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Do gays/lesbians "straight-bash" as much as straight people gay bash?


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ok, here are some of my examples

~ Highschool I was nearly run over 2-3 times my senior year

~beat up by football players and ended up in the hospital- judge found them innocent of assualt

~my car has been vandalized in the past by being keyed, tires slashed and anti gay epitaphs written on it

~my place of work in hs was grafitti tagged with the words "dyke" "fag" and other anti gay words

~I have been kicked out my friends house in highschool cause her parents knew 2 of us were gay.

~have been called names so many times I lost count

~have been nearly run off the road several times after leaving the gay bar

to add, I proudly served my country in the military and police work-never got treated bad there.

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but mike you said in the other thread it happens all the time, you acted like gay people bash all the time.

Hopefully he's realized the stupidity of his statements. The only evidence he could produce was people being "verbally accosted" during pride parades. If he knows even ONE straight person who's dealt with things on the magnitude of what you just mentioned, let alone ALL of them, I'd be floored. We're still waiting for a real example, Mike, and evidence that this occurs with even the most minimal of frequency to the point where it's even worthy of being mentioned in reference to the treatment gays receive.

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i didnt say ALL the time but i said it does happen a lot.

I was just at gay pride and watched as bunch of "butch" lesbians jumped a straight white girl while she was waiting in line for the bathroom.

My landlords were a gay male couple and they used to always make the joke "you breeders....." now if I said " you fags......." would it be as ok?

no way am I trying to say gay people do it as much as straight people, but I am also realistic and know what Ive seen here in San Diego.

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I go to a bar here sometimes on Sundays to watch the Skins play. Just last week I was hit on by a guy, he would not leave it alone. I don't always come out, as I honestly get scared to. So here I am, subject to this drunk guy who won't take no for an answer and I can't do anything about it. And If I try to get other guys to help, theyjust wonder what is wrong with me.

So I have to sit there and take it? Or come out chancing being "bashed"? Hell, after highshool I was so scared to go out anywhere, I left the state for several years and wouldn't go back. 17 years later I still get scared going home. I refuse to go to my highschool reunions b/c of it.

I would sit in government class in highschool and listen to people say how all gays should be killed.

tell me what straight person has to endure that?

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Hopefully he's realized the stupidity of his statements. The only evidence he could produce was people being "verbally accosted" during pride parades. If he knows even ONE straight person who's dealt with things on the magnitude of what you just mentioned, let alone ALL of them, I'd be floored. We're still waiting for a real example, Mike, and evidence that this occurs with even the most minimal of frequency to the point where it's even worthy of being mentioned in reference to the treatment gays receive.

i am going to have a decent conversation with this woman and you can sit on the sidelines and watch it or do whatever else you want. but dont speak for me. you dont even know me or who i am to do such.

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I've lived in the gayest neighborhood in America for 15 years, with my wife and raising my children. Never had a single bad thing said to me, nor have my wife or kids. Except the one time when I was harassed by straight guys who thought I was gay, of course.

I've known three gay men who have been beaten up for being gay.

And when I went back to Virginia to visit my family, a lot of friends and neighbors had things to say like "how can you stand being around all those horrible queers in San Fag Sicko - haha. You're not laughing... um - well I was just kidding." ;)

I particularly enjoyed the retired military officer down the street who confided in me that "San Francisco was a great town till all those faggots moved in. They'll all be dead from AIDS in a couple more years, if we can only be that lucky." He was totally serious.

Of course, this is just anecdotal information.

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hey lj,

unfortunately I am off work and not going to get on my PC tonight. I have to get my brakes changed and go to a happy hour with some friends. I would LOVE to continue this conversation with you tomorrow and no matter who says they know what I am going to say or how I think, let me tell you please.

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and I'm not saying any of this to get sympathy. Just want people to realize what really goes on.

I waited a year to tell anyone at work, because I want people to judge me for the work I do, not because they think I'm gay. It's the last thing I tell people, but if you ask, I'm always honest. I'm not flamboyant, not butch, I wear make up (it stops at the dress..lol)

I can't even believe I have come out on this board, but maybe I feel safe cause it's just the internet...?

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and I'm not saying any of this to get sympathy. Just want people to realize what really goes on.

I waited a year to tell anyone at work, because I want people to judge me for the work I do, not because they think I'm gay. It's the last thing I tell people, but if you ask, I'm always honest. I'm not flamboyant, not butch, I wear make up (it stops at the dress..lol)

I can't even believe I have come out on this board, but maybe I feel safe cause it's just the internet...?

you are safe here and I am sure that has a lot to do with it. maybe one day you will feel safe enough to do it in real life.


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i am going to have a decent conversation with this woman and you can sit on the sidelines and watch it or do whatever else you want. but dont speak for me. you dont even know me or who i am to do such.

Mike, I appreciate that we can chat about this civilly. I mean, we are bacon brothers (:D)

I don't want you to take anything I've said as being mad at you, I respect your opinion and what you have experienced. I just felt that in the other thread you were trying to say it was equal bashing. I feel now that you weren't saying, but that is how I interpreted it.

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hey lj,

unfortunately I am off work and not going to get on my PC tonight. I have to get my brakes changed and go to a happy hour with some friends. I would LOVE to continue this conversation with you tomorrow and no matter who says they know what I am going to say or how I think, let me tell you please.

Sound good buddy. I gotta get home too...usually off half hour ago, but this thread...:D

eat some bacon and get good rest!

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hey lj,

unfortunately I am off work and not going to get on my PC tonight. I have to get my brakes changed and go to a happy hour with some friends. I would LOVE to continue this conversation with you tomorrow and no matter who says they know what I am going to say or how I think, let me tell you please.

BigMike is a secret Democrat, I know he would say that.


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I don't know and I don't really care...it all needs to stop.

I can say the the gay people I know and am friends with personally have never said anything derrogatory about straight people. I have heard many more derrogatory terms, references, etc. come from straight people. But I also happen to hang out with mostly straight people.

My personal thoughts are this: why the heck do people care and feel the need to project their views onto someone who's lifestyle they don't agree with? The homosexual lifestyle has no direct effect on the liberties of straight people, so who cares?

As far as Christians saying it's acceptable to shun, not treat, make fun of, mock, whatever, gay people because they are living in "Sin," we are ALL living in sin. It's not our job to judge others' whose lifestyle has no effect on us. I'm a firm believer in allowing God to be the final judge of all of us. Leave it up to God to judge and focus on living a life that represents Christ's true character - which by the way, does not include shunning, not treating, making fun of, mocking, or whatever, gays.

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FootballHenry and the OP.

we should get the homosexual ES posters on here and they should start a thread, sort of like the "Ask a mechanic" thread, (not like the ask MSF thread though.) It might actually breed a bit of tolerence among some, maybe get the lines of communication going or whatever.

Probably a dumb idea, but my opinion is that questions lead to answers.

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