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ESPN: Jets Smith Suspended and Fined for Hit on Boldin


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i agree if boldin hadnt been hit his head would have been up and the defender would have hit his shoulder.

My wife asked me if i thought he would be fined and i said that if boldin had gotten right up no, but since he was knocked out and carted off the field he would be fined and possibly suspended.


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He wanted to put his helmet in Boldin's chest, but Boldin got hit from behind a split second before the smith hit causing his helmet to drop right where Smith was expecting his chest to be. If you notice, Smith knocked himself out for a second there too, I highly doubt that was his intention. Unless the guy has a history of being a headhunter, I think it's a tough tough call...either suspend him or fine him a game check, but don't cost the guy a game check, a game, and 50,000 on top of that because of an accident. If he has a history, I'd be for it, but I just don't think this severe a punishment is justifiable.

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It wasn't intentional to me. It simply looked like Smith was coming in to lay a big hit, and Boldin got nailed by another defender in the back first, which caused the helmet to helmet hit by Smith. If you all watch it in regular speed, instead of slow-mo which can distort your perceptions of decision-making time said player has, you could see it better.

I quoted the poster in my above post because I absolutely agree with the assertion that had Boldin been ok no fine or suspension would likely have occurred. Goodell is turning the NFL into a reactionary league. This is football, not tennis (sorry if you're a tennis fan).

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I agree totally with the fine and suspension. I also agree with putting the players in tutus and playing flag football instead of tackle. This whole tackling thing is WAY TOO ROUGH!! We should start penalizing players for hard hits in general - that will soften things up! I mean GOSH, we wouldn't want people getting injured in a contact sport!

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I also agree with putting the players in tutus and playing flag football instead of tackle. This whole tackling thing is WAY TOO ROUGH!! We should start penalizing players for hard hits in general - that will soften things up! I mean GOSH, we wouldn't want people getting injured in a contact sport!

I honestly cannot believe Goodell is not only fining but suspending him. WHat a joke.

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I agree totally with the fine and suspension. I also agree with putting the players in tutus and playing flag football instead of tackle. This whole tackling thing is WAY TOO ROUGH!! We should start penalizing players for hard hits in general - that will soften things up! I mean GOSH, we wouldn't want people getting injured in a contact sport!

lol maybe they should remove the helmets and pads and then they'll learn how to tackle properly....wait isn't there a sport....

lol nevermind carry on ;)

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I hope Q is fine.

This a physical sport things happen on the field. The guy was trying to rock and that is certain. It is unfortunate that Q was hit into the guy which is what made it worse. The guy was on a bee-line to the body.

Somebody else mentioned Wisenhunt is somewhat responsible in that he had no business sending his boys on a suicide mission when the game was clearly decided. That was a reason why he got rocked as hard as he did. He was supposed to get his QB to take the knee and go home. Teams take offense to that type of disrespect on the field.

But the fine is excessive and the suspension is unwarranted IMO.

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This is a sad joke. The NFL slips closer and closer to a non-contact sport every year. If 81 doesn't get hurt, there is no fine, and no suspension. This boils down - like so many subjects - to money. The League is obsessed with keeping its star players healthy -- bc these players equate to ticket sales and $$. If someone takes out an offensive lineman, or a second string D-tackle, no one cares......and neither does the NFL.

Today's game is about points on the scoreboard - and faces on the TV. It has drifted so far from its roots........from what made me fall in love with it as a kid. It is meant to be a test of manhood. A test of how much pain you can take......and how much you can inflict. Period.

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Smith should not have been suspended and probably shouldn't have even been fined. Kerry Rhodes, on the other hand, ABSOLUTELY should have been fined for the helmet-to-helmet contact that forced Boldin's head straight into Smith's helmet.
Ah, so it was Rhodes who hit him first?
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It was a justifiable fine and the suspension should be longer because he led with his helmet. Yes it wouldn't have been a helmet to helmet if it wasn't for the fact that the other defender hit him into the helmet to helmet. I think there was an intent for the guy to give him a hard hit to dislodge the ball from him. As for being malicous, I would say no unless there was something that Smith had against Boldin or something happened in the game to provoke an attack with malicousness. I am not aware of any that was brought up.

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