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Second Half Bathroom Breaks

Tulane Skins Fan

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This is the single most frustrating part about a home Redskins game:

Before the game, a coin flip determines who gets the ball first, and consequentially who gets the ball to start the second half.

When we are on offense, we are quiet, but when we are on defense we MUST BE LOUD.

If we know that we will be on defense to start the second half, we all must do everything in our power to get back to our seats before the kickoff. That means holding your pee in for an additional 5 minutes (as opposed to spening an extra 5 in a stinky bathroom) if necessary.

It seems that every single home game, the visiting team gets the ball to start the second half. And about 10K fans are in their seats making noise, as opposed to 100K. Now, I'm not looking at the stat sheet, but I think when this happens we probably give up a TD 95% of the time.

So please, I beg you to hold your pee while we are on defense.

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This is the single most frustrating part about a home Redskins game:

Before the game, a coin flip determines who gets the ball first, and consequentially who gets the ball to start the second half.

When we are on offense, we are quiet, but when we are on defense we MUST BE LOUD.

If we know that we will be on defense to start the second half, we all must do everything in our power to get back to our seats before the kickoff. That means holding your pee in for an additional 5 minutes (as opposed to spening an extra 5 in a stinky bathroom) if necessary.

It seems that every single home game, the visiting team gets the ball to start the second half. And about 10K fans are in their seats making noise, as opposed to 100K. Now, I'm not looking at the stat sheet, but I think when this happens we probably give up a TD 95% of the time.

So please, I beg you to hold your pee while we are on defense.

A good deal of the problem is with Zorn who continues to not defer, taking the ball first to open the game and giving the visiting team a quiet open in the second half. Come on, if we win the toss....defer.

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I started a thread on this last month, and got slammed. I completely agree, there is nothing more frustrating than a half full stadium at the start of the half. There are several ways to change this.

1. Try to go with about four minutes left in the half

2. Don't drink so much, and these are some of the same people -ithching about the cost of a beer.

3. I have end zone seats, and I can tell you that so many people just hang out at the bar instead of in their seats. I have been to the bathroom at a timeout 7 or 8 minutes after the start of the half, and the bar is packed.

I miss very few plays ever. I guess I don't drink enough

Jut some suggestions.

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A good deal of the problem is with Zorn who continues to not defer, taking the ball first to open the game and giving the visiting team a quiet open in the second half. Come on, if we win the toss....defer.
Halftime is too short, IMO. It should be 20 minutes but right now it's 13.

No offense guys, but we're not gonna have an impact on Zorn's decisions or on the NFL's halftime length regulations, but we can hold our pee at halftime if the line is too long.

Yes, I AM on a crusade against this.

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A good deal of the problem is with Zorn who continues to not defer, taking the ball first to open the game and giving the visiting team a quiet open in the second half. Come on, if we win the toss....defer.

Czaban brought up the issue w/Zorn and Zorn acted like Czabe was insulting his intelligence.

It's a serious issue and I wish Zorn could understand.

It's not the fault of our fans that the rest rooms on the lower level are way over capacity for the number of people down there.

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This is the single most frustrating part about a home Redskins game:

Before the game, a coin flip determines who gets the ball first, and consequentially who gets the ball to start the second half.

When we are on offense, we are quiet, but when we are on defense we MUST BE LOUD.

If we know that we will be on defense to start the second half, we all must do everything in our power to get back to our seats before the kickoff. That means holding your pee in for an additional 5 minutes (as opposed to spening an extra 5 in a stinky bathroom) if necessary.

It seems that every single home game, the visiting team gets the ball to start the second half. And about 10K fans are in their seats making noise, as opposed to 100K. Now, I'm not looking at the stat sheet, but I think when this happens we probably give up a TD 95% of the time.

So please, I beg you to hold your pee while we are on defense.

This is getting out of control!!!! are you seriously suggesting bathroom timing? When and when not to go to the BATHROOM?


on another note.. you could be just like this black guy in 417 at the Monday nighter. First quarter he was rowdy drunk.. he sat down for the 2nd and midway through I saw a puddle form on the ground... i looked up and yep.. sure enough he had completely wet his pants. How anyone can get that out of control is beyond me...

HIS GF was embarresed as hell and he didn't realize what he had done till late in the 3rd Q.

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This is getting out of control!!!! are you seriously suggesting bathroom timing? When and when not to go to the BATHROOM?


on another note.. you could be just like this black guy in 417 at the Monday nighter. First quarter he was rowdy drunk.. he sat down for the 2nd and midway through I saw a puddle form on the ground... i looked up and yep.. sure enough he had completely wet his pants. How anyone can get that out of control is beyond me...

HIS GF was embarresed as hell and he didn't realize what he had done till late in the 3rd Q.

I am suggesting fans not miss the game, especially when we are on defense. And I have respect for the guy who pees himself because he doesn't want to miss the game. (Although, there are plenty of chances when we're on OFFENSE to go pee and he wouldn't have been counted on.)

And I will be bumping this thread before home games.

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Most people don't realize how bad the rest room situation is on the lower level, particularly on the visitor's side.

Unless you're a veteran to that region of the stadium, you're not going to think about those kind of things as your blatter fills and half time approaches.

I'd be willing to bet that the lower level of FedEx has the lowest ratio of urinals per patron of any venue in the league.

I.E. the longest wait times on average. At least that's been my experience when comparing all of the other venues I've visited around the NFL.

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Is that a difficult concept for you to grasp?

yes very difficult... telling people that have paid the same amount of money as you or more in some cases, when they should go to the b-room?

does it make you less of a fan if you have to pee and miss a series? Doubtful...

if someone at the game yelled at me for leaving to go to the b-room.. there is no doubt in my mind, he or she would recieve a golden shower right then and there.

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Yes, the reason the Redskins get scored on on the first drive of the 2nd half, is because our stupid fans can't hold their pee. Come on guys, bring a bottle to pee in. Or like the drunk guy, pee in your pants. Better yet, pee in the hoodie of the person in front of you. Because we all know the defense absolutely needs the fans and the pee in their bladder in order to stop the other team. No football skills whatsoever. Oh, I just thought of this. Insert a catheter before the game, and whallah. Instant bathroom. Discard the bag in a nearby receptacle.

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What they need to do is put barriers in between the urinals or something, I just have a lot of trouble pissing when there are a bunch of guys around me

Or when there's a drunk behind you yelling "let's go" or "hurry up".

That does a lot of good to speed up the lines.

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If you leave right at the end of the half and go the bathroom line directly and then do your business and go straight back to your seat you are lucky if the 3rd quarter hasn't started yet.

Never mind if you want to get another drink or food.

It's pretty much impossible to do on the visiting side of the lower level if one leaves their seat after the final snap of the first half.

I've learned to time piss runs just perfectly.

You have to wait until the middle of a quarter.

After a Redkins 3rd down fails to convert, I leave my seat and walk down the steps of 221. At the bottom of the stairs I kneel down to watch the punt return so I don't obstruct anyone's view.

Then there's a three minute break b/f the next snap.

I usually only miss one or two plays at the start of a drive when we're on defense.

Such strategy is usually not necessary in the other stadiums I've visited.

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Way to perpetuate a myth. The defense is more than capable of stopping the opposing offense without the help of the crowd.

You have noticed we have played many games this year, and in past years in OTHER teams stadiums, right? Our defense was able to play well there without the help of crowd noise. People have to take a break at some point, and really the blame should be on Snyder for packing Fedex with so many seats that bathroom breaks take more time.

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