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New Flick : Quarantine


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Good flick to take gf to if she's a screamer. :D

Shot in similar to blair/witchcloverfield style (moving camera). the shtick being it's a female tv feature reporter and her dude camera man filming a "night with the firefighters" segment.

Similar to combo "outbreak/zombie" virus theme with scenes reminscent of cloverfield/blair witch. Good fun sat nite stuff overall though lots of "done already" aspects and many won't like ending.

Acting and production really pretty good, though lead lady's hyperventilating and hysteria mode goes on for long enough to get on your nerves.

Wouldn't really recommend it all that much, but it hit the basic fright/tension elements pretty good, even if unoriginal overall, and good action/special effectes even if you've seen it before and it was free to me :D

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If anything, I'm being harsh on it, purposefully. It was a solid notch in quality above the standard fare in all the basic movie-making categories production-wise and well-performed. I find the actual premise more realistic and thus more unnerving than the genre movies it borrows from.

Previews: as we are seeing, the new Bond film will be very cool (new trailer) and also a new movie that has a look of Smokin' Aces and those English gangster/action flicks to it called "Rock-n-Rolla" looks cool (crime/action).

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This movie was a huge disappointment IMO. The story was horrible. It was basically 10 people running from zombie like creatures........then one would get killed and there would be 9 people running from zombie like creatures.......and so on and so forth. Big waste of money. I would recommend waiting until Tuesday and just renting "The Strangers"

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  • 5 months later...

Just saw this movie recently...

The story was okay, but...

The thing I didn't like about it, was the ending.

The ending was horrible.

Did anyone else watch the whole movie, and then go :wtf: at the ending ?

like...."that's the best they could do ?"

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We have it, but haven't watched it yet. I'm not really looking forward to it because I heard that they showed the ending in the trailer... it'll probably be one of those "we're drunk and we're just gonna end up getting it on in a few minutes, so let's put on a stupid movie" movies :silly:

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I saw it recently as well. It was a good flick as far as recent horror goes... I just got annoyed at the stupidity displayed in it. None of the characters in these movies are ever my personality type. They all try to help those beyond help in as patient a way as possible. F that. You screw up in a crisis situation and I'm throwing your ass to the wolves before you get everyone killed.

As soon as it became obvious what the problem was I looked at my wife and said, find a room and board up the door or at the very least hit the stop button on the elevator between floors.

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One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The shakey cam style of movie making in this particular movie was nausiating.

Once you figure out that it's just a hard case of rabies, I just shook my head.

About the only freaky part of this moive(which couldn't save it anyway) was the end in the attic in the dark with only the night vision effect.

It looked good, but fell flat on it's face. IMO not even worth the rental.

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One of the worst movies I've seen in a long time. The shakey cam style of movie making in this particular movie was nausiating.

I like that style. When the cameraman is in the movie it makes for an awesome experience IMO. I really liked it Cloverfield and felt that characteristic of it added a lot.

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I like that style. When the cameraman is in the movie it makes for an awesome experience IMO. I really liked it Cloverfield and felt that characteristic of it added a lot.

In cloverfield it was good. Same with BlairWitch since it was the first anyone had sort of done that before.

In this movie, it made me sick. The camera was all over the place and moved too much. It's like when someone hands the video cam to their 5 year old to tape a birthday and all you see is blur and peoples feet.

It didn't help that the movie itself was lame. Rabies........:doh:

I liken it to IT. The movie was really kinda good and kept you interested and yet at the end it's a spider. In this movie they reveiled the Rabies bit about a 1/4 way in.

Plus why would they send firefighters to the scene to than trap them inside. Why not just quarintine the building to begin with. If this was a bad case, than why not just do what you gotta do and be done with it. Why all the secrecy and leading the firefighters there and than trapping them..it all just got to be a bit much for me.

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