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How to view the election


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Here's a pretty good article on how to view the election. I stand by my belief that the election will be called for Obama after 8pm. All you have to do is watch these 4 states: Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio and Florida. Mccain could probably live with losing Virginia, though he'd have to win Colorado, which seems unlikely.

If you see at least one of these 3: OH,FL,NC go for Obama then it's over for Mccain. Giving current trends, everything points to an early Obama victory.

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I'm anxious to find out if Obama can produce documentation that he was actually born in the United States. I suppose all the crooked lib judges and congressmen would figure out how to trample the Constitution and illegally make him the President even if it was proved he wasn't born in the U.S.

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Where do you think Obama was born?

Beats me. So much of his personal life and upbringing is like a guarded secret. Even Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose said the other night, "Do we even know who this guy is?" And these are 2 libs who are voting for him.

Why is his early upbringing such a deep guarded secret? What are they so worried about? It's like a fascinating mystery movie.....

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Are we gonna get libs making bogus promises to move out of the country if the Maverick wins this thing? Does anybody know of a lib who really did move out because of Dubya vanquishing Algore and John F. Kerry? (I heard Kerry served in 'Nam)

Can't wait till you eat crow. Better be here Nov 5.

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Beats me. So much of his personal life and upbringing is like a guarded secret. Even Tom Brokaw and Charlie Rose said the other night, "Do we even know who this guy is?" And these are 2 libs who are voting for him.

Why is his early upbringing such a deep guarded secret? What are they so worried about? It's like a fascinating mystery movie.....

His upbringing is not a secret. Personally, I feel like I know more than enough about him.

But to be fair, I've also read his books. :)

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In which case the United States of America will officially have no more value as a nation, a culture, or a society.

I thought we were already there in your opinion, especially after the '06 democratic shift in Congress?

You know, if you keep crying Wolf, when the end comes, no one will listen to you then.


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