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McCain is going to lose, vote for Bob Barr instead

Cooked Crack

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Now that it’s guaranteed that John McCain can’t win the elections, Libertarian candidate Bob Barr has emerged as America’s last hope to prevent Barack Obama from becoming the next President of the United States of America.

If you love freedom and care about the future of our great nation, don’t waste your vote on a lost cause like John McCain! Help Bob Barr defeat Barack Obama and send a powerful message to the establishment that socialism stops here.

Bob Barr’s momentum is growing faster than ever before and he has positioned himself as a powerful voice of reason that will keep Obama in check. Once Americans realize that John McCain has already lost, millions will switch their support to Bob Barr.

Unfortunately, fighting socialism doesn’t come cheap. Which is why Bob Barr needs our help. These days even $5 makes a difference… the race is that close and Obama is flush with cash from his Wall Street banker buddies and welfare check groupies.

If you prefer free markets over socialism, small government over one-party corruption, and personal freedom over radical oppression, donate your money to Bob Barr right now instead of paying it in taxes to Obama in the future.


Just in case you needed a good laugh.

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Ahh, yes everyone. Keep drinking that Kool-Aid and reassure yourself that the two party system WORKS.


(God, I wish I was voting this year)

Wanna cast a ballot, huh? ....I'm sure a little election fraud can help ya out. :silly: Step right over here.


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I'd be pretty comfortable with voting for Barr, but this time It's Baldwin for me. He just matches up on a couple more issues for me. I'm still a tiny bit leary of Barr's neo-con past, but gotta admit he certainly sounds like he has repented. (much like me!)

I am still wary of Barr, due to that past that you mentioned, and I am still surprised that he is running on the Libertarian ticket.

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