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Thoughts on the ST pregame tribute (Not all great) w/ video


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Didn't see another post about this -

For those who were there (Me - I'll prob post it on Youtube soon) and those who watched it online (was it on Redskins.com?) - what did you think about the pregame ST tribute?

I don't know if it was the weather, or the crowd (smaller, not everyone in their seats yet), or just the somberness of the situation, but did anyone else find it, well, awkward?

George Michael's speech seemed disjointed and all over the place. Then they played the TI song for Sean's highlights, which is a fine song (and apparently picked by Sean's family), but given its references to guns and violence, don't you think a better song could have been picked - or maybe the organization could have tried to sway it one way or another? The video at the Bills game last year (Gladiator) still gives me the chills.....

Sean's father (Pete) spoke a bit, but it seemed to be more off the cuff than anything else. Then after Pete was done, George asked him to come back, and he asked Pete what Sean would be doing today - it seemed like he wanted Pete to respond "Watching the Skins beat the Giants" - but Pete said something along the lines of "Relaxing, fishing" - a perfectly fine answer, but it seemed like an awkard exchange.

The unveiling of the banner was nice (although it seemed the fireworks went haywire) and the '21' at midfield was a nice touch.

Then there was another stop while the Redskins AND the Giants came out onto the field - at which point they introduced "Starting at free safety for the Redskins - Sean Taylor!" as CP came out with the giant 21 flag. This just seemed downright eerie to me...I'm sure I'm not the only one who found it awkward.

All throughout - the crowd seemed to be less than enthusiastic - Again, not sure if it was the somberness, or the weather, but the whole thing seemed more forced and uncomfortable than anything else. And, it seemed to have a negative effect on the team and fans if anything - the whole first quarter the players and fans were flat.

The induction was a fitting tribute - but it seemed like it could have been put together a lot better. And the team certainly could have put forth a much better effort. Thoughts? (Sorry for recapping so much for those who saw it).

Update with video:

Part 1:

Part 2:

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I pretty much agree with all of your points man.

I did find it a bit awkward. Michael's speech was definitely all over the place and sounded like he was just making it up as he went along.

I also thought it was weird when they did the "Starting at Free Safety for the Washington Redskins..." thing and Portis ran out with the flag.

I agree too that the TI song was a weird choice.

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I agree.

I don't believe it was necessary to try to essentially have ANOTHER tribute game. I also think it detracts a little from the raw emotion that was evident at last year's Buffalo game.

It should have been more of an induction and less of a tribute in my opinion. No family speeches...just the induction, REDSKIN highlights, and the 21 on the field would have been plenty.

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The only thing that I would say was that it appeared that Pete Taylor wasn't really aware that he was going to speak. I sincerely hope that George Michael/the Redskins cleared that with him first. I can only imagine how difficult that must have been for him. I only wish that Coach Gibbs had said something, but then again the event was about Sean instead of Coach. It was a different kind of ceremony than last year's. The one last season was immediately in the wake of Sean's death, and it was much more somber. (To me, the band playing "Hail to the Redskins" as a funeral dirge was the most eerie thing of the entire day.) This ceremony was much more a celebration of his life, and his career as a player. To me, that makes a big difference. I really liked the logo at midfield, as well as Clinton running out of the tunnel with the 21 flag.

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I generally thought it was pretty classless. I understand the concept of what they were trying to do, but they also seemed to be trying to use it as a pep-rally for the game.

Trying to tie somebody's death to victory on the football field or even tying his life to ONLY his contributions on the football field (and even that really only pertained to what he'd done w/ the Redskins) seemed pretty hollow, and to me, that part of it tied into the other comments you made.

They should have done this on a Saturday independent of a game.

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Guest sith lord
Agree about the T.I. sound referring to guns and violence - whoever gave the OK for that decision should be fired.

People just can't leave that hip hop crap alone. Hell, TI himself was recently brought up on gun charges. :doh:

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I was at the game and thought the whole thing was awkward as well. Also, the stadium stated chanting "Giants Suck" when they came out on the field to honor Taylor as well. There's a time to possibly do that chant, but that definitely was not it. A Taylor chant or 21 chant would have been alot more appropriate.

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I really liked how George Michaels tried to fire up the Redskins by saying "Sean, if you want to see how we honer you this day, just watch how we play this game". It's a dayum shame we went out there and layed an egg for the man :doh:

When he said that part of me was thinking: "George, please don't say that."

as for the Pedro/Pete Taylor comment about Sean, it pretty much summed up that it was time to move on with our lives.

Sean Taylor isn't the mascot of the Skins, nor will he magically save the Redskins with supernatural jesus powers from heaven everytime the team struggles....we honored him as fans and as a franchise. Time to let him rest in peace and cherish the memories of his brief time here.

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I was at the game and thought the whole thing was awkward as well. Also, the stadium stated chanting "Giants Suck" when they came out on the field to honor Taylor as well. There's a time to possibly do that chant, but that definitely was not it. A Taylor chant or 21 chant would have been alot more appropriate.

Not all Redskins fans are like us.

A lot are effing idiots, just like with every other team.

Last year at the Bills game, there were people yelling during the moment of silence. I swear to god, if any were near me, then we'd be mourning more people. So effing disrespectful.

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Yea. GM's speech was bad. They should have made Mr. Taylor talk either. I LOVED that they announced, "And your starting FS for your Washington Redskins, #21, Sean Taylor" and had CP run out with the 21 flag. That was awesome, I teared up for that. And the name display was great. And the #21 on the field was cool, but the rest was overdone.

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I generally thought it was pretty classless. I understand the concept of what they were trying to do, but they also seemed to be trying to use it as a pep-rally for the game.

Trying to tie somebody's death to victory on the football field or even tying his life to ONLY his contributions on the football field (and even that really only pertained to what he'd done w/ the Redskins) seemed pretty hollow, and to me, that part of it tied into the other comments you made.

They should have done this on a Saturday independent of a game.

Completely disagreed about everything but the first paragraph.

He was a football player to this team. Was he a great person, especially towards the end of his life? Absolutely. But people aren't in the Ring of Fame because they're great people; they're in it because they're great players.

Doing it independent of a game is preposterous. No other player has been inducted on a non-game day.

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Guest sith lord
I thought the whole thing was just okay and could have, and probably SHOULD have, been done better. MustangSteve is right. The way the team chose to honor him ON THE PLAYING FIELD was a crying shame.

But in all reality, when you plan something like this and the weather turns out to be bad, it really does put a damper on it.

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I dont think Pete Taylor wanted to say anything a long the lines of ST is watching this game.

im not a real religious man, but i'd like to believe ST is in a better place now, wherever he is.

Sean lives through the players on that field today. hopefully, they way Sean played the game is remembered, and they can feed off that memory.

I find it hard to believe that it doesnt... i play pickup tackle football on saturdays and i feel like i've picked up my game 21 notches thinking of sean taylor.

and with regards to the Song by T.I.... TI was ST's favorite artist... and i'm sure Sean wouldve wanted that. I'm sure he doesnt want some sad song to make people sad. that song pumps people up... as im sure it pumped him up before games. and people have to stop taking these lyrics so literally.


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I agree.

I don't believe it was necessary to try to essentially have ANOTHER tribute game. I also think it detracts a little from the raw emotion that was evident at last year's Buffalo game.

It should have been more of an induction and less of a tribute in my opinion. No family speeches...just the induction, REDSKIN highlights, and the 21 on the field would have been plenty.

I too wish it would have been an induction and not a memorial. I loved Sean as a player and miss him as much as anyone, but I hope after this we're done with the memorials. I don't want that tragedy to define this team. Nobody will ever forget him, and everyone will honor him in their own way which is fine, but I don't think we need to use it as a rallying cry anymore.

And doing the ceremony in front of a stadium that was maybe half full at the time was pretty anticlimactic.

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and with regards to the Song by T.I.... TI was ST's favorite artist... and i'm sure Sean wouldve wanted that. I'm sure he doesnt want some sad song to make people sad. that song pumps people up... as im sure it pumped him up before games. and people have to stop taking these lyrics so literally.


I'm pretty sure Lil Wayne was Sean's favorite artist. Actually, I know that as a fact.

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Guest sith lord
and with regards to the Song by T.I.... TI was ST's favorite artist... and i'm sure Sean wouldve wanted that. I'm sure he doesnt want some sad song to make people sad. that song pumps people up... as im sure it pumped him up before games. and people have to stop taking these lyrics so literally.

You have to respect that to a certain degree, but even if TI was his favorite artist, I don't know if you play a song about guns by a rapper who was brought up on gun charges to pay tribute to someone who was killed at the hands of a gun. I can almost gurantee you that Sean's killers listened to the same music.

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