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I just tapped a keg of Loose Cannon, (it was filled on July 2nd), and noticed that the ABV listed on the collar around the ring states 7%, (it used to be 7.25%).

No complaints here, as it still tastes as great as ever, but I wonder what the deal is with the lower ABV.


We'll be at the Beer and Bacon fest in September, hope to see you there!

Haha... funny you noticed that, I was just asking about it the other day. Turns out we lowered the alcohol content to make it a more drinkable beer and the bottle labels were never switched. Its actually 7% like the ring states.

Will definitely see at the Beer and Bacon fest - just signed up today to work it! Can't wait.

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While in Portland, I'll have the opportunity to tour a brewery....which of these two should I go to for the best tasting samples :pfft:

Allagash Brewery

Shipyard Brewery

I've tried Allagash before at the Lost Dog Cafe in Arlington and I thought it was a C+, kinda ****ty beer....but I'm sure they make some better ones, it could have just been the one I tried.

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I've tried Allagash before at the Lost Dog Cafe in Arlington and I thought it was a C+, kinda ****ty beer....but I'm sure they make some better ones, it could have just been the one I tried.

Which Allagash did you try? I ask because the Allagash White is a good Belgian Style Witte beer (IMO).

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Have been sipping on a good amount of Sam Adams Summer Ales for the past few weeks. Didn't like it at first, but it grew on me. Has a very subtle lemon flavoring and an oddly above-average body. Cool hazy-golden look to it. Nothing amazing, but your typically refreshing summer brewskie.

Having a cookout tomorrow and want to get something top-notch. I dunno if a Belgian would be appropriate for steak and corn on the cob but I still haven't tried any of the Chimays. Thinking of getting a bomber of the Rogue Dead Guy Ale. I know mostly everyone here gets better prices than me when it comes to beer, but do you think it's even remotely worth paying $18 for a bomber of that stuff?

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Haha... funny you noticed that, I was just asking about it the other day. Turns out we lowered the alcohol content to make it a more drinkable beer and the bottle labels were never switched. Its actually 7% like the ring states.

Will definitely see at the Beer and Bacon fest - just signed up today to work it! Can't wait.

That's actually a great idea. 7% still packs a wallop.

We'll see you at the Beer and Bacon fest...so far there are 5 of us going.

You can't miss us...during football season, I wear Skins jerseys to brewery events. It kind of an ice-breaker and a great way to initiate ****-talking with Ravens fans.

What a great weekend that's going to be. Beer and bacon feast on Saturday, tailgating and the Cowboys game on Sunday!!

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While in Portland, I'll have the opportunity to tour a brewery....which of these two should I go to for the best tasting samples :pfft:

Allagash Brewery

Shipyard Brewery

I've tried Allagash before at the Lost Dog Cafe in Arlington and I thought it was a C+, kinda ****ty beer....but I'm sure they make some better ones, it could have just been the one I tried.

Allagash is great if you like the Belgian style. Shipyard amkes some good beers in different genres.

The answer is easy though: Deschuttes! They kick ass all over the place. Especially if you like stouts. They are one of the breweries my brother has me send stuff East for him. Abyss, Black Butte, Hop in the Dark, Hop Henge.... All among my favorites. I hear they have great beer bars around there too. While you're out there make sure you try stuff at the bars you don't get East. Look for Russian River, Ale Smith, Port, Lost Abbey, Kern River....

I can give you specific West Coast recommendations if you tell me what your favorites are and what styles you like.

Edited by Sebowski
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I've cut down to one 6 pack a week and a bomber of something special on Saturday nights. This past Saturday I had the Dogfish Head Red & White Ale. It wasn't anything special, the majority of reviews you read out there mention that it has the taste of wine, and it does. The aroma is great but the wine in the taste is just not my thing. Probably my least favorite Belgian so far. Way overpriced.

This weeks' six pack is Dominion Hop Mountain Pale Ale. Don't know what I'm going to get this Saturday but I'm thinking of the Heavy Seas Smoke on the Water. It's on my short-list, at least. Anyways, haven't done one of these for a while...

This was my favorite beer to get a while back because I could get it for $6.50 a sixer, and because of how much I like bitter pale ales.

Dominion Hop Mountain APA


Really murky dark copper with a tan head. Extremely dark for a Pale Ale (the beer in the picture is way brighter than it actually is). Love it.

Aroma is awesome. Citrus and tropical fruits, pine, flowers and a caramel backbone. Reminds me of the Heavy Seas Loose Cannon or Troegs Nugget Nectar, believe it or not.

Taste is very bitter grapefruit, grass and pine. Malt backbone is subtle and the sweet character of the aroma is all but destroyed within the bitterness. This is one hell of a bitter pale ale; how isn't this an IPA?

Body is a touch below medium and carbonation is the same. Could be the alcohol warmth (even though it's only 5.6%), but I'm getting a sort of spicy effect on the aftertaste...nice!

This is one of those cases where a fabulous aroma turns in to something completely different in the taste. It's good though. Could use more flavor, a little more personality, but I recommend this if you like your beer bitter.

B (84)

Edited by d0ublestr0ker0ll
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Has anyone tried the new Sam Adams Latitude 48? Its their new IPA and I think its pretty damn good!

I haven't even had their regular IPA yet, but around a month or two ago I had the Longshot Double IPA from Sam Adams and it was very good. All four beers I've had from their Longshot series have been very tasty. The Old Ben Ale is still my favorite Longshot, but the DIPA is right behind it.

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Picked up a mixed case on Sunday, 12 pack Brooklyn Variety, 6 Peroni, and 6 Raging *****. The Brooklyn Brown Ale is very tasty, so is their Lager. The ***** is the *****, but my new favorite beer is Peroni. I love knocking back some Miller Lites on a hot summer day, but Peroni has this crisp cleanliness to it, that's really nice. I'm looking forward to a few of these on the beach in a couple of weeks.

Edited by GoSkins561
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I've only just really gotten into beer, being a youngster and all.

So far I really like Yuengling traditional.

I've never had dark beer of any sort, but I'm very interested in the idea.

What's a decent dark beer that's pretty easy to find?

I'm also wanting to try Newcastle, anyone got a strong opinion on it?

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