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Anyone else get creative when giving Christmas gifts?


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I inherited it from my mother who wrapped 10 consecutively smaller boxes inside one another with the gift in the last box, kinda like the Russian Nesting Dolls.

This year I used box that went to a bowl that my wife and I got for our wedding and cut the styrofoam so Rockband 2 for the Wii could fit in it (just the game). Now the styrofoam top fits so it appears as if nothing has been done to it. I then placed a note on the styrofoam that reads; "This is not your present! You must follow the clues to find your present!"

Then I list a clue. Well The clues will take my son to 10 different places all around the house until the final clue leads him to HIS CLOSET (he never uses it) where the entire kit for Rockband lies (wrapped of course)!!!!

This was the one gift he wanted and didn't want anything else. Now I am going to have just as much fun watching him hunt for the clues all around the house than we are going to have playing it?

Anyone else get creative when giving Christmas gifts?

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I always love wrapping stuff and giving joke gifts. This year for joke gifts, I am giving my two brothers a roll of toilet paper. My sister drives red Eclipse that has a tone of dents in it and we call it the dentyne, so I got her a pack of Dentyne Fire. A couple of years ago, I started to get creative wrapping presents. My dad worked for the phone company so we had an unlimited supply of electrical tape. I would take the present, wrap it in newspaper, and then cover the newspaper completely with electrical tape. I would do a couple of layers of that. My brothers copied me the following years, so we kept making minor changes. I would try to hide the end of the tape on the edge of the present where it isn't as noticeable. Then my older brother started putting the end of the tape under another part of the tape so you couldn't find the end. This past year, I started to put fake ends in plain site so they would think it would unwrap realluy easy, but that piece of tape would only be a couple of inches long. This has been the first Christmas in a couple of years that I haven't done that. but this year I put my brothers present, a DVD, in a bunch of boxes. I started with a Dunkin Donuts box, and I shortened it to be about the size of the DVD. I made another box out of the unused portion, and then got another one that I cut in half to make two more boxes. I then used pizza boxes two make about 3 or so more boxes, but it started getting tricky because I would have to make the lid taller and longer in order for the box to close. It took some time to make these boxes but it was fun. There is a layer of wrapping paper on each box, so he will have fun opening it. I got these kinds of ideas from my moms side of the family, because apparently my uncle would do this sort of thing to my mom when they were kids. A couple of years ago, he gave brother the kicker spring that he broke form my uncles Harley in a box layered in tape. That is where I got my idea for the tape layers from. I like your idea of having the clues throughout the house. I will have to try that sometime.

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About 5 years ago I bought my wife a three carat tennis bracelet. She was being a little ****y going into the holiday so I decided to get creative with the wrapping. I wrapped the bracelet in a small jewelry box, then took a larger box, put it inside, then got pieces of coal out of the fire place and buried the bracelet inside of the other box.

She opened it and figured that she got coal for christmas, until she dug a little bit.

It was great. :D

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Love the idea Titaw, I do the same kind of thing when possible.

Did this for a Bday present, not Xmas, but it was fun. One small wrapped box that held a single puzzle piece and a clue to the whereabouts of the next, etc., etc. After the scavenger hunt to find all the pieces (the last was a crucial one of course) the puzzle had to be put together properly which was a rebus that had to be solved for the location of the grand prize. The hunt was as fun as the gift.

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