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What is Your Fave Alternative to iTunes?


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Never used iTunes but I received an upper-line (6 month old now) 80G iPod I've never used because I already had a Sansa and don't listen to it that much. Main focus would be transferring music files from my PC (OS = Windows Vista Premium) to the iPod without using iTunes 8 or any other version if possible. Was reading up on this on wiki and following links..


...but would like some real user comments. Looked at Songbird, ml ipod (Winamp), CopyTrans, YamiPod (my fave I think so far) and iPodRip. Sometimes it's not clear to me whether you still need iTunes or have to do soemthing to your iPod or not to use some of these programs.

I read this...


but the information is a year old and the process seemed complicated and fussy...

All I really care about is putting music and maybe podcasts on this iPod without iTunes and without fuss of any kind.

Tell me what you know regarding this sentence and my stated desires. :)

<edit> I just saw you have to download and use iTunes at least once to do YamiPod...

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I believe there's a program called eltunes or something that apple keeps trying to kill off by attacking their host. I suppose if its worth all that effort to apple to kill it that it MUST be good. though I'm not sure if its windows compatible.

edit: seems to be a program more focused on playing itunes stuff rather than transferring music.

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Never used iTunes but I received an upper-line (6 month old now) 80G iPod I've never used because I already had a Sansa and don't listen to it that much. Main focus would be transferring music files from my PC (OS = Windows Vista Premium) to the iPod without using iTunes 8 or any other version if possible. Was reading up on this on wiki and following links..


...but would like some real user comments. Looked at Songbird, ml ipod (Winamp), CopyTrans, YamiPod (my fave I think so far) and iPodRip. Sometimes it's not clear to me whether you still need iTunes or have to do soemthing to your iPod or not to use some of these programs.

I read this...


but the information is a year old and the process seemed complicated and fussy...

All I really care about is putting music and maybe podcasts on this iPod without iTunes and without fuss of any kind.

Tell me what you know. :)

<edit> I just saw you have to download and use iTunes at least once to do YamiPod...

I don't think there really is a better alternative than iTunes. And I think the reason that alot of people don't use it is because they're too cheap to buy the music. People always want a free ride. But remember this, you get what you pay for. And nothing in life is actually "free".

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I don't think there really is a better alternative than iTunes. And I think the reason that alot of people don't use it is because they're too cheap to buy the music. People always want a free ride. But remember this, you get what you pay for. And nothing in life is actually "free".

One, please read and learn about rule #11.

Two, this has nothing to do with "better than iTunes", it's about an alternative to iTunes, as stated.

Three, cost has nothing to do with it, but counting one and two as well as three, thanks for playing. :D

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My favorite is winamp, but it sounds like you've already tried it.

As far as purchasing music, my alternative is e-music. It's not for everyone because there isn't much mainstream stuff, but you can find some great bands on the cheap over there.

Thanks amigo. For others--if my OP actually gets read--please note it's not about buying music at all. I state what my use would be. :)

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cant your windows media player transfer it from your PC to your IPOD?

or is IPOD impervious to Windows? lol

Seriously, I have a MP3 player and I just use my Media player with no special software to transfer from my PC to it.

No, Mike. Apple designed iPod so you'd be very directed to use iTunes to make it work, unless you want to go to the kind of lengths indicated in the OP and that the thread was aimed at discussing to find the least hassled alternative.

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No, Mike. Apple designed iPod so you'd be very directed to use iTunes to make it work, unless you want to go to the kind of lengths indicated in the OP and that the thread was aimed at discussing to find the least hassled alternative.

oh, ok then. I am not going to lie, I am pretty Apple ignorant and like being that way.

But sorry I couldnt offer something better then some basic Windows answer. :cheers:

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oh, ok then. I am not going to lie, I am pretty Apple ignorant and like being that way.

But sorry I couldnt offer something better then some basic Windows answer. :cheers:

No sweat, sven. I will play this hand a bit longer and see what happens. :)

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I just got an iPhone. I have a Zune also.

I usually use Windows media player if I want to play music at my home. I've started transferring some music to my iPhone though, so I can play it in my car without having to bring my Zune along.

I use iTunes. The download is free. I just added all of the existing mp3s that I had already to my iTunes. It will allow you to do that, without any purchase and then you can transfer those over to your iPod (I would assume it's the same as with the iPhone). That way has been very easy for me.

Or is it that you just don't want iTunes on your computer? If so, why not?

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If you want to continue enjoying your music like you used to, don't use the iPod. Even if you have hundreds of songs loaded they will be replayed so many times you'll get sick of them. Doesn't matter how diverse your tastes are, you'll get desensitized to them all after several hundred playings.

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And on a side note...

Why is it that I post something and after I hit the "Post Quick Reply" button my reply is in order down at the bottom of page one... then I go back to the tailgate main page and it shows 2 pages of posts... I click on page 2 and there my post is, not on the first page but on the second page. It wasn't there 10 seconds ago. Why?

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If you want to continue enjoying your music like you used to, don't use the iPod. Even if you have hundreds of songs loaded they will be replayed so many times you'll get sick of them. Doesn't matter how diverse your tastes are, you'll get desensitized to them all after several hundred playings.

So how should one enjoy music then? Does Apple equal death?

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And on a side note...

Why is it that I post something and after I hit the "Post Quick Reply" button my reply is in order down at the bottom of page one... then I go back to the tailgate main page and it shows 2 pages of posts... I click on page 2 and there my post is, not on the first page but on the second page. It wasn't there 10 seconds ago. Why?

Because you have itunes installed on your computer, itunes and ES are not compatible have you not been paying attention to Jumbo's posts????

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I just got an iPhone. I have a Zune also.

I usually use Windows media player if I want to play music at my home. I've started transferring some music to my iPhone though, so I can play it in my car without having to bring my Zune along.

I use iTunes. The download is free. I just added all of the existing mp3s that I had already to my iTunes. It will allow you to do that, without any purchase and then you can transfer those over to your iPod (I would assume it's the same as with the iPhone). That way has been very easy for me.

Or is it that you just don't want iTunes on your computer? If so, why not?

This is turning into an amzing thread even for the tialgate. :silly:

I was assuming that the fact that I didn't want to use Itune if I could get around it without too much trouble would be, well, obvious, from the OP. As to "why", that conversation is not the topic of the thread. :)

But it's a conversation anyone likely in a postion to really answer the OP will know about, though.

I wonder if ANYONE is actually reading the OP or just the thread title? I know that's often the case in here but jeeez. :D

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