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I Don't Like Alexander, Here's Why (MET)


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.... then why don't you marry him?

It's unbelievable how many people around here think Alexander is the second coming of Christ. (Many of you are probably the same people who thought Jason Taylor would have 14.5 sacks this season...)

Shaun is injury-prone, hates contact, tip-toes in the backfield, coughs up the ball, and sounds like a complete twink when he talks. (Not to mention, Madden cursed him several years ago, and there is no returning from that.)

Seriously though, we are talking about a player who was bumped in Cincinnati in favor of CHRIS PERRY. Yes, the same Chris Perry who is far-and-away the WORST starting RB in the league. (2.6 yards per carry, 5 fumbles).

Talk to any Seahawks fan, and they will straight-up tell you: Shaun Alexander was a product of a PHENOMENAL offensive line and a great coach in Holmgren who ran a one-back system. He is a very slow and awkward runner who stands straight-up and is pretty weak in pass protection.

Rock isn't all that great in the backfield either, but for Alexander to step in here and immediately start getting carries over #31 would be the most ridiculous thing our team has done in a while.... (And that's saying something.)

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Rock isn't all that great in the backfield either, but for Alexander to step in here and immediately start getting carries over #31 would be the most ridiculous thing our team has done in a while.... (And that's saying something.)

You want to talk about coughing the ball up? You should probably look at stats before you say things like that.

Rock has fumbled once every 29 carries. Shaun Alexander fumbled once every 70 carries.

Rock is a special teams captain. Thats where he belongs. Shaun Alexander is a running back, and he was a good one at that, even considering he ran behind a very, very good line (second to KC's at the time, without question). There's plenty of reasons to like Rock over Alexander. Fumbling is NOT one of them. I get scared every time rock touches the ball in the backfield.

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I have to agree with you, although I'm not as pessimistic about his production here as you might be. You yourself stated that he had his good years when he was behind a great O-line. I think our O-line is one of the best in the league, so maybe he can regain the form that made him an MVP.

But, like I said, I do agree with you in that Shaun Alexander is not a very good running back.

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Calm the **** down....I dont think people on here think he is the 2nd coming of christ as you say but he will be a solid backup. Also how were we supposed to know that JT was gonna sprain his knee and have compartment syndrome...yea so SHUT THE **** UP...

Bump this thread after SA fills in nicely

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Agree with Cali, this will be bumped a lot if Alexander performs well.

But to the OP's points, who exactly has been showing so much love to Alexander on here? From what I've seen, most people like the potential of the move and the fact we got him at vet minimum, but I have yet to see anyone proclaiming we will be great because of the move, or even that Alexander will be a beast. Most people have adopted a patient, wait-and-see attitude with this move.

Injury-prone? Before 2006, Alexander had never missed a game. Last season he missed only 3. And please don't chime in with "Why didn't Seattle keep him?" because he has always had a strained relationship with Seattle even when he was MVP.

Hates contact? That doesn't seem typical of someone who was the NFL MVP, and is a false perception perpetrated by some that doesn't hold up in reality. No NFL RB is afraid of contact, otherwise they wouldn't be in the NFL, and they most certainly would not have had the success that Alexander did.

Coughs up the ball? The most fumbles he's ever had in a season is 5, and the most he's ever lost in a season was 4 one time, back in 2001. Still, he does fumble a little more than probably any of us would like, but out of the many carries he's had the percentage isn't that high.

Sounds like a twink when he talks? Is this supposed to be a legitimate arguing point? How someone talks has no bearing on their on-field performance.

Madden curse? Seriously? You want to bring that into the discussion? Get real.

OH no, he was bumped in favor of Perry? Cuz Cincy makes the right moves all the time, that's why they're a perrenial contender. Teams make bad decisions all the time, and Perry hasn't accomplished anywhere near what Alexander has in this league.

Zorn is 4-2 as head coach, beating the Cowboys and Eagles in their homes back-to-back. Sure we had a gaffe against the Rams, but that still doesn't take away from what Zorn has accomplished, something none of us foresaw. So maybe let's try trusting the coaches for a change, instead of scrutinizing every little thing. Or at least if we are going to scrutinize, let's use some better arguing points than perception-based ones.

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Eh, Zorn likes him and has stated that he already knows much of the passing plays and assignments - I guess that is enough...

I would like a chance to see Mason also however. Doc Walker said that MM struggled with pass protection and other ST related areas. Betts is not the greatest blocker either though. I think Rock might be okay in that regard - just guessing.

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Bottom-line: he's 100% healthy, has a pretty good OL to work with, knows Zorn and the west coast system, has a lot to prove, and is reunited with the runningback coach he had in his glory days. I think that's worth league-minimum veteran pay and a back-up role.

Also, I always thought Jason Taylor was doing a good job. Maybe not in the sack department, but I've seen some good pass rush and tipped passes that leave me pretty confident that Taylor is doing fine.

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Quick, name one, and don't say Walter Jones just cause he went to the best University in the world..:)

Steve Hutchinson and Robbie Tobeck were on that line in Seattle. Can't remember who the RG and RT were though.

Anyway, while I would not have conveyed my points in quite the same manner as the OP chose to, I still agree with him on some things. Alexander had a great few years, especially in 2005. However, he did noticeably avoid contact later on in his career (up to this point) and seemed to fall down awfully easy once he had been touched. He did not seem like a tough nosed runner anymore. Perhaps the time off has rekindled his fire, because I'm afraid he lost it at some point.

That said, for the vet minimum, there's not much to criticize about the move. I still don't like it.

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