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Super Bowls should be played in every NFL city


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Watching the boys of summer gutting it out in late October conditions (which is ridiculous) only enforces my feelings that the Super Bowl should be allowed in every NFL city.

I have long been a believer that playing in the elements adds to the intrigue and excitement of football. It doesn't matter whether it's pee wee, high school or the NFL; rain, snow, wind, heat....All add to the game.

All NFL cities that wish to host a SB should be able to bid on them by handing in a complete proposal similar to the Olympics. Have you ever seen the little town of Lake Placid, which has handled multiple winter Olympics? Whether the stadium is in the middle of a metropolitan area or a cornfield, accommodations could be met. It might require the purchase or leasing of local properties and building temporary or permanent structures. The costs incurred would quickly be recouped in the week prior to the SB.

All NFL cities at least deserve the opportunity.


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It won't happen. The rich executive types that actually get to go to the Super Bowl want warm, happening, and populated locales.

Pretty much. The money they charge for Super Bowl tickets, hotel rooms for Super Bowl week, and merchandise wouldn't sell as well if they were paying to spend a week in a freezing situation.

Ever been to Buffalo during winter? That place is a ghost town during winter (not to mention cold, very cold). Went there for a week in late February last year. It was eery.

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Yeah folks don't want to party hop etc. in the freezing cold or bad weather elements. Doesn't paint a picture of enjoyment or fun...Doubt it happens.

You're right and they should eliminate those games played in Detroit also. The game may be toasty and warm inside but the "Game Day" experience and atmosphere outside sucks. Detroit is #1, one ugly and dirty city and #2 It's cold! I mean real cold!


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Pretty much. The money they charge for Super Bowl tickets, hotel rooms for Super Bowl week, and merchandise wouldn't sell as well if they were paying to spend a week in a freezing situation.

Ever been to Buffalo during winter? That place is a ghost town during winter (not to mention cold, very cold). Went there for a week in late February last year. It was eery.

Yes I have been to Buffalo in the winter. It is an old semi depressed cold weather city (similar to other NFL cities) that would reap great reward from hosting a SB. I mentioned a tiny cold weather small town like Lake Placid to the initial post because if they can successfully host the largest International sporting event, a place like Buffalo can certainly handle it.
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I agree with DWinzit(OMG!:) I just figured out what your screen name actually means). A Superbowl played in the middle of snow storm would be freaking awesome. And as for the actual tickets to the game, anything that encourages corporations not to buy up all the seats from regular Joes is fine by me. The NFL makes the overwhelming majority of its money off of the astronomical prices it charges for TV ads during the game anyway.

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Pretty much. The money they charge for Super Bowl tickets, hotel rooms for Super Bowl week, and merchandise wouldn't sell as well if they were paying to spend a week in a freezing situation.

Ever been to Buffalo during winter? That place is a ghost town during winter (not to mention cold, very cold). Went there for a week in late February last year. It was eery.

No Erie is 100 miles away in PA. I've haven't spent much time in Buffalo but I spent a decade one year in Rochester and Rochester is like Buffalo but without all the glitz and glamour. The symbol of the city should be a snow shovel. Anyhow I agree totally with Dwinzit's point that every city should get a chance to host a SB and with Big Blue's point that it would be great if corporate fat cats didn't get all the tickets but.......Buffalo? Maybe in 32 years when it's their turn the NFL can just expand every year until global warming makes it temperate up there.

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Yes I have been to Buffalo in the winter. It is an old semi depressed cold weather city (similar to other NFL cities) that would reap great reward from hosting a SB. I mentioned a tiny cold weather small town like Lake Placid to the initial post because if they can successfully host the largest International sporting event, a place like Buffalo can certainly handle it.

Let me guess, theres absolutely no bias because you live close to Buffalo?


Alright. :doh:


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Let me guess, theres absolutely no bias because you live close to Buffalo?


Alright. :doh:


You're wrong :doh:

I live much closer to Giants/Jets stadium. The Patriots and Eagles stadiums are also closer to me then Buffalo.

One thing they all have in common (as does DC) is under the current NFL guidelines, none will host a SB. All NFL cities should be able to host a SB.

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Wuss. :)

It's beautiful up here in February.

I'll admit the one nice thing is Buffalo seems to have sunny winters from what I remember, where I live now(Binghamton), in a few weeks the sun will go away and it won't be back till march. The wind coming off that lake though is just so freaking cold it bites right through you.

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The only sensible solution is to hold the Super Bowl in a non-NFL city every year. That city would be Las Vegas, Nevada. Build a 100,000-seat stadium there.

But that wont profit enough $$, no way thats going to happen, spend 800 million on a stadium, and get back what, maybe 20 million per year if that, it would take a long time to get back what was put into it, not a very smart business decision IMO. Sure other events could be held there, but there wouldn't be a profit soon enough i'm sure.

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But that wont profit enough $$, no way thats going to happen, spend 800 million on a stadium, and get back what, maybe 20 million per year if that, it would take a long time to get back what was put into it, not a very smart business decision IMO. Sure other events could be held there, but there wouldn't be a profit soon enough i'm sure.

Good point. Building a new stadium won't happen. but - There is some precedent for a neutral site. The first few SBs were in places like the Rose Bowl and Orange Bowl and Tulane Stadium.

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I don't mind the rotation they have now. Every NFL city is not equipped to handle a Super Bowl. However I do think that the NFL needs to get out of Florida more often. It seems like they're going to Jacksonville, Miami, Tampa way too much.

Also I'd like for them to go back to the Rose Bowl in Pasadena and get that place back in the rotation. The NFL held the Super Bowl in Pasadena I think something like 4 times in 16 years between 1976 and 1992. They have not been back since.

I do remember people saying that the roads to get in and out of that place are a nightmare so perhaps that's the reason, but the stadium has so much history, holds over 100 thousand people and the Redskins won their first super bowl there :) that I feel that it would be nice to get it back on the radar.

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Pasadena is beautiful place with great weather and is just outside one of the largest cities in the world. It sounds like the perfect place except they don't support an NFL team.

With the effort the NFL is making in trying to bring the NFL back to that area, you never know it could happen.

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But that wont profit enough $$, no way thats going to happen, spend 800 million on a stadium, and get back what, maybe 20 million per year if that, it would take a long time to get back what was put into it, not a very smart business decision IMO. Sure other events could be held there, but there wouldn't be a profit soon enough i'm sure.

The Nfl Will never do it without a coop from the city and the city would reap even 10s of million more than it does

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