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Why do people think that social programs give money to the lazy or promote laziness?


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That is mis-managed, too. I think by and large they do a better job than the civilian agencies, but they could use some trimming in the right places. Like those stories about thousand dollar hammers and toilet seats. DoD could be trimmed while retaining or enhancing our capability. Anyone who feels the administration of our government is not a collection of successive blunders should recall their visits to their local DMV. Just think about how much government is involved in you driving your car. You have to title it, register it; pay taxes on it; the government FORCES you to insure it; pay taxes for road upkeep; pay taxes on the gas you buy; many places make you pass an inspection; ditto emissions test; and if you speed or break any of a myriad of laws while driving, the police will fine or imprison you. We could easily do without some of this.

Oy, really I wasn't interested in having a discussion regarding the funding of the DoD, I was using a bit of pointed hyperbole that was apparently missed by most.

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Oy, really I wasn't interested in having a discussion regarding the funding of the DoD, I was using a bit of pointed hyperbole that was apparently missed by most.

I chuckled as I read this. I got it, and appreciate where you're coming from. As always, we Americans agree on the general aim, but disagree on how to get there. I'd personally prefer that not too much is taken from this particular area, but I'd gladly take a huge cut there if there was an equal or larger cut removed from the plethora of useless and/or bloated programs that are being leeched on, thereby denying benefits to those who genuinely need help. Taxes are ridiculously high and somehow Congress manages to spend more than those huge revenues they are raking in from those taxes. So yeah, let's cut DoD, but let's also slash everything else too. Seeing as how we now have the Democratic party in control of both the legislative and executive branches, I seriously doubt that will happen, as they are known for spending, spending, and more spending. I'd love to be wrong, but...:rolleyes:

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There is always something people getting social help can do. Even watch other peoples kids while they go work a minimum wage job to help themselves, even a little. Clean up the roads etc. But that was deemed demeaning.

Also, do drug testing on those that get it. I have to get randomly tested at my job, so should they.

And since we now have a socilist political system looking at us. Force sterilization for those who have the govt pay for one pregnancy or one abortion.

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I only left that out because it's so obvious; that was the point of the whole back-and-forth about it. I understand the point you're making and agree: I don't want my tax dollars spent second-hand on a drug habit. BUT, such a proposal as drug testing just seems to me to be not only overly authoritarian, but also an open invitation to create yet another sprawling and ultimately useless paper-pushing bureaucracy that will waste even more money and effect as much power over people as they can possibly garner for themselves. Because that's what bureaucracies do; they exist to gain and use power over others and to then perpetuate that power. So looking at it pragmatically, which will cost us more? The way it is, or testing them? It's clearly the latter. Not only will you have to pay to administer these tests, then you will have to incarcerate the people you catch afoul of said tests. I guarantee you that will more than offset the money we would get out of paying them for "assistance".

With all that being said, I frankly think that the number of people on "assistance" abusing drugs is not all that high. They'd rather spend it on whatever else from what I've seen. Dunno if there's a pee test to see if somebody has a giant flat-screen in their crib, but technology is muther****er nowadays!

Sorry, there is no way random drug testing for people receiving checks from the govt will cost more. It's not an expensive test to run and I think you are wrong about the number of people being high. This is the first step in cleaning up programs like welfare. The American tax payer is paying for the drug habits of probably hundreds of thousands of people. I don't think it's too much to ask for these people to take a simple drug test to get that check. I had to take a drug test to get my job which helps to pay for their check. Why shouldn't they take a drug test to get their money the earned simply by breathing and being a citizen?

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I have a disability (from an on-the-job injury). I am out of work and no one wants to hire me because of said disability.

I was even recently denied Social Security disability benefits after paying into it for 30 years.

I have pissed away all my savings and I am ready to cash in my 401k to help me keep from losing my house.

I was too proud to ask for help before, but I am in dire need now, but I still can’t get any help from the government.

Aren’t there any programs that are out there that are suppose to help people like me???

Sorry to hear that 44. The current programs in place are made specifically for people like you. Have you tried checking with your local unemployment office? (although it won't be what you were earning when you were still employed)

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I haven't seen many people argue against drug testing to receive welfare and other social programs where money is redistributed. I was expecting a bigger argument. I'm ashamed to say I judged.

I've been saying for a long time that people who receive welfare checks should be required to pass drug test before they can get benefits and also required to pass a drug test every 3 to 6 months to continue benefits or at least be subject to random drug testing.

The company where I work requires a drug test before a person is hired. If we are hurt on the job we must take a drug test before we can be treated unless it's an accident that requires immediate attention. Then we are expected to be drug tested within 72 hours. We are also subject to random drug testing if the company has any suspicions.

I have to do all this to work to make the wages that contribute to the welfare system, then why don't the people receiving the money for nothing also have these restrictions.

I remember reading a few years ago that someone living in California and receiving welfare got the same as a person working and making $24,000 a year. That works out close to $11.50 an hour. A lot of jobs such a sales clerk, stocker, fast foods start out in the $8 to $10 an hour range. Why work when you can sit at home and make more money. Is that lazy? Well, yes. But it's also more money in their pocket.

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I have a disability (from an on-the-job injury). I am out of work and no one wants to hire me because of said disability.

I was even recently denied Social Security disability benefits after paying into it for 30 years.

I have pissed away all my savings and I am ready to cash in my 401k to help me keep from losing my house.

I was too proud to ask for help before, but I am in dire need now, but I still can’t get any help from the government.

Aren’t there any programs that are out there that are suppose to help people like me???

Are you receiving workman's comp from the injury? If you have been denied SS disability, you have to keep refiling. It will take some time, but make sure when you refile, you have more ammunition, meaning current medical records that show you are still disable. It may come down to a hearing before a judge, but that will be the last resort. If he denies you, you'll have to start all over again. You can get food stamps and also, if the type of work you did in the past (say it's construction) you can check with your local medicaid office for community programs that might help retrain you to do other jobs that are less physical. If you don't ask, they won't tell you. They have lists of community based programs.

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I've been saying for a long time that people who receive welfare checks should be required to pass drug test before they can get benefits and also required to pass a drug test every 3 to 6 months to continue benefits or at least be subject to random drug testing.

The company where I work requires a drug test before a person is hired. If we are hurt on the job we must take a drug test before we can be treated unless it's an accident that requires immediate attention. Then we are expected to be drug tested within 72 hours. We are also subject to random drug testing if the company has any suspicions.

I have to do all this to work to make the wages that contribute to the welfare system, then why don't the people receiving the money for nothing also have these restrictions.

I remember reading a few years ago that someone living in California and receiving welfare got the same as a person working and making $24,000 a year. That works out close to $11.50 an hour. A lot of jobs such a sales clerk, stocker, fast foods start out in the $8 to $10 an hour range. Why work when you can sit at home and make more money. Is that lazy? Well, yes. But it's also more money in their pocket.

Good post. :applause:

We are becoming a country of hand holders. Everyone must be taken care of.

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I just did some research and according to the Congressional Budget Office in fiscal year 2008 the amount of spending we did on the following:

-Suplemental Security Income

-Child Tax Credits

-Unemployment compensation

-Food stamps

-Family support

-child Nutrition

-Foster care

-Social services

is $260 billion... sounds like a lot but it's really only 1.62% of GDP. Which to me isn't a lot for the world's largest economy. Let's take care of those who GENUINELY cannot take care of themselves.

BUT the whole picture is that Entitlement programs (aka "Mandatory spending) is actually $1.5 Trillion. Now that's a lot! That includes Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Retirement and Disability for Federal employees and military, student loans, and a few other smaller things.

Social Security and Medicare are the BIG things on that list accounting for around 7-8% of GDP. And I think that needs to be revisited.

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I think it is ironic how some people are touting welfare is for the lazy people and they are posting during work hours on a football forum. :rolleyes:

Ever think that possibly some of these people are not only working to pay the moochers, they are working 3rd shift to do it????

Yes, I'm home during the day. But that's because I've worked all night. Not everyone has a first shift job.

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Sorry to hear that 44. The current programs in place are made specifically for people like you. Have you tried checking with your local unemployment office? (although it won't be what you were earning when you were still employed)

Thanks for responding.

I have checked with my local unemployment office and every job that they have given me to apply to (4 of them) I have been turned down on.

Most of my job skills that I have I can't do anymore because of my disability.

I have even had a couple friends try to get me a job at there place of employment and I still didn't get the job, even though I was over qualified for one of them, I still didn't get it.

As soon as they learn about my disability, there attitude changes.

Life sucks sometimes.

Are you receiving workman's comp from the injury? If you have been denied SS disability, you have to keep refiling. It will take some time, but make sure when you refile, you have more ammunition, meaning current medical records that show you are still disable. It may come down to a hearing before a judge, but that will be the last resort. If he denies you, you'll have to start all over again. You can get food stamps and also, if the type of work you did in the past (say it's construction) you can check with your local medicaid office for community programs that might help retrain you to do other jobs that are less physical. If you don't ask, they won't tell you. They have lists of community based programs.

I use to get workman's comp, but that was cut off a couple years ago.

Don't get me started with workman's comp.

Biggest corrupt organization in the country.

I would love to file for SS disability again, but I can't afford the Lawyer to do it for me now.

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Thanks for responding.

I have checked with my local unemployment office and every job that they have given me to apply to (4 of them) I have been turned down on.

Most of my job skills that I have I can't do anymore because of my disability.

I have even had a couple friends try to get me a job at there place of employment and I still didn't get the job, even though I was over qualified for one of them, I still didn't get it.

As soon as they learn about my disability, there attitude changes.

Life sucks sometimes.

I use to get workman's comp, but that was cut off a couple years ago.

Don't get me started with workman's comp.

Biggest corrupt organization in the country.

I would love to file for SS disability again, but I can't afford the Lawyer to do it for me now.

Do it yourself. Go to your local SS office and refile. You don't need a damn lawyer. All you have to do is present your medical records. If your case is denied, file appeals until they assign you a hearing. You will go before the judge in a hearing and you don't need a lawyer. Just an understanding of your medical condition. All a lawyer is going to do is take 30% off your first year's worth of checks.

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