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Thanksgiving "Downrange"-- now with a link to the Skins "america supports you" pics.


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Hey everybody-- a Late Happy Turkey Day to you all!! I figured I'd post a few pics of me and my team here in Iraq-- if anybody has friends and fam or yourselves from their holiday-- post em here. Hail! :cheers:


Hey-- I figured this was noteworthy, but didnt deserve its own thread because I couldnt find the video spot- if i do, I'll make a new thread just for it. Anyways on AFN (Armed Forces Network for you peace lovin' civilian types) celebrities occasionally have little video spots where they mention "hey everybody at home supports you, come home safe" etc. Normally its just your usual suspects- country music stars like "Alabama," The president of the VFW, Congressmen, has been rock stars, and the like. Well on Thanksgiving Day, it definitely brought a tear to my eye when I saw MY TEAM---- none other than Jason Campbell, Clinton Portis, Antwan Randall El, Jason Taylor, Jon Jansen, Rock Cartwright, Pete Kendall (a few more too) on AFN wishing us all over here safety and their support. I'm a bit to old to idolize football stars as heroes- but its difficult to put into words how happy it made me feel to see the stars of the team I metaphorically live and die with for 17 weeks (hopefully more this year!) of the year speaking to us over here.

On top of all of that-- its not like the team is out there using this spot to enhance their own publicity in the media (lord knows mr snyder could use some good press) Thanks to the skins for taking a little time to provide us some cheer up this geographically challenged skins fan!

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