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McCain linked to group in Iran-Contra affair and terrorism.


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The is on an going case in PA about Obama's birth certificate

Obama and DNC have filed a stay of exucution on producing his birth certificate


This is old news. This case was brought by a ardent Clinton Supporter.

And Obama's birth certificate has already been produced.


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The is on an going case in PA about Obama's birth certificate

Obama and DNC have filed a stay of exucution on producing his birth certificate


You know that's going a bit far. When you are in denial that a man was even born. How could he be a Senator unless he was born? Wait a minute. There is one way. Do you think he was delivered unto this world through virgin birth? Born as a whole adult to save us?

Are the Republicans challenging if Obama was born actually the ones who DO believe he's the Messiah?

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"tenuous" is what he trying to say, trying more and more to seperate himself, like he when he said that the rascist American hating Wright's caught on tape was not the Wright he knew.

Obama certainly had to explain himself with both the Ayers and Wright connections. In fact, he has spoken on this subject multiple times. But here is the thing: Even at the time that Obama was connected to Ayers, Ayers himself was not actively a "terrorist." Meanwhile, McCain sat on the board of an organization that was funding a group known for death squads and terrorizing civilians.

I can condemn both Ayers and Wright, because their actions ARE condemnable - even Obama has condemned both of them. Meanwhile, though, you seemingly do not have any issues with McCain's connections, because, perhaps in your eyes, condemning these connections would be condemning McCain himself.

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The is on an going case in PA about Obama's birth certificate

Obama and DNC have filed a stay of exucution on producing his birth certificate


Why are you changing the subject? This is NOT about Obama and his birth certificate. It is about McCain and his ties to Iran-Contra and rather unsavory organizations.

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Obama certainly had to explain himself with both the Ayers and Wright connections. In fact, he has spoken on this subject multiple times. But here is the thing: Even at the time that Obama was connected to Ayers, Ayers himself was not actively a "terrorist." Meanwhile, McCain sat on the board of an organization that was funding a group known for death squads and terrorizing civilians.

I can condemn both Ayers and Wright, because their actions ARE condemnable - even Obama has condemned both of them. Meanwhile, though, you seemingly do not have any issues with McCain's connections, because, perhaps in your eyes, condemning these connections would be condemning McCain himself.

Well lets see the Iran Contra people act stood trial for what they did.

Has Ayers?

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Well lets see the Iran Contra people act stood trial for what they did.

Has Ayers?

It is the responsibility of the authorities to try and charge Ayers. Much of what we now know about Ayers became known after Ayers published a book, "Fugitive Days: A Memoir," in 2001.

Ok, so what do we know about Ayers and Obama? Some details:

They both served together on Woods Fund of Chicago board. Who else served on that board?

* Howard J. Stanback - Board Chair - Manager, New Kenwood, LLC

* Maria G. Valdez - Board Vice Chair - Attorney-at-Law, Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund

* Cynthia M. Campbell - President, McCormick Theological Seminary

* R. Eden Martin - President, Civic Committee and the Commercial Club

* Charles N. Wheatley - President, Sahara Enterprises, Inc.

Further details regarding the Ayers and Obama:

*There was a coffee party for Obama at Ayers house, and Ayers contributed $200 to Obama's campaign.

*The two also had an office luncheon on the subject of education reform.

*Obama was also involved with the Chicago Annenberg Project board, an organization, Chicago's winning Annenberg Challenge, that involved Ayers as well as many other individuals and donators. This is a multi-million philanthropic foundation.

The relationship between the two have been investigated by the "New York Times, The Washington Post, Time magazine, The Chicago Sun-Times, The New Yorker and The New Republic," according to the Wiki article on Ayers, and nothing untoward was found: No speeches that indicated a common affiliation for Ayers' Marxist views or supporting his position.

That is what you and others do not get: There is ZERO evidence that, other then the educational efforts in Chicago, that Ayers or Obama share the same positions. Marxists believe in the complete destruction of Capitalism, and Obama has not demonstrated any such desire. Obama also has not voiced any opinion that also backs Ayers support for violent revolution.

In fact, Marxists usually believe that Liberals such as Obama are part of the problem, since the free market and Capitalism are seen as part of the "liberal system" that they actively oppose.

So where is Obama "palling around" with Ayers? Demonstrate to me any such evidence that the two were close friends and compatriots or demonstrate anything that backs up statements by the McCain campaign.

Regarding Iran-Contra, a fair amount of involved people did not stand trial for their involvement. Case in point, George H. Bush, who many believe was directly involved with Iran-Contra. And much of the subject matter relating to Iran-Contra was covered up or ignored by the government, especially in particular relating to drug smuggling.

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And this assertion negates Obama's connections and denials to Ayers how?

Read my previous post.

Obama and Ayers are tied through Chicago-area educational organizations (that also had many other individuals involved). Oh, and a coffee party.

This is totally different then McCain sitting on the board of an organization that has ties to terrorism, or receiving money from a man CONVICTED of supporting a group in South America that is a known terrorist group.

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I would be interested to hear McCain, or Palin for that matter, speak extensively on the Iran contra affair and give their opinions. Perhaps this has already happened in McCain's case. But there are a lot of facets of this case that would offer insight to us voters as to what they would do in these types of situations. I really am curious: Would McCain trade arms for hostages? Would he fund and arm drug dealing thugs in the interest of fighting guys like Hugo Chavez?

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I would be interested to hear McCain, or Palin for that matter, speak extensively on the Iran contra affair and give their opinions.

I would really like to hear what Palin's opinion is on this. One that is of her own opinion, if she even has one on the subject.

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Read my previous post.

Obama and Ayers are tied through Chicago-area educational organizations (that also had many other individuals involved). Oh, and a coffee party.

This is totally different then McCain sitting on the board of an organization that has ties to terrorism, or receiving money from a man CONVICTED of supporting a group in South America that is a known terrorist group.

It is certainly more than that B. FYI

Here you go- http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=190343

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I would really like to hear what Palin's opinion is on this. One that is of her own opinion, if she even has one on the subject.

I don't think Palin would have an opinion on Iran contra. But seeing as how McCain was in congres and then the Senate during that period, and how closely he is linked to it, I would imagine he would have some opinions. I think it would be legitimate to ask McCain is he thinks the Reagan administration made mistakes, and what were those mistakes. Was this a proper use of the CIA? etc. It could make for a stimulating conversation and at the same time it would give McCain a chance to demonstrate his knowledge.

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