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Thoughts on the ST pregame tribute (Not all great) w/ video


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My dad and I were at the game. We went because we wanted to be part of something special as ST was inducted into the ring of fame and because we thought that the team and the crowd would be pumped and come out and kick some giant ass.

Man, were we wrong. I've never been more dissapointed in my life to be a redskins fan. Half the crowd wasn't even in their seat for the ceremony. And don't even try Bull***ing me and say it's because of traffic and the weather. We drove 4 hours to the game and we were standing at the gate at 11:00 when they opened it up.

The majority of redskins fans that come to the game are from Md, Va, DC, so don't try and tell me that they couldn't make it there on time and be in their seats by 12:30. I'm so sick and tired of everyone saying that the redskins fans are the greatest in football, we can't even get up when it counts, and the only excuses that I've heard were that the weather was bad.

Grow some freaking balls and stop all the whining and come out and support your damn team, win or lose!!!

Alright......deep breath, ok, Now to the tribute, I also found it to be akward, like they were trying to force something down everyones throat who has already moved on and didn't want to be a part of it, but I still think it may have been better if more people were in their seats to show their support to a fallen player.

Sorry for the rant.

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My dad and I were at the game. We went because we wanted to be part of something special as ST was inducted into the ring of fame and because we thought that the team and the crowd would be pumped and come out and kick some giant ass.

Man, were we wrong. I've never been more dissapointed in my life to be a redskins fan. Half the crowd wasn't even in their seat for the ceremony. And don't even try Bull***ing me and say it's because of traffic and the weather. We drove 4 hours to the game and we were standing at the gate at 11:00 when they opened it up.

The majority of redskins fans that come to the game are from Md, Va, DC, so don't try and tell me that they couldn't make it there on time and be in their seats by 12:30. I'm so sick and tired of everyone saying that the redskins fans are the greatest in football, we can't even get up when it counts, and the only excuses that I've heard were that the weather was bad.

Grow some freaking balls and stop all the whining and come out and support your damn team, win or lose!!!

Alright......deep breath, ok, Now to the tribute, I also found it to be akward, like they were trying to force something down everyones throat who has already moved on and didn't want to be a part of it, but I still think it may have been better if more people were in their seats to show their support to a fallen player.

Sorry for the rant.

Tell me about it. We drove from upstate NY, 8 hours each way thru Thanksgiving traffic and weather, stayed in the team hotel the night before, and got up at 8 am just to make sure we got to the game on time. Stood for the ENTIRE GAME to the last snap, and turned around and went right back home, got home at 130 am and went to work at 7 am the next day.

I guess were fanatics, but it would be nice if the majority of the crowd was like that.

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At the time, it did feel awkward but not to the point to where I really gave it much thought. But after the nauseating 3 and outs and just all out piss poor performance it really started to set in. On that long ride think home thinking back on the day, it was really just one huge disappointment. Had we been driving home listening to the postgame show and all the comments about how the Skins came to play to honor Sean and laid it to the Giants, we probably never would have looked back on the ceremony as an odd thing.

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Tell me about it. We drove from upstate NY, 8 hours each way thru Thanksgiving traffic and weather, stayed in the team hotel the night before, and got up at 8 am just to make sure we got to the game on time. Stood for the ENTIRE GAME to the last snap, and turned around and went right back home, got home at 130 am and went to work at 7 am the next day.

I guess were fanatics, but it would be nice if the majority of the crowd was like that.

Yeah, I guess so. My little girl, God, country, and the redskins are the 4 things in life I live for. I don't get a chance to go to all the games but on Sundays I'm in my living room cheering them on, just like I would if I was there. I really miss the old days of RFK where we actually had a homefield advantage.

Cheers to you for making the trip and staying for the whole game despite the piss poor performance and the weather.:cheers:

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I actually enjoyed the ceremony and thought that it was fitting. I particularly like the "starting at free safety" idea. I bet if the team was still rolling and had won the last few games that peoples' attitudes would be different. When the team is in the dumps there is nothing but negative talk on this board.

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OK, so what I've gathered is...stupid ©rap song mentioning gun violence to honor someone murdered with a gun...people talking out of their ass because they weren't prepared...it being announced that a dead person was a starting player...then the team lays an egg after someone announces that they're gonna kick ass.

Proud moment for all involved.

(Although I would have laughed if I was there and people were yelling "You suck". That's funny as hell. I said it...)

And are you surprised? The Skins were about as unprepared for the game as this whole ceremony was it seems.

Hey Dan, you suck!

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Not all Redskins fans are like us.

A lot are effing idiots, just like with every other team.

Last year at the Bills game, there were people yelling during the moment of silence. I swear to god, if any were near me, then we'd be mourning more people. So effing disrespectful.

Hahahah thats a great way to pay respect. Empty internet threats of violence. :doh:

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CP running out with the 21 flag was the highlight. Most of the rest was awkward. Maybe it should've been done at halftime, I dunno. :whoknows:

Agreed. That was pretty cool, and the 21 in the middle of the field was nice.

Question: did they move some names around to put Sean's name in that spot in the fame or was there a blank spot there? I always wondered where they would add another name.

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2 Things struck me from watching on TV. After Pedro made his comments and walked away from the mic, George Michael called him back and asked him something to the effect -"What is Sean doing up there today?" Clearly Michael was expecting a football related answer that would inspire the team and crowd-But Pedro said "fishing and relaxing." Flat line......

Then I was surprised by the absolute lack of reaction by the teammates as CP brought the 21 Flag to them. Instead of a raucous Ray Lewis type response, huddling around CP the leader of the team- they just stood around.

Perhaps this day should have come next year. Perhaps emotions are still to raw.

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Not all Redskins fans are like us.

A lot are effing idiots, just like with every other team.

Last year at the Bills game, there were people yelling during the moment of silence. I swear to god, if any were near me, then we'd be mourning more people. So effing disrespectful.

I was at that game too...so disappointed with the idiots who couldn't keep their mouth shut during the moment of silence...

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The '21' on the field was great and seeing Coach Gibbs on the field was great...that's about the only two things I liked about the ceremony.

The 'Gladiator' video from last year is so perfect and touching and sad and uplifting all at the same time. It is hard to believe they fell so short this time.

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I thought the whole thing was just poorly done, hoenstly. I know that it was the right time, the aniversary and all, but I really wish that it could have been done earlier in the season so the weather was better, more for symbolic reasons that anything else.

I almost wish that they hadn't done it at a game at all, but maybe some other time. Like a little mid-summer party at FedEx, something to celebrate. I don't know.

The chanting stunk, I was so disappointed in some fans.

And on the video, my 2 most favorite ST plays were not there. The hit at the end of the 2005 Dallas game in Dallas, and the hit on the punter in the pro-bowl. Those are kind of iconic plays, in my opinion, and I missed them.

I'm glad he's in the Ring of Fame. He deserves it. But the ceremony fell short.

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as far as the stadium being half empty, blame Metro and The Stadium Staff. Metro trains took forever to come even though there was a game on, I then caught a "shuttle" from Morgan then jogged the rest of the way. Metro is the way many fans get there and its a long walk. I finally got to the gates and it took some more time to get in, but good thing I didn't miss the tribute.

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