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A special thread for Cowboy trolls...

Gart Monk

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After a long day of fending off phone calls and text messages from Cowboy fans that I haven't heard from in damn near a year, I decided to address the rest of "yall" on this board. I'm not posting this on the Cowboys forum because I don't want to offend the hundred or so realistic Dallas fans out there who have access to the internet. This is just for you trolls who come here to gloat.

Congratulations on your stunning upset last night over the Washington Redskins. Your supersmart team fought their guts out and bought itself another week of hope for 2008. I can only imagine the celebration that went on in Texas last night as you cranked up your Lita Ford tapes, tipped cows, did some border sniping and guzzled Shiner Bock until dawn when you went home and got into fist fights with your mamas boyfriends. Your media whoring, juggernaut, Cowboys truly proved that they are tied with the Redskins after 11 weeks of football. I heard yall were gonna to run the table this year.

The fact of the matter is that the Cowboys are only a pinky away from being the bottom feeders of the division. The entire conference is 2nd class to the NY Giants. Dallas and Washington will probably miss the playoffs. Terrell Owens will once again make a mockery your team this year. Your coach is gonna get fired at the end of the season. Your team will take that great leap forward into the 1990's, get a decent stadium, and your prices are gonna go through the roof. You'll have one more year to win a playoff game or you will blank the decade. Good times in Dallas!

In closing I would wish Cowboy Nation good luck in the future. I don't hate the Cowboys, I enjoy them. Every division has "that" team for entertainment purposes. Keep up the good work and the NFC East might keep yall around for a few more years. I trust you will.

Keep up the good work and go easy on the livestock!


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Someones bitter.......

Bitter? No, it's just that today at work I noticed something about the fans in this area. Everyone had their cowpuke gear on today. It really is comedy. The skins lose to the pukes and all the sudden everyone's a puke fan. Those same people won't be anywhere around when their beloved "boys" still can't win a playoff game.

Admit it, that post was funny. You write one about the Redskins :)

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This is great! Their only excited for one game, we played like trash and they still couldn"t nail the coffin shut untill a little over a minute left. As far as running the table, thats hilarious! They will come back down to earth very hard and very fast, and again not win a playoff game. Fact is they won't even make the playoffs this year, thank God I'm not a Cowboy fan!

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Bitter? No, it's just that today at work I noticed something about the fans in this area. Everyone had their cowpuke gear on today. It really is comedy. The skins lose to the pukes and all the sudden everyone's a puke fan. Those same people won't be anywhere around when their beloved "boys" still can't win a playoff game.

Admit it, that post was funny. You write one about the Redskins :)

As a Texan I am amused at the waaaaay offbase stereotypes he inserted. I doubt he has been to Texas though so its what he has :)

The fans you are describing are everywhere. I know 2 guys in my small town of 5k that are Skins fans They call everyday, but I havent heard from them since the game ended. Went to their house today and their Redskins flag wasnt even flying over their door. I suppose thats how it goes for out of town fans.

As for doing one for the Skins hell no you trying to get me banned LOL

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As for doing one for the Skins hell no you trying to get me banned LOL

HAHAHA!! I wore my Skins gear to Dallas Ft. Worth and loved it. It's funny though I didn't get heckled as much as I had hoped. Disappointing!

Anyways, I'm sure you're right about that out of town fans everywhere but still the post was funny.

As for getting banned... I would never ...

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Seriously' date=' Dallas fans and the players acted like they won the superbowl. I've never seen dallas fans so happy over a win....Never.[/quote']

You all knew we needed that win to keep our playoff hopes alive. If we lost that game our season was over.

And for the OP: Technically, it wasn't an stunning upset at all as we were favored by 2 points ;)

Like BigDFan said...someone's bitter..

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After a long day of fending off phone calls and text messages from Cowboy fans that I haven't heard from in damn near a year

a nameless poke visitor on here (THA), has posted just once the past three weeks (Nov. 1st) but after the game (even though it ended so late) posted nine times.... all boasting type posts

sums up most typical poke fans

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Bitter? No, it's just that today at work I noticed something about the fans in this area. Everyone had their cowpuke gear on today. It really is comedy. The skins lose to the pukes and all the sudden everyone's a puke fan. Those same people won't be anywhere around when their beloved "boys" still can't win a playoff game.

Admit it, that post was funny. You write one about the Redskins :)

Very Funny!

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You all knew we needed that win to keep our playoff hopes alive. If we lost that game our season was over.

And for the OP: Technically, it wasn't an stunning upset at all as we were favored by 2 points ;)

Like BigDFan said...someone's bitter..

Well now we know how you all felt after Week 4.

But a win yesterday cannot erase all the media scrutiny you all went through between then and now. Good times...good times...

BTW, how's that Pacman Jones working out for you? D Hall sucks and he got banned from the league because he fought his oh wait...:P

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I wonder where that troll "boyzfan" is. He likes to send lame PM's since he know he'd get banned if he said that stuff in open forums.

I've been to TX so I know the stereotypes are real. I'm also a dealer in a large Vegas Strip casino. It's amazing how many Texans can't formulate a proper and full sentence. Furthermore, adding to 21 seems to be difficult for them too. Godspeed!

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Bitter? No, it's just that today at work I noticed something about the fans in this area. Everyone had their cowpuke gear on today. It really is comedy. The skins lose to the pukes and all the sudden everyone's a puke fan. Those same people won't be anywhere around when their beloved "boys" still can't win a playoff game.

Admit it, that post was funny. You write one about the Redskins :)

Tell me about it for the last several weeks I couldn't find anyone wearing Puke gear now all of the sudden they beat us they all come out of woodwork :doh:.

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As a Texan I am amused at the waaaaay offbase stereotypes he inserted. I doubt he has been to Texas though so its what he has :)

The fans you are describing are everywhere. I know 2 guys in my small town of 5k that are Skins fans They call everyday, but I havent heard from them since the game ended. Went to their house today and their Redskins flag wasnt even flying over their door. I suppose thats how it goes for out of town fans.

As for doing one for the Skins hell no you trying to get me banned LOL

I have to agree about fans of other teams that live in your town. If you're originally from someplace else and you move to a new city, that's one thing. But we all know people that are born and raised in DC/Dallas that are Cowboy/Redskin fans. I guess that a lot of people just like to be contrarians. We have more Cowboy fans up here than anywhere else besides Dallas, and from what I understand you have more Skins fans down there than anywhere else besides Washington. Your fans have a presence in our stadium, and ours have one in yours. That's just the nature of the rivalry I guess. I'd be interested to know if the same applies with other rivalries in the NFL, and even other sports...Bears/Packers, Broncos/Raiders, Red Sox/Yankees, etc. I guess some people are just born contrarians in all aspects, including sports.

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I still remember how a Pukes fan this year called me up talking all kinds when we lost to the "lowly, winless Rams." Funny, they didn't answer the phone when they lost to the same lowly Rams. Typical Pukes fan. They sure were quiet the last few weeks down here. Now with that win against us, they're coming out of the woodwork. Just like ****roaches I suppose.

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