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The most ridiculous part of that Cowboys/Giants game.......

Tom [Giants fan]

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Personal foul, tackling the Quarterback with his full body weight.


Did anyone else hear the ref say that? When he called it, I started laughing hysterically. Is this what the NFL has come down to? That call gave the Cowboys their one offensive TD.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining really because it gave the Cowboys a TD. I just think it is ridiculous that a personal foul is called for that reason. It wasn't a late hit, a hit to the helmet, or a spear. It was a personal foul because "he tackled the QB with his full body weight." That is the exact quote from the ref.

Does anyone else think that that is a bit overboard?

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I thought it was ridiculous.

I mean I couldn't root for the pukes just out of spite, so was just hoping they beat the heck out of each other. So i was somewhat neutral watching the game.

BUT.. if i had to guess it was BS call that was a make-up call for the non-pass interference call that the Giants got away with in the end zone.

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Absolutely pathetic, the officiating has been nothing short of horrendous this season. And these personal foul penalties have really stood out the most, the NFL needs to do something this offseason, because its becoming way too frequent, and frustrating to watch. Last week it was Kenny Phillips hit on a "defenseless receiver" that was bobbling the balls on his fingertips. If they want to make it flag football then do it and be done with it, otherwise let these guys play, and stop altering the outcome of games with awful calls.

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They keep it up with these ridiculous rules that they institute every year and they are going to see the fan base shrink to Major League Baseball levels.

It's bad enough with the salary cap crap and parity, now they want to penalize you for making a clean tackle that they teach you in Pop Warner Football :doh:

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;5767067']Personal foul' date=' tackling the Quarterback with his full body weight.


Does anyone else think that that is a bit overboard?[/quote']

Yeah I think Aikman summed it up best when he said something like "it was a tackle in perfect form... unless they start teaching the kids something else from Pop Warner and up.." NFL really needs to watch itself...

I wonder if the Ref would have thrown the flag if Bollinger still had the ball in his hands... cause by Refs "reasons" for calling the penalty would be still valid since Tuck tackled the QB with his full body weight...

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it was a text book tackle, shoulder in the wait, wrapped him up

it wasn't a body slam


Bollinger left his feet on his own by jumping in the air (apparently he needs to so he can see over the line :D ).

That's when Tuck hit him and they both fell to the ground. It isn't like Tuck used his helmet or pile-drived him into the dirt.

It was a really ticky-tack call.

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Awful call, but there was a defensive holding call on Dallas that gave our offense a first down...I don't know which Dallas defender, but he barely grabbed Steve Smith on a big 3rd down...

Very happy with the overall results, but it all usually evens out in the end.

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