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Beef Section - AKA People's Court!


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A whole lotta beefing going on.....certain Eagles fans including myself to a degree are upset with other Eagles fans. Certain Skins fans are made at a certain Eagles fan who is mad that another Eagles fan is getting more love than him. Then should I bring up tr1 vs the entire state of Texas?

Got a problem, I say post it and let's handle it before the off season offically starts. There has got to be some unity up here....so....

If you got beef....let it be known..... :mad:

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it appears to me that nobody wants to be the first one to admit they gave up on their team until they made the NFCG. it looked to me like the anti-iggle threads being started by iggles were all over the place and noone is innocent when it comes to bashing their own team.

but cowbum fans have no room to talk. they will do the exact opposite and defend pieces of **** even when they act like it ie. pacman. but now that pacman and tank are gone its game on.

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I'm going to claim diplomatic immunity.

IMO, any posts made within 24 hours of a team's loss (or tie and postgame confusion of why there was a tie) should be inadmissable as evidence against said poster. After that period, posts made are the poster's public policy and it would behoove a poster that wants to be taken seriously to not post something they'll regret later.

I gave up on AR in 2006, after an abysmal 2005 where he allowed DM to win an ugly locker room ****fest b/c he and TO couldn't play nice. In 2006 they were 5-6, McNabb tore his ACL and the team was awful. Reid turned the team around, winning three divisional road games and a playoff game before losing to the Saints. During that run, I swore I'd not give up on Reid again, and for the most part I haven't. My point all along has been yes, he's frustrating as hell at times, and for whatever reason he hasn't modified his offense, when it's obvious that it can't win the SB against good teams. However, he does have a plan, hardly ever bashes his players/coaches publicly, the players buy into his plan, and his teams normally are playing their best football at the end of the year.

I contend (and have contended) that Reid should be head coach only although he should have significant input into player/personnel decisions. But, get a real personnel guy in there and let him handle that side of it.

As for McNabb...not sure what to say. He isn't a WCO QB. He's a great QB, but he's not a WCO QB. I'd love to see a change in the offense to allow for significant more run plays, but I don't see that happening. So, we're kind of stuck with a good QB that isn't suited for the system. But, I'll take that over what about 20 other teams currently have.

To my fellow Eagle fans, 3rd or 4th place does suck. But not NEARLY as bad as 1982-2000. EIGHTEEN years! Remember that. The city's favorite coach (Vermeil) was destroyed in the SB. The city's close second favorite coach (Buddy Ryan) was a joke in the postseason (0/3). Marion Campbell, Kotite, Ray Rhodes...ugh.

It CAN get worse. Easily. Look how hard it was/is for teams to find a franchise QB. Dallas, Washington, NYJ, Arizona, Minnesota, Chicago, Detroit, San Fran, Cleveland, Buffalo, Tampa, Oakland, and probably others I'm not thinking of. Change isn't always going to result in a better situation.


Pollyanna Club President

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Pollyanna Club President
Wait, I thought you were a reporter for the Penny Saver? ;)

I know where you're coming from with the 24 hour diplomatic immunity concept but I disagree. Oh you can be upset about the game/team but for goodness sake, man up and admit displeasure and move on.......Following a loss instead of publicly whining in thread after thread, take a night off.

Oh and thanks for the Kotite mention. It brought a big smile to my face. :D

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This is the time of year I love to sit back and watch. Come preseason it will be fun reading all the rankings of the NFCE and how now that Jerrah has picked up ............ they Cowboys are surely going to the Superbowl this year.

Right now the Eagles fans are imploding, just shortly after the Cowboys fans imploded. Its funny I didn't see Tom going totally bonkers, but I guess I missed that one. I know I know the Redskins were not all that great, finishing in the cellar, but I'm damn sure we are going to the Superbowl next year. :D:cheers:

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Wait, I thought you were a reporter for the Penny Saver?

That too, but it doesn't pay as well as I'd like.

I know where you're coming from with the 24 hour diplomatic immunity concept but I disagree. Oh you can be upset about the game/team but for goodness sake, man up and admit displeasure and move on.......Following a loss instead of publicly whining in thread after thread, take a night off.

My point was sometimes we say stuff that is not well thought out...thanks to having been drinking and watching your team lose crappily. But yeah, you're probably right, avoid the excessive posting after a game.

Oh and thanks for the Kotite mention. It brought a big smile to my face.

Glad someone can see humor in it! For all the skins fans that complained about Gibbs' "fought their guts out" repetitive comments, they didn't have to listen to Rich Kotite say, "we left nothing on the field" after each loss.


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How's Kolb coming along?

He's great at what he does (clipboard holder)!

Seriously, who knows? At this point, he has to develop into a franchise QB due to the fact that they really could have used talent from that draft pick. But, it's impossible to be able to tell how he's going to do based on his minimal opportunities. First take is that it's not looking too good!

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it appears to me that nobody wants to be the first one to admit they gave up on their team until they made the NFCG. it looked to me like the anti-iggle threads being started by iggles were all over the place and noone is innocent when it comes to bashing their own team.

Mike, you hit the nail on the head. This thread is pretty stupid. Two Eagles fans tried to place themselves above the fray and called me out in their frustration over the Eagles. Kind of petty, but whatever. N5 tells me that it is well documented that I bailed on the Eagles first. Ahem...


Let's keep it real....they suck and should be considered an punchline to a joke made in poor taste. If we replayed a Reid or McNabb PC from 2002 it would sound exactly the same as now. They are like a bad Vegas show that is on constant repeat. Come on with the fake smiles and "I need to put my players in better positions"...JESUS, you've had over 10 years to put your players in better positions!!! And McNabb.....look, I smoke at least 3 bags of green a day and after I run 15 yards, I don't need a timeout. You sir, have become a living joke and I think that your days as the "Face Of The Franchise" are over. (No one mentioned last week during the Seattle game, that it was Westbrook, not McNabb who was on the sidelines rallying the troops) Sorry to say it, but maybe T.O. was right......

Kevin Kolb wasn't drafted to fill a roster spot. My gut tells me that if all is lost by the Dallas game, we will see a new QB under center and for some reason, I don't feel to bad about those prospects....then again, baseball season is how many weeks away????

It's ok, Kenny. You are right. I am the worst of the Eagles fans and totally gave up on the team unlike you because I posted this on December 23rd when they were back in the playoff race:

As all of you know, I hate football. I'm ok with my lot in life. Football ended early this year; actually a blessing in disguise. After the Eagles got killed by Baltimore, and McNabb was benched, I actually felt a sense of relief. I think most Philly fans have an epiphany like this once a season when they realize that we simply won't win the Superbowl, yet again.

You always seemed like a standup guy. What happened?

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Mike, you hit the nail on the head. This thread is pretty stupid. Two Eagles fans tried to place themselves above the fray and called me out in their frustration over the Eagles. Kind of petty, but whatever. N5 tells me that it is well documented that I bailed on the Eagles first. Ahem...


It's ok, Kenny. You are right. I am the worst of the Eagles fans and totally gave up on the team unlike you because I posted this on December 23rd when they were back in the playoff race:

You always seemed like a standup guy. What happened?

This thread has suddenly become a lot more interesting.

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This thread has suddenly become a lot more interesting.

Interesting true, but I hate to see friends bickering back and forth. Even Eagles fans. It's a shame really. This area of the message board usually isn't this way, that's why I come here rather read all the ****ing in the stadium. Here there are usually some really good discussions. Oh yeah, a bit of your team sucks but that's to be expected when you have fans from other teams get together.

Hey the season is over, guys take a deep breath, relax and look forward to next year.

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If I had one wish, it would not be for a huge dork, two women at the same time, or a million dollars. It would be for there to have never been a such thing as football. This isn't hyperbole. I am speaking from the bottom of my heart. I wish there was never football, never a National Football League, never the Philadelphia Eagles.

If I ever post again about the Eagles winning the Superbowl, please link this thread to remind me of my true feelings.

October 30th, 2006....seems that the bailing that WE remember was before this season. Now if you want to post some of my classic quotes....I got some for you right here kiddo....



Sorry, I know Who Del posted this already, but I wanted to vent also. For the record, many of you know me as an objective and fair football fan who loves his team, but respects the game.....



Yes, I'm okay with rooting on a loser. I will tell you why...

For as long as I can remember, I've been an Eagles fan and will continue to be one. There was the Vermill era, when the team rose from the ashes better known as the mid 70's to become a consistent threat to the NFC even making it to the Super Bowl in 1981. Then after a few years of terrible football, Buddy Ryan brought the team back to the brink of respectablity with a dominant defense and one of the most electric players (Randall Cunningham) only to fall short as Vermill did before him. We were blessed for two seasons with Ray Rhodes who brought us Duce Staley, Brian Dawkins, Bobby Taylor, and Troy Vincent.

Funny thing is that while I have trashed everyone on this team from Dawkins....

You got ole' Broken Neck (sorry Dawk, but I'm calling it like I see it) leading the Eagles cheers, after a f**king field goal? Dude, real talk, hang up the cleats, maybe the team could use the money to sign a younger, faster version of you! I mean, as much as I hate to say it, but I'd rather have the Skins FS and SS right now because more than anything else, those two are what you were....YOUNG, FASTER, and HUNGRY! Imagine the Eagles CBs with the Skins' Safeties....WOW!

from the famous N5 No Spin Zone thread - http://extremeskins.com/showthread.php?t=217810

Or my personal favorite...


Which has a very interesting quote in the second response...

I have no problem telling the truth and basically blasting the players, but I never EVER had said that I am no longer a fan of the team or the sport.

Then again...kinda like the Dennis Green quote, this will live with you forever.....

I am speaking from the bottom of my heart. I wish there was never football, never a National Football League, never the Philadelphia Eagles.

Oh and this....

If I ever post again about the Eagles winning the Superbowl, please link this thread to remind me of my true feelings.

Again, I might have told players and coaches to kick rocks, but I love my Eagles, and it's clear in everything I have ever written.

Oh....and one more time

If I ever post again about the Eagles winning the Superbowl, please link this thread to remind me of my true feelings.

Enjoy tr1..... :)

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Wow, you're like my wife when I try and argue with her. Every misdeed of my past! I can't even remember what she wore two days ago, much less said, but she's got it memorized.

C'mon...it's just football! :cheers:


We all Eagles fans bro.....but I'm a parent of four boys....it's my job to remember everything. :D

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tr1 what's up man why you haten on Texans? The Skins have some loyal fans down here bro. Don't toss out the entire batch because of some bad apples!!!

I don't hate Texans...I just don't like puke fans...well at least the un-objective ones that tend to post in ATN.

I was in Texas all winter last year. Had a great time.

Kept looking for puke gear on folks, and just didn't see it. Only saw it in HEB's.

Go figure.

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N5, if you can't pick out the clear hyperbole and attempt at humor as well as poking fun at all Eagles fans in my "I hate football" thread, then I don't know what to tell you.

Remember, Mr. Lets start a beef thread because I started a beef by throwing another Eagles fan under the bus for no reason, you threw stones from your glass house.

It's ok; you are the best fan ever and I deserved your venom after the Eagles loss because of a thread from 2006. You win. Congrats.

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