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Zorn vs. Portis?


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I have read many posts on here about Zorn benching Portis or Stump Mitchell benching Portis because Betts is the hot hand; bull****. There was talk in the previous week from Zorn about getting Portis some rest. I think they tried Portis early and saw there was nothing there for the running game, not to mention the pounding Portis took early, and decided to rest him. The Portis comments about this I believe is a smoke-screen and designed to somewhat protect Portis from any backlash of "resting when his team needs him most." I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. We need Portis down the stretch more than ever. We all know that these are winnable games coming up. What do you guys think?

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I have read many posts on here about Zorn benching Portis or Stump Mitchell benching Portis because Betts is the hot hand; bull****. There was talk in the previous week from Zorn about getting Portis some rest. I think they tried Portis early and saw there was nothing there for the running game, not to mention the pounding Portis took early, and decided to rest him. The Portis comments about this I believe is a smoke-screen and designed to somewhat protect Portis from any backlash of "resting when his team needs him most." I don't know, maybe I'm wrong. We need Portis down the stretch more than ever. We all know that these are winnable games coming up. What do you guys think?

Smart move by Zorn any way u look at it. First of all, u are right in ur post. Zorn did wanna give CP sum rest. Secondly, why leave him in there to take a beating when Ladell knew exactly what was going on (as far as the protection scheme they had planned out for the Ravens) and CP really didnt.

We will need CP down the stretch if we want to be successful. The Ravens are a VERY physical defense and CP took a big hit at the end of almost all his carries while he was in the game.

If CP can get over the fact that he was benched and realize that there was good reason behind it, then we should be fine. CP just has to realize that it was for his own good as well as for the good of the team. How much difference would CP would have made if he were in the game for the second half any way??

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Smart move by Zorn any way u look at it. First of all, u are right in ur post. Zorn did wanna give CP sum rest. Secondly, why leave him in there to take a beating when Ladell knew exactly what was going on (as far as the protection scheme they had planned out for the Ravens) and CP really didnt.

We will need CP down the stretch if we want to be successful. The Ravens are a VERY physical defense and CP took a big hit at the end of almost all his carries while he was in the game.

If CP can get over the fact that he was benched and realize that there was good reason behind it, then we should be fine. CP just has to realize that it was for his own good as well as for the good of the team. How much difference would CP would have made if he were in the game for the second half any way??


And I like the fact that Zorn is speaking out against Portis not practicing. He got away with too much stuff like that when Gibbs was here. I like it. You don't practice during the week, you don't play Sunday.

This team needs more discipline like that.

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Well they talked about it on 980, but it seemed that the benching was at least in part to Portis "getting in Zorn's face" after the fumble that was returned for a TD.Coach Zorn walked over to him and tried to talk with him, and Portis ignored him and tried to walk to the bench. Coach followed him and then Portis visibally got angry with Zorn and yelled at him, according to people who were close to the sideline.

Again guys, this is NOT my opinion on the subject, just relaying what was talked about on the post-game shows and supposed eyewitness accounts...

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Well they talked about it on 980, but it seemed that the benching was at least in part to Portis "getting in Zorn's face" after the fumble that was returned for a TD.Coach Zorn walked over to him and tried to talk with him, and Portis ignored him and tried to walk to the bench. Coach followed him and then Portis visibally got angry with Zorn and yelled at him, according to people who were close to the sideline.

Again guys, this is NOT my opinion on the subject, just relaying what was talked about on the post-game shows and supposed eyewitness accounts...

I think that makes more sense than trying to rest CP.

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Zorn said that it was because they wanted to get the RB involved in the passing game and Portis had not practiced some of the plays they wanted to use and Betts had, so he gave Betts the nod. Seemed to work from a passing standpoint. Betts put up good receiving #s (but not so great rushing #s).

Not sure if that's all there really is to the story or not though.

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If you listen to the press conference Zorn talks about how Betts practiced on more than one occasion. I think he's tired of Portis not showing up to practice and is showing him that if you aren't healthy enough to learn the schemes during the week then he won't give you complete control of whether to play sunday. While Portis has been effective without practice, this is a new offense for the WHOLE team and I applaud Zorn for reeling in Portis's attitude a little, reminding him that its a team game and whoever he thinks will help the TEAM more will play the games, regardless of stats.

I think resting him was an added bonus, and something he said to the press to downplay it a little.

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Well they talked about it on 980, but it seemed that the benching was at least in part to Portis "getting in Zorn's face" after the fumble that was returned for a TD.Coach Zorn walked over to him and tried to talk with him, and Portis ignored him and tried to walk to the bench. Coach followed him and then Portis visibally got angry with Zorn and yelled at him, according to people who were close to the sideline.

Again guys, this is NOT my opinion on the subject, just relaying what was talked about on the post-game shows and supposed eyewitness accounts...

It was heated on both sides not just Portis. Zorn better have a come to Jesus meeting with the players. He is losing the team if its not already lost.

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Paraphrasing here.......

Thompson said, "I heard some callers say your team has been figured out. What do you think?"

Portis: (Sarcastic) "Well we have a genius for a head coach, so I guess we will be fine."

Thompson: "How is your health?"

Portis: (Sarcastically) "Since I didn't play in Baltimore I feel great."

I understand his feelings and this is the way he is. He's going out of his way to praise Jason. This isn't going well for Zorn....

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