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Tell Obama What Your Vision Is....


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No where in the provided material is there any mention of this being a PR job. Instead I see very clearly:

"Tell us your story and the issues that matter most to you. Share with us your concerns and hopes. – the policies you want to see carried out in the next four years."

exactly, I am giving those who bashed bush a taste of thier own medicine...

So, what you want to see is actually a reversal of the vote that just took place, and for a person who has not had an opportunity to walk away from the challenge confronting us all. Somehow I doubt anyone would do that.

I think it's a bit silly to beat down a person before they have had an opportunity to try different solutions to our common problems. President Bush certainly had an opportunity to do so. If you recall the early days of his first term, I doubt you could really find much that people bashed him for at all (other than perhaps the interference of the Supreme Court at his request in the voting process). Certainly post 9/11, only a tiny minority bashed him for anything.

It is certainlly too early to tell what the actual purpose is of this attempt at outreach. Perhaps it is PR, perhaps it is an attempt to heal the breach of partisanship that mars this country, and perhaps it is exactly as advertised.

The only thing that we can honestly say about it is - if you do not attempt the communication, you are missing an opportunity based solely on your partisan distaste/hate/fear. So, as an American citizen, it's certainly time to communicate to a person who says that he wants to know what is on your mind. What could you possibly have to lose?

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No where in the provided material is there any mention of this being a PR job. Instead I see very clearly:

"Tell us your story and the issues that matter most to you. Share with us your concerns and hopes. – the policies you want to see carried out in the next four years."

So, what you want to see is actually a reversal of the vote that just took place, and for a person who has not had an opportunity to walk away from the challenge confronting us all. Somehow I doubt anyone would do that.

I think it's a bit silly to beat down a person before they have had an opportunity to try different solutions to our common problems. President Bush certainly had an opportunity to do so. If you recall the early days of his first term, I doubt you could really find much that people bashed him for at all (other than perhaps the interference of the Supreme Court at his request in the voting process). Certainly post 9/11, only a tiny minority bashed him for anything.

It is certainlly too early to tell what the actual purpose is of this attempt at outreach. Perhaps it is PR, perhaps it is an attempt to heal the breach of partisanship that mars this country, and perhaps it is exactly as advertised.

The only thing that we can honestly say about it is - if you do not attempt the communication, you are missing an opportunity based solely on your partisan distaste/hate/fear. So, as an American citizen, it's certainly time to communicate to a person who says that he wants to know what is on your mind. What could you possibly have to lose?

Of course its not going to say anywhere its for PR that would destroy the purpose. But you actually think that the obama advisors are going to look at these emails and change policy or beliefs based on your ideals?

Mostly I dont have any Distaste/Hate/Fear for our new president elect and that is insulting to say that. i am not going to attempt to communicate to the President of the Untited States people via an online site.

And per the first comment it was a joke I would not expect him to resign or even write it on a post.. just a joke which I thought was funny..

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exactly, I am giving those who bashed bush a taste of thier own medicine...

Well I'm not going to, but should I say that you're a traitor to this country for you wanting Obama to resign? Maybe you should be placed in jail as a traitor and possible spy? It's the same thing. Though the original thing was to tell Obama what you would like to see him do to help the country as President. Not resign and hope someone else will do a better idea because you didn't vote for him.

This is why I hate both parties.

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Nice PR ploy, can't believe some people are falling for it. :rolleyes:

The whole flippin campaign plus the dood hisself were a PR ploy! With the help of the complicit Press!

Congrats to him for winning (*I* voted for the more competent guy who at least HAS a resume) but "Fantasy Island" is almost over and the hard work soon begins! I just hope his hands are tied with the crappy economy so he has to keep his hands out of our pockets!

"Jimmy Carter .. The Sequel"

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Well I'm not going to, but should I say that you're a traitor to this country for you wanting Obama to resign? Maybe you should be placed in jail as a traitor and possible spy? It's the same thing. Though the original thing was to tell Obama what you would like to see him do to help the country as President. Not resign and hope someone else will do a better idea because you didn't vote for him.

This is why I hate both parties.

Dont ever call me a traitor to this country. You have no idea who I am and what I have done for this country...

As stated before the resign comment was a joke...Get a grip and get over yourself

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This thread could have been a really interesting exercise in generating ideas for America and what would make this country better, stronger, faster... (Yes, I'd like to be the six million dollar man or at least have six million in my bank account) Instead, it was just an series of chest thumpings and howling at the moon. Sad, if you think about it.

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This thread could have been a really interesting exercise in generating ideas for America and what would make this country better, stronger, faster... (Yes, I'd like to be the six million dollar man or at least have six million in my bank account) Instead, it was just an series of chest thumpings and howling at the moon. Sad, if you think about it.

So you figured Uniter Neauvo would cause us all to stop acting as we always have and figure out ways to solve the problems?

We can't do it in the face of War, Depression or a Dying Planet. Do you really think a new PotUS candidate (who had just over half the pop vote) would do it?

Me thinks somebody put something in your Kool Aid.

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Damn good point, Koolblue.


Damn good point.

I wouldn't mind a discussion of our vision and the steps we'd like to see taken (maybe with Obama's name taken out of it. That might be fun)

I think Whodel, perhaps unintentionally brought in something I'd like to see and that is an uptick in medical research and medical research funding by the government. I know that institutions like the NIH have been invaluable because they are allowed to be more objective. More, I'd like us to be at the top of all the scientific food chains again.

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I want to drill and refine here, under "realistic" environmental guidelines and use the royalties to be spent on Alt energy. 10 year leases and zero chance at renewal.

I want a flat percentage income tax with zero deductions and the entire burden placed on each individual. No other taxes.

I want our borders safe, but not with a wall. I am fine with Amnesty, but we need a better plan.

I want the marijuana to be 100% legal along with hemp. Allow the WoD to focus on speed and crack.

I want the NSA closed, the Patriot act repealed and American owned and located companies in charge of the phone lines. CIA and FBI can handle the jobs, if they can keep them.

I want massive reform and spending cuts in the Federal Government, backed by an audit by 3 separate independent accounting firms, whose private reports get published for every one at the same time.

I want most of our over sea military bases closed, but monitored and maintained by the countries military they are in. If we need them they are there. We bought them and built them, they can handle it until we are needed again.

I want to stop free give aways of military equipment, stop selling our top end tech and no more free money to other governments, especially those like Afghanistan who continue to grow poppy instead of food for their people.

That's a start to what I would like to see. How is the Burg, I'm game.

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I don't know that I can be as thorough as you, but there are a number of things I'd like done generally speaking.

Cut a bunch of the crap out of government spending. We spend a lot on stuff that doesn't help anybody or helps way to few.

Immediately start working on the alternatives, if successful, it will help our economy, our jobs, our air, our health, and weaken our enemies. I think if nothing else, figure out ways to use alternatives in limited ways that make sense. There's a lot of potential for solar in Arizona, New Mexico, California for example. Short term more expensive, long term hopefully great for all of us.

Similarly, as I said before. Invest in science and technology. We need science to be sexy again and stop being scared of it. And I'm not just talking about stem cells. We have underprioritized science and let India, Brazil, and a bunch of others catch up to us or pass us. We need to stop farming out our intelligence and start developing our own. We were the best. We should be the best again.

Financial Regulation. I don't know the where's, what's or how's, but there needs to be some checks so these greedy ****s can't do it to us again. We made the assumption that if left alone that business would behave ethically. We saw that when left alone they will behave solely for their short term interest and a lot of cookie jars lie broken.

Iraq. Somehow, slowly and reasonably, we need to extricate ourselves from Iraq. This will be hellishly difficult because if we do it poorly our enemies can take great advantageof it and the world will be made more dangerous.

Insurance: Even more than health care, I think health insurance is a scam and a broken system in this country. It is utterly ridiculous that I can buy medicine produced in Baltimore cheaper by buying it overseas than driving next door to the plant. It is ridiculous that insurance companies will take your money and cancel the moment you need service or weasal out in the numerous ways they do.

Tax loophole: This is a small one, but I despise giving taxbreaks to U.S. corporations for sending jobs overseas. There's already enough of an incentive in that they can pay cheaper salaries and will make higher profits. Why do we need to further encourage them to get out of the U.S.?

There's lots more...

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Financial Regulation. I don't know the where's, what's or how's, but there needs to be some checks so these greedy ****s can't do it to us again. We made the assumption that if left alone that business would behave ethically. We saw that when left alone they will behave solely for their short term interest and a lot of cookie jars lie broken.

Not to nit pick, but I believe we had several restrictions, temporarily removed them and then rewarded those at fault financially for their mistakes.

So we have the regulations around here somewhere and we can tinker with them all we want. Maybe it's time to see what happens if we can't control them the way we have.

I bet you could educate a lot of people on how to invest/purchase a home with somewhere around 700 billion dollars.

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There are plenty who could school me on economics. From what I've been able to figure out the financial disaster was a four part process. Deregulation by Clinton/Bush, greedy financial/corporate ****s, greedy home flipping ****s, and poor suckers.

That gets to a bigger issue... thanks for reminding me.

Actually, enforcing regulations. We have a number of good regulations on the books that are conveniently being ignored or due to understaffing of departments can't be addressed and spotted in time.

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Provide a national defense and secure the borders

Return local control of spending (no earmarks)and education

Create a viable domestic energy policy that is long term in concept

Provide basic preventive healthcare to every citizen

Legalize and tax the hell out of drugs

End income tax with a minor sales tax increase and a exemption for all basic necessity's.

End federal funding of abortion.

Institute term limits

Provide civil unions for all (and I do mean All,if you want 5 wives or husbands...go for it)

Reduce the legal drinking age to 18

Remove the tax exempt status for all organizations

Institute Right to Work laws nationwide

End Affirmative Action

Apply the Voting Rights act nationally or repeal it

Cap loan rates..no excessive usury allowed(prime plus 15% limit)

No bail outs to anyone...bankruptcy or firesale only

Expand the Castle doctrine nationwide

...work on that and I'll add more.:2cents:

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Actually, enforcing regulations. We have a number of good regulations on the books that are conveniently being ignored or due to understaffing of departments can't be addressed and spotted in time.

Have you heard of the little talked about OFHEO?

Warren Buffet had some interesting things to say about them on CNBC in August. (source: http://www.clusterstock.com/2008/8/that-awesome-warren-buffett-cnbc-interview)

Mr. BUFFETT: Well, it's really an incredible case study in regulation

because something called OFHEO was set up in 1992 by Congress, and the sole

job of OFHEO was to watch over Fannie and Freddie, someone to watch over them.

And they were there to evaluate the soundness and the accounting and all of

that. Two companies were all they had to regulate. OFHEO has over 200

employees now. They have a budget now that's $65 million a year, and all they

have to do is look at two companies. I mean, you know, I look at more than

two companies.

QUICK: Mm-hmm.

Mr. BUFFETT: And they sat there, made reports to the Congress, you can get

them on the Internet, every year. And, in fact, they reported to Sarbanes and

Oxley every year. And they went--wrote 100 page reports, and they said,

`We've looked at these people and their standards are fine and their directors

are fine and everything was fine.' And then all of a sudden you had two of the

greatest accounting misstatements in history. You had all kinds of management

malfeasance, and it all came out. And, of course, the classic thing was that

after it all came out, OFHEO wrote a 350--340 page report examining what went

wrong, and they blamed the management, they blamed the directors, they blamed

the audit committee. They didn't have a word in there about themselves, and

they're the ones that 200 people were going to work every day with just two

companies to think about. It just shows the problems of regulation.

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Have you heard of the little talked about OFHEO?

No, I hadn't heard of OFHEO and I agree with you. So, add to my request for enforcement and proper funding/staffing, mechanisms to check the competency of the oversight mechanisms because clearly whether it was done innocently, intentionally, or with malice our government's ability and many corporations ability to self-check needs to be looked at.

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