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Holding an offense like the Cowboys to 14....


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It is a sickening feeling to see our defense able to hold a talented offense like the Cowboys to 14 points, yet still come away looking so average.

I know there is a lot of room for improvement concerning certain elements of the defense, but with that said, the bottomline is that they only gave up 14 points.

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And really, the Barber touchdown should have been overturned (although they probably would have punched it in anyway) and the TD to the rookie tight end was just a damn lucky play. The defense played exceptional all game except for not being able to stop Barber at the end. Can't put too much blame on that, though...you could tell the guys were tired and needed a breather from the offense.

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need a new QB real bad. need a QB that can handle pressure, side step, step up, avoid rushes and make plays on his own. campbell only can make plays when he has perfect peressure and when the WRs are wide open. our last play on 4th down, campbell panicked when there was little pressure and threw the ball to a tightly covered receiver. just watching this mediocre campbell is nerve wrecking especially when he gets pressure. the guy is mediocre at best. jansen needs to get replaced. why heyer isnt there is a mystery. need another WR to compliment moss and zorn needs to cme up with new plays or give up his play calling. so pathetic.

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It is a sickening feeling to see our defense able to hold a talented offense like the Cowboys to 14 points, yet still come away looking so average.

I know there is a lot of room for improvement concerning certain elements of the defense, but with that said, the bottomline is that they only gave up 14 points.

Its been like this for a long time. Our defense plays good but we cant score 21 pointsto sve our life. Zorn dont make adjustments he sucks hopes he is a fast learner

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need a new QB real bad. need a QB that can handle pressure, side step, step up, avoid rushes and make plays on his own. campbell only can make plays when he has perfect peressure and when the WRs are wide open. our last play on 4th down, campbell panicked when there was little pressure and threw the ball to a tightly covered receiver. just watching this mediocre campbell is nerve wrecking especially when he gets pressure. the guy is mediocre at best. jansen needs to get replaced. why heyer isnt there is a mystery. need another WR to compliment moss and zorn needs to cme up with new plays or give up his play calling. so pathetic.

No, we need an o-line real bad. JC is fine. When he has time he is great.

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Guest sith lord
No, we need an o-line real bad. JC is fine. When he has time he is great.

JC is nothing special. Look, I see QB's all day (NFL Sunday Tix) that step into pressure and deliver strikes. Too bad JC isn't one of them.

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If the defense could generate a pass rush, the offensive line would not get overwhelmed every week because they would see it in practice everyday.

but wait...

If the offense could pass protect, the defensive line would not get shut down every week because they would see it in practice everyday.

If you don't change anything then nothing ever changes.

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No, we need an o-line real bad. JC is fine. When he has time he is great.

did u not read what i wrote dude? u basically said what i said. i said campbell makes play when he has perfect protection and WRs are wide open. but most good QBs make plays when there is pressure. they know how to step up, side step, avoid rushes and make plays on their own. youll always have oline break downa nd QBs being pressure regardless how good the oline is.

i mean even Romo sits to pee showed that tonight when he stepped up and made that shovel pass for a 1st down. campbell just cant do it. he panicks, freaks out, and cant make plays when pressured. he obviously cant avoid pressure and avoid sacks. all QBs need to go in to games thining he will be pressured....... campbell just aint good. in his defense our oline needs worked to but sometimes, good Qbs bail out oliines by make plays on their own and campbell aint one of them.

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need a new QB real bad. need a QB that can handle pressure, side step, step up, avoid rushes and make plays on his own. campbell only can make plays when he has perfect peressure and when the WRs are wide open. our last play on 4th down, campbell panicked when there was little pressure and threw the ball to a tightly covered receiver. just watching this mediocre campbell is nerve wrecking especially when he gets pressure. the guy is mediocre at best. jansen needs to get replaced. why heyer isnt there is a mystery. need another WR to compliment moss and zorn needs to cme up with new plays or give up his play calling. so pathetic.

I don't think it's JC's fault. Campbell has shown he can make plays, but he cannot make them if there's a brakedown and he's constantly under pressure. Romo sits to pee, just like in Dallas, had plenty of time to throw. The OL is just not executing like they were earlier in the season.

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No, we need an o-line real bad. JC is fine. When he has time he is great.

when any QB has time, they are usually great. lets not make it sound like what he does is great. its when QBs dont have much time and is pressured determines whos great and whos not.

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I don't think it's JC's fault. Campbell has shown he can make plays, but he cannot make them if there's a brakedown and he's constantly under pressure. Romo sits to pee, just like in Dallas, had plenty of time to throw. The OL is just not executing like they were earlier in the season.

having a bad olline isnt his fault but not being able to make plays when there is pressur is his fault. it simply means, he isnt great under pressure while good QBs can make plays on their own by stepping up, side step , avoid rush and make the rushers pay for it. ive seen JC make plays when pressured a few times this yr but nowhere near enough. remember those two big plays in dallas to moss? or that big play to moss against cardinals.... he needs to do more of that but unforutnately he cant. if he can do that consistently, he can be considered a great QB. right now, he is mediocre.

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I don't think our D played great. The Cowboys ran all over us and one of those Romo sits to pee picks was a gift. They played well. They are a solid group that won't lose a game but doesn't make enough huge plays to win it.

I think you are wrong with that statement. What do you mean by won't make huge plays to win it? Do you expect the D to score points in every game? They did create two turnovers and held the team to only 14 points. That should be enough to win games in every single week. The primarily job of the D is to not let the opposing team score and they are doing a great job.

At some point, the offense needs to make plays and put points on the board.

The D created 3 TOs vs Saints, the final TO to seal the game pretty much. D also created the winning TD after a pick against the Cards. D also created a fumble at the Rams 3 yard line and put us up 7-0 against the Rams. D shut out the Browns on the goal-line 7 straight plays. D shut out the Cowboys at Dallas (they scored twice when we went prevent prior to half and end of game). D shut out Eagles after they went up 14-0 (one TD on punt return).

I think the D has done a great job in holding the opponents down and it should be time for the O to help out the D.

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when any QB has time, they are usually great. lets not make it sound like what he does is great. its when QBs dont have much time and is pressured determines whos great and whos not.

by your logic, you're saying tom brady isn't great. That is hilarious.

Kinda hard for JC to step up in the pocket when its collapsing.

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