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The Changing Face of Time - 2012


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I just wanted to share this video. I'm very interested in pretty much anything 2012 related and this guy Dannion Brinkley gives an amazing speech/lecture on his findings and experiences related to multi-dimensions and 2012. Sure this isn't for everyone, but I'm sure some here will find it interesting.


I copied and pasted the details here:

The year 2012 is fast approaching. In fact, time itself is accelerating. After three near death experiences, and three visits to the Other Side, Dannion Brinkley understands this phenomenon. Through being dead, he gained tremendous wisdom for living a life of value. Now, with quantum physics, new frontier science and an understanding of reality as energy, our knowledge of the world of time and space have been greatly altered. The next six years are destined to be chocked full of amazing shifts and changes. Join Dannion for a workshop designed to educate, enlighten, and entertain. Drawing on ancient prophesies, from the Mayan Calendar to the Old and New Testament, he will explore the true meaning of The End Times. Will you fear them, or contribute to the ascension of consciousness? The choice is yours, and Dannion Brinkley can help you make the right decisions. Dannion Brinkley is a New York Times best selling author and internationally acclaimed lecturer and intuitive. Struck by lightning and clinically dead for 28 minutes, Dannion has lived on both sides of the veil since 1975. His incredible gifts and understanding of the spiritual realms have kept him in public demand for almost thirty years.

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The year 2012 is fast approaching. In fact, time itself is accelerating. After three near death experiences, and three visits to the Other Side, Dannion Brinkley understands this phenomenon. Through being dead, he gained tremendous wisdom for living a life of value. Now, with quantum physics, new frontier science and an understanding of reality as energy, our knowledge of the world of time and space have been greatly altered.

This is complete gibberish.

Why do you find it interesting, other than as an escape from reality?

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I can't take this kind of stuff. I have two babies I want to see graduate. I hope this stuff is all bull ****.

It is.

The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world; they hit the equivalent of December 31 on their calendar.

The Bible Code is laughable BS.

The "time acceleration" stuff is to the physics world what 9/11 Truthers are to the counter-terrorism world.

It's all the latest round of crap in the never-ending cycle of nutjobs predicting the end of the world.

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new frontier science

ah, of course!

sometimes known as 'I made it up, sounds pretty good huh?!'

as someone else pointed out, check the calendar in your home, it comes to a crushing end on the 31st December EVERY YEAR! Man! how we could we have missed this! wake up world! :doh:

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ah, of course!

sometimes known as 'I made it up, sounds pretty good huh?!'

as someone else pointed out, check the calendar in your home, it comes to a crushing end on the 31st December EVERY YEAR! Man! how we could we have missed this! wake up world! :doh:

I get your point but this is just a terrible analogy.

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I get your point but this is just a terrible analogy.

not when dealing with crack pots - the idea that the calendar ends when it does just like any other because thats how they counted? then starts again? but nah, cant be that basic, that simple. They must have known the world was coming to an end. I reckon the analogy is on the right lines - treat this sooth sayer and his 'new frontier science' with the contempt he deserves.

Occams razor

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Wow, did any of you actually watch this? He's not making 'doom and gloom' predictions at all. Believe me, I don't espouse the 'world is ending' perspective one bit; I think that view is bunk. However, I do beleive a new age for humanity is coming...what will that mean, or how will it be? I'm no psychic so I have no clue, however I can't deny the fact that the Hopi's, Mayans, Aztecs, and so forth have pointed to this time period as a monumental transition period in our history.

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It is.

The Mayans didn't predict the end of the world; they hit the equivalent of December 31 on their calendar.

The Bible Code is laughable BS.

The "time acceleration" stuff is to the physics world what 9/11 Truthers are to the counter-terrorism world.

It's all the latest round of crap in the never-ending cycle of nutjobs predicting the end of the world.

Question for you since your so confident about your stance on this issue; does this then make the quantum field of study 'BS' as well? Does it discount the entire study of metaphysics, or anything having to do with the quantum findings they've found literally in the past 10 years?

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Question for you since your so confident about your stance on this issue; does this then make the quantum field of study 'BS' as well? Does it discount the entire study of metaphysics, or anything having to do with the quantum findings they've found literally in the past 10 years?

Metaphysics? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


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[... using more words that he doesn't know the meaning of ...]

Something for you to consider. If you accept quantum mechanics as 'true', then rejecting other physics because it doesn't fit your beliefs (such as on the nature of space time) is a little inconsistent, dontcha think?

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Wow, did any of you actually watch this? He's not making 'doom and gloom' predictions at all. Believe me, I don't espouse the 'world is ending' perspective one bit; I think that view is bunk. However, I do beleive a new age for humanity is coming...what will that mean, or how will it be? I'm no psychic so I have no clue, however I can't deny the fact that the Hopi's, Mayans, Aztecs, and so forth have pointed to this time period as a monumental transition period in our history.

So you think some views are bunk, but you think this loon has a point? OK. :silly:

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Question for you since your so confident about your stance on this issue; does this then make the quantum field of study 'BS' as well? Does it discount the entire study of metaphysics, or anything having to do with the quantum findings they've found literally in the past 10 years?

Are you claiming that quantum studies have found any legitimate proof of the time acceleration theory?

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FBH, on this topic, which has been aired (or erred) several times before, you're basically speaking and admiring gibberish...even by tailgate standards. :)

You know Jumbo....there's this theory out there that God sent his son to earth...this son of his tried to wake up humanity but instead of receiving his wisdom they rejected him in hate. He was crucified on a cross, and was resurrected after 3 days. He peformed many miracles such as healing the sick and raising the dead. But you know whats ironic about your comments Jumbo? It's that this 'story' could easily be described as 'gibberish' to anyone that has alternate beliefs.

The stories of Buddha or any other 'teacher' can be denegrated to 'gibberish' by those with unaccepting minds. I'm no expert by far; and I'm excited about all the learning yet to take place in my life....but, these are all just ideas. We learn from each other and grow from the exchange of ideas.

I don't know precisely the deeper realities of existince but I do know they exist. I have my beliefs and I'm entitled to that God-given freedom....I've never once gone into a Christian or Muslim thread here in tailgate and mocked what someone else wanted to share. I do believe that God gives us signs in everything (religion and science combined)....you can call that gibberish all you want but it reflects poorly on you and your professionality; not mine. :2cents:

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Are you claiming that quantum studies have found any legitimate proof of the time acceleration theory?

I'm not an expert on quantum theory, but from what I have read and seen I do believe much of it could be true. Look, that's my view...that's my belief...I didn't post this video to enter into some debate. I figured some will find it interesting and parts of it maybe even helpful; but I see now that it threatens the beleifs of some in a fashion or another. Personally, I do believe life is 'speeding up' (intensity of world events, technological advances,etc.) due to evolution but its all perspective right?

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Metaphysics? You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.


Metaphysics is the study of 'being'; that which is beyond physics; the study of the ultimate and fundamental reality.

To me it is the study of the deepest aspect of our reality, the core level...quantum scientists speak of a unified field that connects all of existence. You may have not gathered it from my posts, and thats a fault of my own, but I have been immersed in this subject off and on going on two years now and have a plethora of books/articles that I refer to. So yes, I do know what metaphysics is...at least as much as my awareness has opened up to at this point. (and it is a very ambiguous subject...personally I look at it from a very spiritual perspective)

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Metaphysics is the study of 'being'; that which is beyond physics; the study of the ultimate and fundamental reality.

Fair enough. It's just that you tossed it in with a bunch of other random scientific concepts, and I wasn't sure that you realized that metaphysics is a branch of philosophy, not science.

As to the reactions of Jumbo and the rest, I think you need to step back and realize what's going on here.

There are indeed a few people on here that will mock, almost out of habit, any expression of religion, faith, or spirituality. Jumbo is not one of them. Nor am I, for that matter. Most people here, in fact, do not.

You might recall, for instance, that when you started a thread with a Deepak Chopra video, there was little to no pushback, and I believe Jumbo even said a few nice words about him. Now, personally, I'm not thrilled with Mr. Chopra co-opting Jesus' life and message for his personal message, but I stayed silent, too.

The difference here is that this video really is bunk, not because of the spirtiual aspect, but because of the science (or lack thereof).

It reminds me of the mattress commercial where they say "Space Age technology, like used by NASA!", which is silly, but they know that people will buy in because science has a veneer of respectability and power, especially to those that don't understand it.

In this case, the video tosses around concepts like "quantum physics" and "acceleration of time" and other fancy terms that sound scientific (and sometimes are real terms), but uses them in a way that no legitimate scientist would recognize. They're just there to fool people that don't know any better into buying in.

It's an old trick that snake oil salesmen have been using for a long time.

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The difference here is that this video really is bunk, not because of the spirtiual aspect, but because of the science (or lack thereof).

I definitely understand your point. He should have been more specific and cited sources for his information I suspect. Personally I found it useful much more from a spiritual perspective as opposed to a scientific pov in my personal case; though I still do beleive science is proving that there is a deeper reality to Life and within our lifetimes we will see more evidence of it, but again thats just my humble belief. Which may or may not be proven correct.

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You know Jumbo....there's this theory out there that God sent his son to earth...this son of his tried to wake up humanity but instead of receiving his wisdom they rejected him in hate. He was crucified on a cross, and was resurrected after 3 days. He peformed many miracles such as healing the sick and raising the dead. But you know whats ironic about your comments Jumbo? It's that this 'story' could easily be described as 'gibberish' to anyone that has alternate beliefs.

The stories of Buddha or any other 'teacher' can be denegrated to 'gibberish' by those with unaccepting minds. I'm no expert by far; and I'm excited about all the learning yet to take place in my life....but, these are all just ideas. We learn from each other and grow from the exchange of ideas.

I don't know precisely the deeper realities of existince but I do know they exist. I have my beliefs and I'm entitled to that God-given freedom....I've never once gone into a Christian or Muslim thread here in tailgate and mocked what someone else wanted to share. I do believe that God gives us signs in everything (religion and science combined)....you can call that gibberish all you want but it reflects poorly on you and your professionality; not mine. :2cents:

Jeez, dude, are you going for an oscar here? happy0009.gifhappy0009.gifhappy0009.gif

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Forgive my ignorance on the subject, but exactly is 'Quantum Theory' and more specifically the 'time acceleration' theory? I've tried reading up on it a bit, but it is a little confusing.

Quantum Physics is confusing, which is exactly why it's so ripe for this kind of misuse.

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