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Campbell presser on 980 with Doc


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Please see my addition to the post regarding Cooley. Then you'll hopefully see why it is a legitimate concern.

Look, it is unfortunate that there is even a possibility that it needs to be addressed. But again, that is the unfortunate reality of our times - the fact that we haven't yet evolved and continue to use race (whether overtly or covertly) as a reason is in no way acceptable.

Regarding Brunell - he was directly hurting our chances to win every game. Any guy can see that. I however cannot see how Jason has been the sole person who has hurt our chances to win this year. I honestly think more of it falls on Coach Zorn regressing as a play-caller and our lack of production on the offensive and defensive lines.

Or could it be that Coach Z MUST regress his play calling because no one is performing on the basic packages?

You are the one who opened this race card BS... get into the correct century man.

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I haven't posted in days b/c I have just been watching the Campbell debates and I was waiting to see who would pull the "race card" first.

Because I knew it was coming. :)

The one thing I didn't know is if it would be a Campbell supporter or a critic of Campbells that would be the one to pull it.

(Though my personal guess that it would be a supporter was right).

I knew someone would stoop to it.

Back Obam... I mean Campbell or you are racist. :laugh: :doh:

Stoop to it? Again, I knew fully well what I was getting myself into by saying what I did. But you just talking about the fact that I brough it up, rather than what the issue is, says more about you than it does about me.

Do you even realize how hypocritical you're being?

It's obvious, to many people, that Campbell just doesn't have it. As obvious to them as it was to many people that Brunell no longer had it (some of the people who wanted Campbell to supplant Brunell now even believe JC doesn't have it).

If you don't think Campbell is a problem, fine. Plenty of people do. Plenty of people didn't think Brunell was a problem, either.

First of all, just because plenty of people think something, just doesn't mean it is right. Second of all, to want to throw away JC after 1 year in the WCO is just ignorant. HOFers like Steve Young couldn't grasp it immediately. It takes time.

No the unfortunate reality is that people pull the race card for no reason.

Stupid, stupid post. :doh:

Again, rather than call me out on the post, perhaps you should look into what I actually said. Is this your defense mechanism to somehow cleanse your conscious?

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No one is gonna get that.

The dumbass people on this board are so ****ing hard headed they think the equation is this:

Redskins lose = Players HAVE to go

Redskins lose more then 3+ games out of 5 = Coach has to go

Losing season = Daniel Snyder has to go

Stud WR sits out 1 week because of bad knee = Cerrato has to go

I think some of you have to go. **** you.

P.S. I don't mean **** you literally...was speaking in general.

There is ****ing TRUTH in these words.


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NOBODY has yet to comment on my post about Cooley . . . He has reached a level in which he is idolized on this board and by this fanbase. . . For what? He is solid but definitely not spectacular. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why he just gets a simple "man cooley messed up with his fumble but he is still the MAN" post.

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Or could it be that Coach Z MUST regress his play calling because no one is performing on the basic packages?

You are the one who opened this race card BS... get into the correct century man.

Uhh . . . not to turn this into a tailgate thread, but you do realize that hate crimes are on the rise right? And any educator would tell you that racism is very much real and prevalent. So I am in the right century sir.

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NOBODY has yet to comment on my post about Cooley . . . He has reached a level in which he is idolized on this board and by this fanbase. . . For what? He is solid but definitely not spectacular. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why he just gets a simple "man cooley messed up with his fumble but he is still the MAN" post.

"man cooley messed up with his fumble but he is still the MAN"... because he is consistent and reliable. he was also RAMMED into the head with a helmet to helmet blast that made him go limp for a moment.

Has he made mistakes, yes... is he the best player on the field, no. Is he one of those guys where if you need something to happen, you look his way, HELLZ YEA!

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NOBODY has yet to comment on my post about Cooley . . . He has reached a level in which he is idolized on this board and by this fanbase. . . For what? He is solid but definitely not spectacular. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why he just gets a simple "man cooley messed up with his fumble but he is still the MAN" post.

Cooley is a pro-bowler, JC, not yet.

There, question answered.


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Rocky52Mc hit the nail on the head with this entire "fan base." The majority of the clowns who call themselves fans think that drastic change is the only way to success. They always think two extremes - the world is going to end or we are going to the superbowl. Stability is key in this league. We haven't had it in years. Let's try it and see what happens. One can make the argument that we had a bit of it the past 4 years under Gibbs, and looked what happened - 2 playoff appearances. Point is, let's continue to BUILD on what we have and work towards the future without blowing up what is here.

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Uhh . . . not to turn this into a tailgate thread, but you do realize that hate crimes are on the rise right? And any educator would tell you that racism is very much real and prevalent. So I am in the right century sir.

True, but we all must STOP THE HATE! Including you numb nuts, stop exacerbating the issue by fueling the flames with your BS especially when there is not now, or have I read any reasons to warrant that comment.

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NOBODY has yet to comment on my post about Cooley . . . He has reached a level in which he is idolized on this board and by this fanbase. . . For what? He is solid but definitely not spectacular. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why he just gets a simple "man cooley messed up with his fumble but he is still the MAN" post.

Cooley shouldn't have fumbled. That hurt. But the reality is, a QB will lose more games then a TE. A QB is the leader of the team. The QB is the high profile player on the team. It all starts and ends with the QB. How many TE do you know carry a team to the promised land? A TE might get involved in 10 plays. A QB is involved in every offensive snap. You do the math.

Awesome bringing the race card.

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Cooley is a pro-bowler, JC, not yet.

There, question answered.


Yeah because probowls are the ultimate ways to judge people.

Like I said, I am not a cooley hater, but damn, he is slobbered on this board no matter what he does. Don't get me wrong - he is a very solid player. But people are way too forgiving considering the fact that I can easily make the argument that 1. His drop against Seattle cost us the game. 2. The fumble against the Rams was huge. 3. The fumble on Sunday set the tone for the entire game.

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Cooley shouldn't have fumbled. That hurt. But the reality is, a QB will lose more games then a TE. A QB is the leader of the team. The QB is the high profile player on the team. It all starts and ends with the QB. How many TE do you know carry a team to the promised land? A TE might get involved in 10 plays. A QB is involved in every offensive snap. You do the math.

Awesome bringing the race card.

Every winning coach and every analyst will tell you it starts in the trenches, not with the quarterback, whomever he may be.

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First of all, just because plenty of people think something, just doesn't mean it is right. Second of all, to want to throw away JC after 1 year in the WCO is just ignorant. HOFers like Steve Young couldn't grasp it immediately. It takes time.

Ignorant in YOUR opinion. You see, opinions work both ways. Unfortunately when one's opinion doesn't coincide with your own, it's "ignorant".

I'm learning.........but it's taking me some time to grasp. Sorta like the WCO. Bare with me. I'm not all that smart.

Again, rather than call me out on the post, perhaps you should look into what I actually said. Is this your defense mechanism to somehow cleanse your conscious?

Wait. I know you're not talking to me.........but let me speak on bahalf of the rest of us crackers. My conscious needs no "cleansing". I haven't done anything that requires any cleansing, and I'm pretty sure none of the other "white" folk here have, either.

You seem like a pretty intelligent guy, so this level of clear ignorance is baffling. It's also depressing when someone who comes across as well as you do can still hold so much obvious racial tension within themself.

I still can't get past how the topic was even brought up. It must be so deep-seeded that no matter what happens, regardless of the topic or situation, it must be there in the back (or maybe in the front) of your mind.

What a crappy way to go through life.

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Stoop to it? Again, I knew fully well what I was getting myself into by saying what I did. But you just talking about the fact that I brough it up, rather than what the issue is, says more about you than it does about me.

It doesn't say anything about me b/c you are trying to create an issue by pulling a phony race card.

I think I can say that those here that are critical of Campbell are proud of the victory the Redskins have in SB XXII, and the man that lead the team on the field.... MVP Doug Williams.

Folks like you are why real racial problems can't be fixed, b/c no one can tell anymore if an issue is geniue, propaganda or someone just crying wolf.

From now on, keep the racial stuff on the tailgate.

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Yeah because probowls are the ultimate ways to judge people.

Like I said, I am not a cooley hater, but damn, he is slobbered on this board no matter what he does. Don't get me wrong - he is a very solid player. But people are way too forgiving considering the fact that I can easily make the argument that 1. His drop against Seattle cost us the game. 2. The fumble against the Rams was huge. 3. The fumble on Sunday set the tone for the entire game.

And the good QB set the tone for the game. Either by their legs are their passes. If Cooley's fumble tht early in the game set the tone, Jason should have reset the tone. A QB has way more influence on the game then a TE.

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LOL one has to wonder what all you Colt Brennan nuthuggers will do IF Brennan turns out no better or worse than Campbell.

Hopefully that's not the case . . .

I hope Colt sucks and you guys ***** and moan more that we don't have a real quarterback. I am sick of the FANS of this franchise. Imagine if the Giants pulled Eli last year when things were really bad. I am not saying JC is Eli but give the man some time (yes I mean time in a game, as well as game wise). You can't get sour on him because the play calling has been horrendous once everyone figured out Zorn's style.

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Every winning coach and every analyst will tell you it starts in the trenches, not with the quarterback, whomever he may be.

And you can have the best O-Line in the history of football. Terrible QB play and you go nowhere. Look at what the Ravens had to deal with forever. They then bring in Dilfer, who is solid, they win the Super Bowl. Look at da Bears, sloppy QB play, can't win the Super Bowl.

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Sorry but I had to laugh @ "nuthuggers". Classic, bro!

The ONLY reason I'm pushing for Colt is simply because Campbell is NOT the guy. Point blank.

We've got a guy who can actually move, move the pocket, makes quick decisions and gets rid of the ball.........with a fire about him. Surely that's got to be at least a little intriguing?

Why wait? Lets see what we've got, or get a general idea, anyway. It may serve us well at least so that we can move into the off-season with SOME idea of how to address the QB position.

I have no way of knowing if Colt is the answer..........or if he is NOT the answer. But I'm for finding out........in a real-time game situation, so we can get a read on the guy. What's to lose? A game? So flippin what? Does anyone realistically expect us to win this week anyway?

There's really nothing to lose, and much to gain in giving the kid a shot. I don't know why we wouldn't capitalize on the situation, sad as it is.

Really? When the hell has Colt shown that? In the preseason vs. 4th stringers and players that aren't even in the league anymore? Cmon you guys are INSANE if you think Colt will produce like that week in and week out. I stopped reading your post when I read that line. This makes me sick.

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NOBODY has yet to comment on my post about Cooley . . . He has reached a level in which he is idolized on this board and by this fanbase. . . For what? He is solid but definitely not spectacular. I am still waiting for someone to explain to me why he just gets a simple "man cooley messed up with his fumble but he is still the MAN" post.

Ok......since we're gonna compare apples with oranges.........here's your answer.

Cooley is so much like an "old school" Redskin. He symbolizes the smash-mouth style many long time fans embrace. He RARELY coughs up the ball and has been one of very few consistent performers we've had.........for years.........with a track record.

He's also got personality and style and personal flair. He's a guy many can relate to because he's just a big, fun-loving and warm person. He's a guy I can have a beer with and who could fit in anywhere. Fans relate to him......(at least in my opinion).

Trust me.......if he sucked donkey balls fans here wouldn't care how cool he is off the field or how WHITE he is..........they'd be calling for his head, too.

I guess folks calling for Zorn's head have no clue the dude is white?

I mean we're all over the map here..........lets really do this up right!

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Rocky52Mc hit the nail on the head with this entire "fan base." The majority of the clowns who call themselves fans think that drastic change is the only way to success. They always think two extremes - the world is going to end or we are going to the superbowl. Stability is key in this league. We haven't had it in years. Let's try it and see what happens. One can make the argument that we had a bit of it the past 4 years under Gibbs, and looked what happened - 2 playoff appearances. Point is, let's continue to BUILD on what we have and work towards the future without blowing up what is here.

Again with the name calling. So now anyone who's opinion is that someone should go is a "clown".

I take back that thing I said about you sounding like an intelligent guy.

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