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Why is a boring, unwatchable sport like soccer the most watched sport in the world?


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First, I think it's funny that this guy has been outed with this anti soccer agenda all over the internet. I'm sure it's because when he was a kid some rotten french guy killed his puppy with a soccer ball or something.

Secondly, I don't much care for soccer either, but I must admit that when I stop on a soccer game while channel flipping, it's hard to turn it off. The action never ever stops.

Granted, it's not long before I figure out that this action is not much action at all, but it can be compelling.


he didnt know the theme song to "manchester united"

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****. Budweiser was bought by some belgian company InBev. :mad::mad::mad: Bud should be AMERICAN!

Why are you still here? You have been outed. We know what you do. And we would like an explanation. Why do you feel it is important for you to go from message board to message board starting identical threads about soccer? I really cannot imagine what would possess someone to do that.

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Soccer is the perfect sport for anti-american hippies. Its safe, non-violent, equal opportunity, ethnic, foreign and lets everyone enjoy non-agressive forms of "athletic" competition by prancing around and thinking they are somehow "a part of the larger world" because soccer is some third world sport that europeans like and is therefore a "world sport".

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US isn't isolated. We're a melting pot, we take immigrants and melt them into our culture.

And yes, football (american) is almost the most popular sport in England as well as Japan. In 10 years the NFL will be bigger than soccer in England.

haha this guy is HILARIOUS. I take dumps in the morning that sound like they make more sense than this dude

as someone who enjoys the sport of soccer, i am glad that this guy doesnt care for the game. it would be like expecting a monkey to really derive enjoyment from learning geometry, when bananas are the only thing it truly cares for. poor ignorant, unsophisiticated monkey... i feel for your kind

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I love the NFL and watch the Skins if I can get a channel every Sunday but like most Scots I was brought up on soccer. It was and still is, around the world, a working mans game. Most players come through from working class backgrounds and see it as a way out of whatever life they could end up in. Hence its historical popularity. It wasnt just a 'team' on the field it was local lads playing. You may even have known them at school or the factory you worked in. Times change and as more money comes in that working class background starts to go but the historical ties to a team are always there just as with any sport.

The idea that its a 'sissy' sport - dear oh dear! sure there are cheats out there but I can think of many players and entire teams who gave and expected no quarter in a game. Considerig its working class history it is a sport full of players who took no bull **** from anyone. The game is getting cleaner these days with fouls for all sorts of things which plays in to the hands of the cheat certainly but a 'sissy' game? I guess you have never played it and have never had a defender quite happily take you out as and when required.

It is as others mention a simple game and can be played anywhere so kids pick up on it really quickly compared to what is still considered an astonishingly complex sport such as American Football. You say its boring - no, a great soccer game is the same as a great NFL game. Can it be crap and unwatchable? of course but then so are the Detroit Lions. For a lot of Europeans the NFL is dull - a complicated sport that never gets started as there always seems to be another TV advert for cars or burgers just as things are about to start. Doesnt bother me but a lot of people over here find it a joke and actually think of american football as a link to TV rather than a 'sport' in itself.

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I don't like watching soccer either but I think it has something to do with "grass roots" if you will. If you played a game as a kid, chances are you are going to like it when you get older. Soccer is a very popular sport to play around the world since all you really need is a ball, and i have been to some very poor places where kids will make a ball out of whatever they can find. No need to pay for jerseys, pads, shoes, helmets etc and keep replacing them as kids get older.

Now I understand why Americans don't like soccer, most of you have never played and watching 90 minutes of back and forth action where the total number of goals scored is usually less than 3. What I can't understand is how most of my fellow Canadians who are hockey fans say they can't watch soccer. The complaints are "it's too low scoring" or "a lot of action, not a lot of pay off." and I always stop them and say are you talking about soccer or hockey? because to me, the only difference I see between the 2 is that one is played on ice and is the last sport to ban fighting and the other on grass and the fights are in the stands (which are better to watch than hockey fights IMO-molotov ****tails > a right hook on ice skates)

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