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Please Don't Let These Two Do The Commentary For Our Highlights EVER AGAIN!! LoL...

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I watching this on nfl network and she told the guy next to him (don't know his name was saying the Eagles are a really good team) didn't you also say Dallas is best team in the NFL last week.

She totally owned his ass!!! :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:

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lol this is pathetic. "uhhs" and awful commentary. good grief! :rotflmao:

Not to mention most of the commentary is about a play behind what's being shown lol...and I loved the part where the female commentator says Campbell finds Randle El, when it's really Randle El finding Cooley for the TD--then asks the "coach" that's commenting with her why the challenge flag was thrown on that play, and the guy says they used trick plays in Seattle and Zorn must have brought some with him, completely missing her question lol (she had to answer her own question :D )...

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Not to mention most of the commentary is about a play behind what's being shown lol...and I loved the part where the female commentator says Campbell finds Randle El, when it's really Randle El finding Cooley for the TD--then asks the "coach" that's commenting with her why the challenge flag was thrown on that play, and the guy says they used trick plays in Seattle and Zorn must have brought some with him, completely missing her question lol (she had to answer her own question :D )...

Last time I checked ARE has been throwing the ball ever since we got him and that was during JG era. But yet Zorn brought these trick plays with him. :doh:

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Hopefully, your another dolt that want's to throw his money away and have big goverment tell him what to do?

Whats that have to do with my Palin comment???? :rolleyes:

I just call it like I see it. Sorry I got in your feelings like that. :lol:

Anyway, let us agree with we are voting for our SKINS!! :cheers:

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