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I think putting a movie like this out before the Bush Administration is out of office is very irresponsible. Like it or not, this is still our government and our president until the end of the year, and the World is watching. I shouldn't expect any better from Oliver Stone, I guess.

With that said, I thought Primary Colors was also irresponsible.

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Before we go lynching Oliver Stone, let's keep in mind that this is his schtick. Spielberg does action/adventure, Lucas does sci-fi, Coppola does crime and war. Oliver Stone does conspiracy. He does it well. If you like conspiracy, you like Stone. Just like if you enjoy those other genres, you enjoy those other film makers. All films take literary liberties. Even "Saving Private Ryan."

If you don't like Bush, you'll like the film. If you support Bush, you won't. Oliver's ability to entertain is what's key here and he's done his share, brilliantly entertaining audiences with "JFK" and "Platoon" to name two.

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:secret:W's not running.

Figured this out all by yourself did you?

Larry, you're one of the people around here I'm certain is operating on more than the minimal amount of brain power, and therefore, know exactly what I was saying. If I need to explain it to you, I will, though I'd be disappointed to learn I was wrong about your intellect.

I assume you were just wearing your Mr. Smarty Pants suit.;)

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And that, right there, is a major problem. I think it is horrid that much of the world gains their insight into American culture through HOLLYWOOD.

It is what is, might as well use it to our advantage

I find it even more abhorrent that there are Americans outside of Hollywood who actually think this is a GOOD thing. Good Lord.

I'll take that as an admission that you're embarrassed that you ever voted for him. It's good start - "admitting you have a problem" ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
It portrays him (Bush) as a tragic hero with the villains being Cheney and Wolfowitz.

Saw the movie last night and this is pretty much the case, with the addition of Rove.

The movie doesn't portray Bush as evil or menacing or stupid. It more shows him to be misguided and heavily influenced by the opinions of others. I actually thought the most interesting aspect of the movie was the relationship between Bush Sr and George W., which pretty much drove the "plot" IMO. In a weird way I think you're meant to feel sorry for W. by the end, while at the same time realizing that he is completely responsible for everything that's happened. I actually walked out of the theater pissed off, not at the movie, but at the reminder of what went down 2000-2004.

For the most part, your own political views will pretty much determine your opinion of this movie.

Also, the movie ends in 2004, and the woman who played Condoleeza Rice was absolutely horrible. Everyone else I felt was portrayed accurately enough, but she just looked like a caricature you would see on SNL.

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Saw the movie last night and this is pretty much the case, with the addition of Rove.

The movie doesn't portray Bush as evil or menacing or stupid. It more shows him to be misguided and heavily influenced by the opinions of others. I actually thought the most interesting aspect of the movie was the relationship between Bush Sr and George W., which pretty much drove the "plot" IMO. In a weird way I think you're meant to feel sorry for W. by the end, while at the same time realizing that he is completely responsible for everything that's happened. I actually walked out of the theater pissed off, not at the movie, but at the reminder of what went down 2000-2004.

For the most part, your own political views will pretty much determine your opinion of this movie.

Also, the movie ends in 2004, and the woman who played Condoleeza Rice was absolutely horrible. Everyone else I felt was portrayed accurately enough, but she just looked like a caricature you would see on SNL.

I can agree with this.

I think Cheney should be tarred and feathered in a public square for the rest of his life.

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It gets an C. It doesn't tell the whole story; which would've made it a better movie. It doesn't even show the 2000 election, which is a key moment, LOL.

It would be impossible to tell the "whole story" in one movie. Stone didn't portray the 2000 election because that didn't have any bearing on the war which is what drove the movie's plot.

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