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Why not let Alexander return punts?


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I'm bored at work, and don't want to think hard, guess I'll respond. Echoing most of you here:

1. Shaun has never returned a punt, not in the pros, or college. To suddenly throw in a "power" back who hasn't played in quite some time as a punt returner is in a word "ill advised". He wouldn't be as good as ARE...he wouldn't be able to even field the ball.

2. The skill set to return a punt is probably harder than a KO returner. You need all the things stated earlier, plus some guts, knowing that if you don't raise that arm, you could get cancelled right there on the spot. Lately, Shaun hasn't been known for his, how should I say, toughness, so having him contemplate getting the Crimson smacked off him on a punt return isn't the way to go.

3. Typically, WRs, CBs and the occasionally "speed" back are better suited for returning punts. They have decent hands (except for the skins' secondary) and have the east-west and north-south quickness in order to make people miss and break into the open field. Shaun has never been known as a "shifty" back- he follows lead blocks from the line to get to the second level, and tries to overpower smaller defenders. What you're asking is the equivalent of having Riggo, George Rogers and Gerald Riggs back there returning punts.

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Thomas could be a good option. I don't think I would Landry do it, just incase he was hurt, by a fluke hit.

i wasn't actually serious about either of them. Just saying, just cuz someone is fast doesn't mean they're a good punt returner. You gotta have certain skills for the position.

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Thomas, based on pure athletic ability, could be a good option. Did he return punts at MSU? I heard he ran kickoffs, so he might need some extra practice time for the punt returns. While he did fumble earlier, I'm sure Zorn and co. might be a little timid throwing the rookie out there over ARE, who has better than average hands (even though his play at WR this season doesn't necessarily show that).

While ripping a return for a TD is a great thing, fielding it at this point might be more important to them, which is why ARE is still out there for them.

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Because he's not a return man? There's actually a pretty tough skill set involved with punt returning that the average folks don't realize. Vision, speed, hands, patience, agility, awareness and an ability to be flexible. Sure, there are designed directions for a return to go, but there is no designed hole, unlike a rushing attempt where the place you're running the ball is predetermined. You have to set up blocks, get behind them and help create your own holes to run through.

Thank you. I don't know why everyone thinks you can just stick anyone on punt returns.

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I didnt read through this entire thread but i dont like him as a return guy. His speed has definately diminished over the years and i wouldnt call him an elusive runner either.

I think we have plenty of other options for this position but its something that needs to be resolved pretty soon. Randle El isnt getting it done and as much i like Cartwright, he doesnt have the breakaway speed to take it to the house. Why not throw one of our underachieving rookie WRs out there and see what happens?


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Punt returning takes a certain skill-set and if SA had those skills then im sure sumbdy (coaches or trainers) wuld hav discovered it by now.

Although ARE is improving in his returns as of the last couple games, i still think DT is the best fit for that position right now.

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way to participate in the thread, gotta get that count up!


Well everyone on the team has a ****ing throwing arm. Why not try them out at QB? Stupid threads deserve stupid responses. As if this thread isn't evident of that.

Just stop posting dude. I'm sure your game of Madden is still going on....You better get back to it. Don't wanna get a delay of game penalty!

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i agree with the OP

I think Landry could QB the team and London Flethcher seems pretty fast to the ball I can see him at RB

and doesnt portis wear shin guards? that means he knows about soccer

put him in at punter

Horton has pretty good hands too maybe we can put him in at the slot

I like where this is going

good call OP

HAHA. I love really well executed, ultra-sarcastic posts. This thread sucks.

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hahaha, look at the tags for this thread.

Can we just say this is the worst idea ever? He isnt that fast anymore, he never was that shifty. Why in the world would he be returning?? This isnt madden, you cant just press a button to juke or stick anyone anywhere.

but..... thanks for the laugh

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Why the hell do so many around here think all special teams positions are a piece of cake? lol :D...ANYONE can punt. Just "kick the ball. over. there."...ANYONE can return punts. All you have to do is be fast. Oy vey. :doh:

I want this on my tombstone when I die:

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times, people are stupid.

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