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Campbell step up you are not a rookie(Campbell thread).


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Why did Todd Collins look so much better last year with the exact same personnel?

Campbell isn't the only problem, but he's the biggest. Against good defenses you must have a QB who can make plays and carry you. Campbell isn't that nor will he ever be. He's another Patrick Ramsey.

I'd argue Ramsey was better, if not statistically, in terms of being able to make plays to WIN games and COME BACK and not just limply wobble to the end of the game down 2 scores and not doing much beyond that.

And he had more emotion. Initially people thought it was better to have cAmpbell's personality but he just doesn't exude fire, confidence or anything. He doesn't chew people out, doesn't get on anyone. The whole team takes on that leadership quality and that's why they often play in such a lame and uninspired fashion. Having emotion can be a detriment if you can't control it but you need SOMETHING, you need a calm CONFIDENCE if you're not going to have fire.

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While I will defend him on the last drive and say that it was Jim Zorn's fault as well as the offensive line you have to place a chunk of the blame on Campbell for this loss.

He throws a critical interception down the field in double coverage. He takes 2 sacks on that last drive, while he had pressure, he needs to throw those away. He underthrew, overthrew, and threw behind receivers.

Now all of you Campbell supporters who will always point to the fact that he is learning a new system and not getting enough protection, you have to at least say that he deserves a large chunk of the blame for this loss. If we had a leader behind the center who could make plays and make the defense respect our offense we wouldn't be in situations like this.

And I will agree that the offensive line and dropped passes contributed to a large chunk of the loss but Campbell's ineptitude had to do with it as well.

Pretty fair statement.

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He looks like a rookie to me. Scratch that, he looks worse than the rookie qbs this season.

Jason Campbell SUCKS! We gave up way too much for this mediocre QB!

Even the 2 rookie QBs -- Matt Ryan and Joe ?? are playing much better than him.

Forget the playoffs. We need to think about the next season! Jason has done little to impress folks that he is the franchise QB we all hoped he would be.

The guy has regressed big time, and should be benched!

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While I will defend him on the last drive and say that it was Jim Zorn's fault as well as the offensive line you have to place a chunk of the blame on Campbell for this loss.

He throws a critical interception down the field in double coverage. He takes 2 sacks on that last drive, while he had pressure, he needs to throw those away. He underthrew, overthrew, and threw behind receivers.

Now all of you Campbell supporters who will always point to the fact that he is learning a new system and not getting enough protection, you have to at least say that he deserves a large chunk of the blame for this loss. If we had a leader behind the center who could make plays and make the defense respect our offense we wouldn't be in situations like this.

And I will agree that the offensive line and dropped passes contributed to a large chunk of the loss but Campbell's ineptitude had to do with it as well.

Yea, ummm, that wasn't double coverage. He just got too much air under it and it floated allowing the defenders to catch up. Moss was open.

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Ok show me a QB who can make simple throws and not throw into double coverage, killing a drive single handedly with an INT. You can hold onto your reasons to defend JC but I'm fed up with him.

he doesn't throw deep he's too conservative

he throws deep he's a bad decision maker

he gets sacked on a three step drop he takes too long on his reads

you can say people are blind defending him, but you are just as blind insulting him

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Dropped passes, horrible receiving core, O-lineman that occasionally decide to block the air in front of them.

JC's one mistake is not throwing it away because our receivers cannot create any separation.

Keep holding on to all of your excuses you make for a QB who has been just awful in critical games. He's not a franchise player and I think the Campbell era in DC is done.

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Let's see now....how points has the offense scored with QB Jason Campbell under center for the past 4 games? Home game against Pittsburgh: 7 pts, home against Dallas: 10 points, away against Seattle 20 pts, and home against New York today: 7 points. Please, all of you excuse makers for Jason Campbell out there, spin this....yeah, spin it the only way you know how. Lie through your teeth and tell us it's the fault of the O-line, the fault of the WRs, etc. This offense stinks, and it's BORING!!!!!!!!! At what point does a Colt Brennan or a Todd Collins get a chance to show what he can do? At what point? When the team is finally mathematically out of the playoff hunt? Then maybe?

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When you don't have protection/open wide receivers, and when the open ones drop the ball I'd say it's a little hard to step up.

Put in any other starting QB and they would do better than Jason. For crying out loud, Shaun Hill of the 49ers is doing better than Jason.

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JC played OK to me. So many dropped passes today it was almost insane.

Im just going to say this in this thread.....im really dissapointed in this board....a mod started a thread basically to bash the skins? Thats ridiculous and just shouldnt happen.....pretty much a joke. They lost to the best team in football.

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he doesn't throw deep he's too conservative

he throws deep he's a bad decision maker

he gets sacked on a three step drop he takes too long on his reads

you can say people are blind defending him, but you are just as blind insulting him


Keep defending him I don't really mind, but when it turns out that this guy is not a franchise QB (and he isn't) you'll come back to this thread and tell me that I was right all along. Certain quarterbacks are meant to be in the NFL he isn't. Simple.

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JC played OK to me. So many dropped passes today it was almost insane.

Im just going to say this in this thread.....im really dissapointed in this board....a mod started a thread basically to bash the skins? Thats ridiculous and just shouldnt happen.....pretty much a joke. They lost to the best team in football.

Oh boo hoo they lost to the best team in football. I guess we should use that excuse every time we lose to any halfway decent team. Oh they were above .500 the Skins shouldn't have beaten them.

How did JC play ok? He played terrible and is not he quarterback of the future. I'm done defending the guy unless over the next 4 games he can somehow engineer a miraculous run.

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Why do you have trannys in your sig?

I've had sigs and images off for awhile but I had to see what the heck you were talking about. :doh:

WHen you look at the properties too, it says something odd too.

Man, maybe they're just being nutty or someone suckered them. Because those do look like they should be starring in TransAmerica 2: Electric Boogaloo

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