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PFT: Cooley wants to play in England

The Fourth King

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I am pretty sure there are more than 10 of us.

yeah, you're right. there are more than 10.

i guess it's fine if it's an away game. it'd suck to lose a home game.

no matter what, i salute you fans across the pond. you have to make true effort to follow your team, my biggest decision on game day is jersey # and liquor or beer.

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there are like 10 on the board, dude. .

Way more than 10, way more and most of us know our football. The Redskins have a very solid fan base over here in the UK.

Quick history lesson on the NFL and Football in general in the UK. We first got weekly game highlights back in '82 and the Skins Dolphins Super Bowl that year was the first full game shown in full and live. Of course we won and so was born a Redskins following here in the UK.

We then had the Gibbs 1.0 glory years and that fan base solidified and grew. Even after the barren run since Gibbs 1.0 the fan base has stayed very solid.

Back in the early 80's a couple of leagues started playing football. I played in the British National League back in the mid to late 80's for Preston. We had decent funding, a couple of Americans played (normally ex small College guys who wanted a paid holiday) and we played in a Soccer Stadium which seated 20,000 though we normally only got about 1,000 fans to most games.

Some of the sponsorship money went away towards the end of the 80's but there is still a healthy domestic league over here.

TV coverage is now excellent as well. We get at least 4 live games a week on satellite (Sky TV), a choice of 2 early games, 2 late games plus SNF and MNF. MNF is now in HD.

When the Thursday games are on that goes to 5 live. We can also get access to every game played live over the internet via NFL Gamepass (cost $200 per season).

Bottom line the NFL has a very significant following in the UK and those fans know what they are watching. Its no mystery or novelty. I will talk X's and O's with most guys on this board with no problem.

Back to the Skins playing over here. For us UK based fans it would be great clearly. I can understand if they took a home game away from you guys States side you would be pissed about it and I would totally understand.

I would not want us to lose a home game either just from a competitive point of view - but if we do get the game trust me we will make it just like a home game from the point of view of the fan support over here.

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no matter what, i salute you fans across the pond. you have to make true effort to follow your team, my biggest decision on game day is jersey # and liquor or beer.

My wife think I'm crazy. The SNF and MNF games kick off about 1.30 am over here and if we are playing I will stay up all night to watch. Hell I even stayed up to watch the preseason games this year over the internet on Justintv with a ****ty feed.

I work for a US company so I get over to the US a lot and I always make sure I get out over the weekend so I have Sundays free in my hotel room to watch NFL coverage all day.

I have been to a couple of games at RFK but not FedEx yet. Thinking of getting out next year to catch a game if I can get enough brownie points in the bank with my other half ......

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My wife think I'm crazy. The SNF and MNF games kick off about 1.30 am over here and if we are playing I will stay up all night to watch. Hell I even stayed up to watch the preseason games this year over the internet on Justintv with a ****ty feed.

Man after my own heart. Any late games on a sunday or monday night we may be involved in, and the following day's work day involves me functioning like a zombie. When the post game show's finished, (i like to watch the tv pictures with the radio call of Larry, Sonny and Sam), your lucky if you get a few hours shut eye. Ah the joys of being a "long distance" 'Skin.

Anyone remember, way before the Internet days, struggling weekly to tune the radio into a very crakly long wave signal and picking up the Armed Forces Radio Network back in the '80's trying to get 'Skins coverage? Or was that just me? Shrugs.


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Anyone remember, way before the Internet days, struggling weekly to tune the radio into a very crakly long wave signal and picking up the Armed Forces Radio Network back in the '80's trying to get 'Skins coverage? Or was that just me? Shrugs.


No I remember those days really well :) The signal used to come and go for me, some weeks it would be clear as a bell some weeks it was awful. Normally you lost the signal just as somthing crucial was happening. "Its 3rd and 6 from the 15 with less than a minute to go and Thiesmann throws for the end zone and Monk crackle, pop whizz, crackle ......."

Those were happy days for a Skins fan though. All we had to worry about was who we were beating next week and how would we get some coverage game coverage ....

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No I remember those days really well :) The signal used to come and go for me, some weeks it would be clear as a bell some weeks it was awful. Normally you lost the signal just as somthing crucial was happening. "Its 3rd and 6 from the 15 with less than a minute to go and Thiesmann throws for the end zone and Monk crackle, pop whizz, crackle ......."

Those were happy days for a Skins fan though. All we had to worry about was who we were beating next week and how would we get some coverage game coverage ....

Happy, if frustrating day's indeed.

I'm sat here chuckling at the memory of fixing to throw the radio out of the window when the signal went haywire at a crucial time, then fiddling madly with the dial trying to regain it, a tiny little turn here, a tiny little turn there, for it to finally return and find you'd missed 2 scores, with you screaming "******" at the radio like some crazy lunatic in frustration.

Lot's hope were on the road with the Z-Man to getting back to those heady day's when it wasn't so much "what the heck is going to happen today?", but more "how many are we going to beat these guys by?"


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oh please, enough with the cliches. There are many thousands of fans of NFL in the UK, most of whom have been fans for a long time. I'm sure some "curious" people turned out for the first NFL game over here as a spectacle, but that's to be expected. I've been a fan since the 1982 team. The majority of fans who will turn out for the UK games will know exactly what's going on, and PLEASE, let's stop pretending it's oh so complicated. 4 downs, 10 yards, forward passes, jesus, we're not an island of retards as you may think. I don't see how jet lag is a serious issue, it's a similar flight from the East Coast to the UK as it is to fly over to the West Coast. These guys are used to getting on planes every week and crossing time zones.

I understand you guys don't want to lose any home games, maybe the season will get expanded to 17 games one day to allow an away day for every team, but if the NFL wants to continue to generate worldwide interest and potential revenue and development, then it's credit to them they are willing to sacrifice the somewhat selfish views of the home fans now and then,

Personally, I would LOVE if "soccer" developed enough over there that the big teams from here would play in the US. What would happen is instead of all the whining, the die hard fans would actually fly over there for a holiday and see the game anyway, and enjoy it on TV and being marketed over there, if they thought it was expanding the game. I certainly would anyway.

an East Coast flight to the UK wouldn't cost you that much. If it bugs you that much, let me know, you can crash at mine for free lodgings. YOu might even enjoy yourself if you get across your borders once in a while :-)

As far as getting outside my borders, I'm chaperoning 10 middle school students on an exchange program to Germany this November, and we're hoping that will be an annual program. I studied abroad in college and I believe very strongly in international experiences.

As far as my comment about playing in front of clueless fans, I've learned in this thread that I was ill-informed, and I apologize for any offense to our UK fans. :cheers:

If there are that many of you over there then I don't have as much of a problem with it, but like others said I would hope for it to be scheduled around the bye week.

And Tennessee Ed, I don't think you can bust out the CO when I began my post with "obviously." ;)

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...i am pretty sure the Giants went to london last year. Knuckle head.
It is not a racist symbol you tool. I hope bad things happen to you. Liberal Puke.

I think you need to raise your hands, and slowly step away from the computer for awhile. And see if you can find that sense of humor while you're at it. That or just switch to decaf for awhile.

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Nice window view there PCS. I don't get to see many trees from my bedroom window but I DO get to see this:

As for the Skins playing in England, I'm all for it as long as they make it right before a BYE week for recuperation purposes.

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Nice window view there PCS. I don't get to see many trees from my bedroom window but I DO get to see this:

As for the Skins playing in England, I'm all for it as long as they make it right before a BYE week for recuperation purposes.

Wish that were my real view. :) Colorado Springs. We lived there a very long time ago. Pikes Peak Park if memory serves. Facing the mountains, there was almost always a good view. Facing East however...... _____________ :)

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Wish that were my real view. :) Colorado Springs. We lived there a very long time ago. Pikes Peak Park if memory serves. Facing the mountains, there was almost always a good view. Facing East however...... _____________ :)

We try to face "Kansas" as little as possible. Reminds me of the line, "Keep moving, nothing to see here". ;)

Drove through Park City a few years ago on the way to see our son in SLC. Beautiful place. :cheers:

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We try to face "Kansas" as little as possible. Reminds me of the line, "Keep moving, nothing to see here". ;)

Drove through Park City a few years ago on the way to see our son in SLC. Beautiful place. :cheers:

OLS.. Only problem is that you keep moving, (East), and there is still "nothing to see here." :)

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Obviously not something that could happen this season.

I know the NFL is trying to expand its market, but I'm not really interested in playing games internationally. You get a fairly sloppy game from two jet-lagged teams in front of a crowd that really isn't sure what's going on.

QFT. really really summed it up right there.

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Until Manchester United plays a meaningful game in the USA than the Redskins should not play a meaningful game outside the USA

You want England's answer to the Cowboys playing in the USA? Overly media hyped, overly self opinionated, TOTALLY despised Nation wide for the sheer "were beter than you" arrogance and classless way they go around things? Not to mention being the club with more bandwagon fans than any other from places in the Country that couldn't even find Manchester on a map? You really want THAT?

At least the Crygirls are right up there in Super Bowls. United arn't even England's most successful club.

God damn the media and the false perception they give the World of things.

*Rant and melt down over, topic can now resume. Nothing to see here anymore people, move on.....


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I actually jus got back from London, I was on vacation there for a week.

I made sure to research where I could watch the skins game before i left, cuz i knew the hotel didnt have any channels that was gonna show it.

Anyways, found a sportsbar with alot of tourists and alot of locals, and while half the bar emptied after an italian soccer game ended, there were still PLENTY of football fans, 60 - 70% skins fans.

I can understand why some of you think that british people dont get american football, cuz i thought i was sitting next to british cowboys fans when they were cheerin for dallas durin their first scorin drive, but then they started cheerin for the skins too on the deep balls to santana, and the TD for thrash.

But for all those types of fans, there were bunches who loved american football for its "strategy and detail".

There were some passionate skins fans there (shouts to all at the Sportscafe in leicester square)... we were talkin crap back and forth to cowboy fans who started gettin real emotional and had their feelings hurt when they realized that all their ish talkin was proved useless. haha.

It was great cheerin for the skins in another country, esp with other skins fans from the UK and france. It surprised me seein that kinda love when you werent expecting any at all.

all in all, i think itd be great to play a game over there.

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I'm in Austria...

The one thing that Europe needs now IS football(American football)!

They got soccer going on here EVERYDAY in Europe.I would think they would welcome a new unfamiliar sport.I wear my Redskins stuff here everyday but nobody knows what a Redskin is.

Unfamiliar sport? Um, didn't they already have American football? NFL Europa closed its doors last year, supposedly losing $30 million a season. The experiment was tried; the experiment failed.

If they are going to keep doing these ridiculous overseas games, the one thing they need to do is have some NFL-quality accommodations; that game in London was marred by the poor field. As much as I hate the overseas games, I still thought the fans should have been able to see what real NFL football can be.

Khlav Kalash


At least don't give Philly any overseas games; their fans would teach those soccer hooligans a new trick or two.

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