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Is Zorn a "player's coach" or a tough coach?


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I was listening to Cowturd the other day, and as much of a d-bag he is, he actually brought up a good point. So called "player's coaches," such as Wade Phillips or Steve Spurrier, don't usually fare as well as tough, no nonsense coaches such as Coughlin or Bill Parcells.

Has anybody been able to get a read on where Zorn leans? From how tough and hungry this team looks, I would guess that he is more of the tougher variety of coach, but I honestly don't know. This team is VERY focused and disciplined. I also remember him chewing Brooks' ass on the sideline.


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Zorn is a....umm....IDK coach, if that makes any sense. He expects a lot out of his team. He certainly won't coddle you, but he's not a hard @$$. I feel like he's a guy that says "Look, here's what we have to do, let's just do it." I dont know how to describe it, but he's just out there telling the guys what to do and having em do it. No handcuffs. No trickery. Just blunt.

I think I confused myself trying to describe his style.

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I think he's neither a players coach or a hard ass. He is basically a passionate coach who knew how he wanted to go about being a coach and playcaller - long before he became one. He basically prepared long before he got the opportunity and now that he has it, he is performing like a veteran coach. He treats players like adults but expects them to do their absolute best. No head games (i.e. Parcells)

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Zorn is a tough players coach

I agree you can have a tough coach who expects results and respects his players. Those types of guys are the coaches that players want to play for and players buy into what their coach is doing. So far it seems like Coach Zorn is that type of guy.:2cents:

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Both. The players seem to like him and he always seems so happy and proud when they do well. But I think he can be tough too. Remember the first day of camp when he yelled at Springs I think it was for lateraling an interception and losing the ball? I think he will let the guys have fun, but he expects results and isn't affraid to get in their faces.

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Cowterd is a idiot. He tries to fill air time by saying dumb crap. Gibbs was a players coach and won 3 super bowls Dungy won a super bowl, Vermil, Walsh and others. Bellichick , Coughlin and Parcells are not only guys who have won bowls.

Exactly, there is no one way of coaching winning teams. Each style should reflect the coach and make it clear that the coach is the boss.

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I would say a little of both: Zorn is a players coach in the sense that he relates to how players want to be treated and the consideration shown to them. He is a tough coach in that he is very detail oriented, demanding, and expects the players to put forth their best. He also is very committed to the end result, and is not afraid to tell it like it is when a player is not performing. He is tougher on rookies than the veterans, and seems to have a real leadership gift.

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Zorn is a tough players coach

I'd agree with this. He's a players coach because he listens to them (only vets) however he holds them 100% accountable and never makes excuses for his players.

Although Zorn might be seen as a players coach many of our other coaches are not. Balance is always good.

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