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Protests over BART shooting turn violent


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i guess i don't know the right way, but i do know that they're going about it in a wrong way. it's just not productive.
Agreed again.
We saw what happened to the unarmed black man, imagine if a group went ot the police station dead set on rioting...it wouldn't be pretty.
No, no it wouldn't.

I am fairly certain there is a very large group of blacks in every major city, who feel very similar to the way you and the Oakland folks feel. I am also certain there are a very large group of white "bible and gun hugging" folks around the country who would agree in principle to a lot of those things.

It's a federal crime to say that the blacks and whites who agree with this, should unite and do something about it. It would make you a terrorist.

But that would seem to be much, much more productive. Wouldn't it?

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I guess it matters because it could have been ME. Maybe I am a little more sensitive because I have been pulled over for DWB. I guess the point is this happens to young black men quite a bit. There is also a story out about a Former MLB son who was shot by Houston police officer in HIS DRIVEWAY because the officer assumed he was driving a stolen car. And the kid got shot. Thanks goodness he will live, but it is frustrating. The video is below.


I understand, but it could have been ME too (I am white). The point is it could have been anyone. I don't think he meant to shoot the guy (I am basing this on the video and nothing else. He seemed shocked when the gun went off).

Then again maybe he was a KKK leader on the weekends, I just don't know. The more I think about it I believe it was a mistake. Lets say he wanted to kill the guy for being black or just an *******, he knew he was being watched by like 50 people! Not the right time to kill someone.

Even if it was a mistake, that man should still face some kind of charges and have to fight to stay out of jail like anyone else.:2cents:

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Does anyone know why the unarmed, nondangerous, completely virgin inocent man was being arrested? I'm sure the cop just walked up to a black man made him lay down and smoked him in the back. Does anyone know the whole story?

Well he wasn't being arrested. The guys he was with were already in handcuffs. He was up against the wall telling them to just do what the police officers said.

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Does anyone know why the unarmed, nondangerous, completely virgin inocent man was being arrested? I'm sure the cop just walked up to a black man made him lay down and smoked him in the back. Does anyone know the whole story?

Doesn't matter. He was face down with a cops knee in his back and as you said "unarmed". Let's assume he had done something horrible... lets say he just kicked two dogs and punched a baby in the face. Justifed to shoot him while laying face down with a cop on his back, completely unarmed? No.

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It got a hell of a lot of attention in the Bay Area right from the get-go.

I said "national media attention". CNN didn't have the story about this situation until the rioter came into the picture. I just don't see why people don't understand the anger. Sometimes people do things out of frustration, no matter how destructive it is. And it seems only then we pay attention....the same principle has been exhibited in world events.

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I said "national media attention". CNN didn't have the story about this situation until the rioter came into the picture. I just don't see why people don't understand the anger. Sometimes people do things out of frustration, no matter how destructive it is. And it seems only then we pay attention....the same principle has been exhibited in world events.

I heard about this before the rioting. I remember discussing the likelihood of riots(more in the context of if this guy is convicted of anything).

And again, as MH has said a number of times. A lot of people do understand the fear, frustration, anger, etc...just don't think the rioting approach will really accomplish anything. Controlling emotions is what separate people from animals and grown ups from children. Did MLK ever advocate rioting?

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Looks like the victim was struggling when the officer pulled out the gun and it went off on accident...look at everyone's reaction when the gun goes off. :2cents:

I'd argue there is no reason to pull the gun in the first place. The "suspect" is down and frankly I'm sick of hearing about people struggling. When someone puts their knee on your back depending on where it lands you are going to do the worm (from the pain) as well.

Also... trigger discipline.

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I'd argue there is no reason to pull the gun in the first place. The "suspect" is down and frankly I'm sick of hearing about people struggling. When someone puts their knee on your back depending on where it lands you are going to do the worm (from the pain) as well.

Also... trigger discipline.

There is also speculation that he "meant" to grab his taser not gun. Not something that should clear but could be a matter of "mitigation" in this case.

It is possible that this transit cop didn't mean to or want to kill anyone...and yeah, I know that is of little consolation to the family that lost the dead guy.

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There is also speculation that he "meant" to grab his taser not gun. Not something that should clear but could be a matter of "mitigation" in this case.

It is possible that this transit cop didn't mean to or want to kill anyone...and yeah, I know that is of little consolation to the family that lost the dead guy.

Oh, well that's all fine then. If he didn't mean to do it, then what's the big deal.


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There is also speculation that he "meant" to grab his taser not gun. Not something that should clear but could be a matter of "mitigation" in this case.

It is possible that this transit cop didn't mean to or want to kill anyone...and yeah, I know that is of little consolation to the family that lost the dead guy.

How dumb of a person do you have to be to not realize the thing you're about to pull the trigger on is a gun and not a taser?

Last time I checked, cops should be able to tell the difference when it's in their hands.

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Oh, well that's all fine then. If he didn't mean to do it, then what's the big deal.


No, its not fine.

Is there no difference in your mind between a cop that deliberately murders someone for being black(or poor or whatever) and a cop that did unintentionally or even through extreme negligence? I assume there is a reason why our legal system is built on "criminal act AND intent" principle.

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How dumb of a person do you have to be to not realize the thing you're about to pull the trigger on is a gun and not a taser?

Last time I checked, cops should be able to tell the difference when it's in their hands.

Being "dumb" or "grossly negligent and incompetent" does not equal being a "racist murderer".

When was the last time you checked?

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No, its not fine.

Is there no difference in your mind between a cop that deliberately murders someone for being black(or poor or whatever) and a cop that did unintentionally or even through extreme negligence? I assume there is a reason why our legal system is built on "criminal act AND intent" principle.

I think I would prefer a bunch of armed racists who know what they are doing, over a guy who doesn't know the difference between a taser and a real gun or a guy who can't handle a real fire arm.

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Being "dumb" or "grossly negligent and incompetent" does not equal being a "racist murderer".

When was the last time you checked?

I didn't call him a racist murderer. Nor did I justify what these people are doing.

What I'm saying is that even in the "spur of the moment" you should be able to tell the difference between the feel of a gun and a taser, right?

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I think I would prefer a bunch of armed racists who know what they are doing, over a guy who doesn't know the difference between a taser and a real gun or a guy who can't handle a real fire arm.

Great answer...if the question was which do you prefer.

In a roundabout way by identifying the different "groups" you have shown that you do not put them in the same category....and neither does the court system. Although I suspect the courts are more "favorable" to an incompetent transit cop than they would be to a racist murderer transist cop

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I didn't call him a racist murderer. Nor did I justify what these people are doing.

What I'm saying is that even in the "spur of the moment" you should be able to tell the difference between the feel of a gun and a taser, right?

Yeah, I would think that a cop should be able to tell the difference...that doesn't mean that they all can.

I have two basic points with respect to this thread...

1) Rioting is not the answer

2) It is possible that this is a matter of incompetence and not racism...at least in my mind there is a difference

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Yeah, I would think that a cop should be able to tell the difference...that doesn't mean that they all can.

I have two basic points with respect to this thread...

1) Rioting is not the answer

2) It is possible that this is a matter of incompetence and not racism...at least in my mind there is a difference

I would agree with both of these but #2 is up in the air for debate.

Truth is, we can only assume why it happened. We will never truly know.

So really, these people rioting are only making themselves look like idiots.

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I heard about this before the rioting. I remember discussing the likelihood of riots(more in the context of if this guy is convicted of anything).

And again, as MH has said a number of times. A lot of people do understand the fear, frustration, anger, etc...just don't think the rioting approach will really accomplish anything. Controlling emotions is what separate people from animals and grown ups from children. Did MLK ever advocate rioting?

I didn't see this story on the front page of CNN, or any other mian stream publication. It seems that this story only mattered when people rioted. That is the only time it seems this story got national media attention.

Martin Luthre King would never approve of these measures. But he wasn't a fool either. The SCLC was staging protest for Civil Rights for a long time before something was done about it. They pleaded with JFK to do someting about it, but JFK didn't move until the media brought national attention to the situation. MLK understood that peopel had to see the injustice that was in existence in order for things to change. That change only happened when people put themselves in harms way and challenged the system.

I don't mean to advocate violence. The whole situation is a travesty to me. The national media can put more attention on Kaylee Anthony, but only put the spotlight on a systemic problem when people decide to cause destruction.

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I would agree with both of these but #2 is up in the air for debate.

Truth is, we can only assume why it happened. We will never truly know.

So really, these people rioting are only making themselves look like idiots.


#2 is certainly up for debate. And I'm not even making a stand one way or the other at this point. I really don't think many people can make an informed judgment as to real answer. Hopefully the investigation and trial will turn out an answer as close to the truth as we can get, and certainly closer than we are now.

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Yeah, I would think that a cop should be able to tell the difference...that doesn't mean that they all can.

I have two basic points with respect to this thread...

1) Rioting is not the answer

2) It is possible that this is a matter of incompetence and not racism...at least in my mind there is a difference

Rioting is an answer. It may not be the correct one and it certainly wasn't conducted the correct way or directed at the correct people anyway, but it received national attention and that is a good thing.

Great answer...if the question was which do you prefer.

In a roundabout way by identifying the different "groups" you have shown that you do not put them in the same category....and neither does the court system. Although I suspect the courts are more "favorable" to an incompetent transit cop than they would be to a racist murderer transist cop

Of course I don't place incompetent and racist in the same group (unless we are talking about as a quality human being anyway) and it is worse in the eyes of the law to be a racist than a murderer let alone incompetent.

Which is a whole other problem in my mind.

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