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NFL.Com Video:Anatomy of a Play: Skins trick Romo into INT


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Horton broke for the ball as soon as Romo sits to pee did the play fake. Perfect execution on an excellent play call

I noticed that too. I initially thought it was Horton's quick reaction. They dialed that up on the sidelines. Smart play executed perfectly. Dallas never knew what they were walking into.

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The one thing that I noticed on that play was that there was great deal of cushion that the DB was giving up. Romo sits to pee thought that he would be able to get some cheap yards which baited him into make the quick throw and of course Horton being able to jump the route because they knew that Romo sits to pee would be tempted to take that play.

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This is the diff between Blatche and GW. GW believed in his defense dictating what the offense does and Blatche plays games with what the offense wants to do. Blatche doesn't really have a scheme, but a game plan, which to me is how defenses stop offenses. A defense that plays the way it always plays is how it gets picked apart just like it did in every 4th quarter in the 4 years GW was here.

At least thats my opinion. But I am only a fan and not a coach.

That is a very good observation, one that I picked up on myself but couldn't put it in such a good explanation as you did. Seriously, I think you are spot-on.

If anyone caught Blache's post-game with Kelli Johnson, he said he never used "prevent"...only what he planned to do from watching how Romo sits to pee won late in the game in previous games this season. Like Blache said, wins are what count, and we won.

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Ahh, ya beat me to it. I was going to make a thread about these videos because they are indeed great.

There's also this one - http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80b4f85a

Breaks down the deep ball to T.O. and how Romo sits to pee thought he had him open but Landry's speed caught him up. Great to hear how well we prepared for them and how awesome our schemes were.

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According to this interview...


Horton wasn't sent over there on a preplanned coverage, he read Gomo's bug eyes and took off on his own. I wonder if this was a call, or a great reaction?

the play, if it wasnt a run, cover the flat, he says it himself

"I was supposed to play underneath the trail receiver," Horton said. "So I was going out there regardless of where [Romo sits to pee] threw it that direction or not."

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the play, if it wasnt a run, cover the flat, he says it himself

"I was supposed to play underneath the trail receiver," Horton said. "So I was going out there regardless of where [Romo sits to pee] threw it that direction or not."

Yeah, but he sprinted to cover the flat as soon as the ball was snapped. He didn't even look to see if it was a run (since it was a play action, you'd think he'd hesitate a little). Because of that, I believe he read Tony's eyes and made the play. Had he ran the original play, I think it would've been a reception.

Edit: I stand corrected. I just watched the Anatomy extra video E-Dog mentioned and they showed Horton running that same scheme on several occasions.

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looks better every time you watch it :)

its a classic bait and Dullass bit on it. Makes you think their coaching staff looked at that kind of coverage pre-game and reckoned there was no way the skins had a player that could play the box and get out and cover the sideline route like that. Romo sits to pee clearly was bemused as to how that defender was there. I wonder how other teams will react if they see that coverage from now and know that the safety in the box can actually make that play. Suddenly, their options get very limited :)

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That is great stuff. I can't stop watching it. I have such the Horton man crush. Did anyone else notice that Romo sits to pee said "under cutted it" he's been hanging with Jessica to much and getting a little dumb in the head.

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Kudos to Greg Blache for having some very creative coverage schemes, and biggups to Horton for making the play.

To play in the box before the ball is snapped, then sprint to the side line for the pickle just shows his athleticism and talent. This guy is going to be good. No hard feelings to Reed, but looks like we found a great player to team up with Laron.

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