins payday in his future. We didn't need to keep Jason and no way in hell should we keep him at his price and no way in hell should we have announced how dumb our front office is at negotiations prior to the start of FA.

The 8 mill. sucks, but a restructure keeps Taylor here for longer. If we move him to LBer and groom a rookie behind him, with Canty on the line, it could be a good move. Taylor is here like it or not, so quit ranting about the same situation throughout this thread. And no, other teams aren't going to just try and take advantage of us.

Your wrong about that buddy, do you think that other teams pay attention to what we do? Of course they do. Saying otherwise is wrong.

We had one trade last offseason which, due to injury, looks bad. However, you completely ignore we overpaid guys in '06, yet since have brought players in at decent prices. Again, Taylor commands more money than a lot of these other players, and besides, we inherited his contract, and both sides gave a 2 year commitment. It's not like we went out and signed him at 8 million a year. You're simply reading way too much into the situation cuz apparently Jason Taylor making 8 million this year has ruined your life.

Nope but he sure as hell helped ruin any chance we had of signing some decent role players this offseason. We won't be able to get Canty or any other decent FA's with this deal. 8 million a year to Jason is 8 million we could have spent on a guy like Canty. You just aren't seeing the rippling effects yet. Believe me you will

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:applause:The man himself stated that he did'nt even think that he was worth $8m.

I think that it's just easier for some people to point fingers, judge and hate rather than take into consideration all of the contributing factors that were an obvious part of Taylor's unsuccessful season.

He doesn't think he's worth 8 million a year but we do? And some of you justify our announcement :doh:

All of you are simply guessing and hoping that he openly takes a pay cut, with no proof to back that up or reason for believing it. Your being hustled and believing what you hope will happen without any proof, go ahead and fool yourselves. Unless I see it I won't believe that any player in the NFL would give back money to a franchise unless he's being threatened to be cut or traded. The NFLPA wouldn't allow it and Jason doesn't owe us anything

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If Canty were to come cheap, he'd be resigned by Dallas.

That's the problem. He wants a contract he hasn't earned, but the market, sadly is where it is. (Thanks Al Davis).

On my way home today WTOP reported Snyder is willing to outbid all teams and pay Haynesworth 15M/yr. That would be about 1M per game, except he don't play but about a dozen games in a good year. I'd pay Canty nearly half that. Of course, I would only have offered JT 3 or 4 to stay too. I wanted Haynesworth, but come on. This stinks more and more like Bruce Smith every day. Lessons have not been learned. And our FO continues to break records, sticking their own head farther up their ass than any man before.
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On my way home today WTOP reported Snyder is willing to outbid all teams and pay Haynesworth 15M/yr. That would be about 1M per game, except he don't play but about a dozen games in a good year. I'd pay Canty nearly half that. Of course, I would only have offered JT 3 or 4 to stay too. I wanted Haynesworth, but come on. This stinks more and more like Bruce Smith every day. Lessons have not been learned. And our FO continues to break records, sticking their own head farther up their ass than any man before.

It's refreshing seeing you recognize this.

While I really like Canty and think he CAN BECOME the 1st round talent he was projected, he hasn't earned nearly close to that.

While AH has been extremely dominant, he too is not worth the contract he desires.

And if Snyder, or any other GM gives them these outrageous contracts, it will only make it worse from here on out.

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Canty makes alot of sense. With his size 6' 7" 304lbs he could become a nice DT for us or play DE.

My only problem with this is that Canty, while talented, is a 3-4 DE and came from UVA which runs a 3-4 defense where he played DE and TE. DEs in a 3-4 aren't generally sack guys, more big guys that can hold the point of attack and let the rush OLBs get sacks. He hasn't had much, if any, experience as a 4-3 DE or as a 4-3 DT. IMO he could be a bit lanky to move to DT which isn't even a position he has had experience playing. I'm wondering if, at his height and weight, he could get stood up a lot at DT if going against a Guard with good leverage. Would he cost less than Haynesworth? Sure. Would he have as much of an impact on our line? Unlikely. Would he be "cheap"? No way.

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