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Do gays/lesbians "straight-bash" as much as straight people gay bash?


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True story. The first week after I moved to San Francisco, I went down to Baker Beach, which is just outside the Golden Gate and is the best beach in the City.

I'm walking toward the bridge, looking at the waves and all of a sudden this extraordinarily beautiful woman comes up from the surf. Long dark hair, big eyes, perfect figure. She is coming straight toward me waving her hand in greeting and she is.... get this... totally stark naked. :laugh: I'm thinking that it is a dream, that I'm living the Bo Derek scene in the movie "10." I'm blushing and stammering and trying to think of something witty to say.

Then her girlfriend (who was behind me) brushes past me and hugs her and they kiss and move back toward the water chattering. I felt like a complete fool. :doh:

That was the day that I learned that the north end of Baker Beach is clothing optional and that no, not all lesbians are homely. :silly:

haha..Just this summer I flew to Montana for my cousins wedding. The Thursday before he called me upset that I couldn't make his bachelor party.(my whole family knows I'm gay). Then at the wedding reception, here I am surrounded by all his groomsmen, who were trying to get me to go the strip club with them. My mom and grandma see this, having no idea what we are talking about. Well, my mom tells me that my grandma says "Look at Lori, she is so pretty and has all those guys around her. Too bad she wouldn't date any of them." HAHA I had to explain to my mom that they weren't hitting on me, that they knew me as the "way cool lesbian cousin of Matt". I never did go to the strip club, not into that scene. But had a blast nonetheless.

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True story. The first week after I moved to San Francisco, I went down to Baker Beach, which is just outside the Golden Gate and is the best beach in the City.

I'm walking toward the bridge, looking at the waves and all of a sudden this extraordinarily beautiful woman comes up from the surf. Long dark hair, big eyes, perfect figure. She is coming straight toward me waving her hand in greeting and she is.... get this... totally stark naked. :laugh: I'm thinking that it is a dream, that I'm living the Bo Derek scene in the movie "10." I'm blushing and stammering and trying to think of something witty to say.

Then her girlfriend (who was behind me) brushes past me and hugs her and they kiss and move back toward the water chattering. I felt like a

complete fool. :doh:

That was the day that I learned that the north end of Baker Beach is clothing optional and that no, not all lesbians are homely. :silly:



that sounds hilarious, i haaatee when that happens! not the naked chick situation just in general, it's sooo embarassing to begin to wave just to realize somebody else is behind you lol

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I hope I didn't offend you by saying breast milk, as I thought that was what someone else called you in the anti politics thread. I honestly thought we were all joking about different names if someone broke the rules of our lil group.

I figured that most don't know I'm a woman, let alone a lesbian, unless they read certain threads. Unlike some of the other ladies on ES, my screen name would not indicate either way. I've had to set the record straight a few times, which is no big deal. I never get offended when someone thinks I'm a guy on here, cause I bet 85% or more really are. I just let them know I'm a woman and go about my business.

I don't consider myself flamboyant either, and only ever came out due to some religous threads on homosexuality months ago that I felt compelled to respond to. Then once in awhile the topic comes up, hence the thread that was the inspiration for this one. I think it's good to let people hear from the horses mouth so to speak. I mean, isn't it kinda hard for a straight person to speak about what gay people go through? Just like it's hard for a white person to speak like they really can understand what black people experience, regarding prejudice.

exaaaaaaaaaaactly my point!! we were kidding around and it was a known thing within that thread that we were going to make up nicknames. hell, wasnt someone calling you stinkfist? i thought slagathor was an upgrade :silly: I think it also clears up that slagathor wasnt meant as a woman joke but just a joke period.

youre cool with me honestly and i dont care what color, sex, preference, etc you have. if you have good points you are cool.

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exaaaaaaaaaaactly my point!! we were kidding around and it was a known thing within that thread that we were going to make up nicknames. hell, wasnt someone calling you stinkfist? i thought slagathor was an upgrade :silly: I think it also clears up that slagathor wasnt meant as a woman joke but just a joke period.

youre cool with me honestly and i dont care what color, sex, preference, etc you have. if you have good points you are cool.

cool. Glad we are on the same page. I've enjoyed our chats, regardless of the topic. I have no prob w/ joking and such, I'm a big goofball really.

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cool. Glad we are on the same page. I've enjoyed our chats, regardless of the topic. I have no prob w/ joking and such, I'm a big goofball really.

dont ever worry about offending me unless you are trying to. i am the biggest smart ass i know. hence why i remember jokes like "slagathor". i call 90% of the people i know that when they bug me.

i have this lesbian friend who tells me all the time "if i ever go straight you are going to give me a child". i often just laugh it off but I think she is serious. were pretty tight and i go to most house parties that she throws and I have noticed there are 2 kinds of lesbians. The kind that are hardcore and not interested in men at all and those that have either been with men before or still have thoughts about it.

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I have noticed there are 2 kinds of lesbians. The kind that are hardcore and not interested in men at all and those that have either been with men before or still have thoughts about it.

Now that is interesting. I came out when I was 14, but I've actually knew my whole life. I have dated guys, a long time ago, only cause I was trying to hide who I was. I would never date a guy again, that would go against my whole being.

However, my best friend of 15 years decided she wanted to date men again. Fine with me, I didn't care. Well, one guy she dated hated the fact that she "used to be" gay. He hated me. It really put our friendship in a bind. Then she ended up getting with another dude and refused to tell him that for 12 years she was gay. Hell, she had even married a woman and I was her maid of honor. I said, what are you going to tell him about me? I'm not going to lie. She refused to tell him and we haven't talked since. That was nearly 4 years ago.

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Now that is interesting. I came out when I was 14, but I've actually knew my whole life. I have dated guys, a long time ago, only cause I was trying to hide who I was. I would never date a guy again, that would go against my whole being.

However, my best friend of 15 years decided she wanted to date men again. Fine with me, I didn't care. Well, one guy she dated hated the fact that she "used to be" gay. He hated me. It really put our friendship in a bind. Then she ended up getting with another dude and refused to tell him that for 12 years she was gay. Hell, she had even married a woman and I was her maid of honor. I said, what are you going to tell him about me? I'm not going to lie. She refused to tell him and we haven't talked since. That was nearly 4 years ago.

yeah, my future's baby mama GF HATES me and for no other reason I believe but because I have a penis. I have been nice to her, gone out of my way to do nice things for her, laughed at her stupid jokes, listened to her stupid stories, blah blah blah but she still hates me. she constantly makes jokes about "dicks" and how we cant satisfy women the way a lesbian can. just constant little cracks until I told my friend that she's gotta chill because I am only holding back because of her.

when I was about 9 I think my mother took in 2 women who lived in our basement. of course it was a furnished basement..anyways their names were Pam and Suzy. Pam drove the COOLEST silver trans-am with the firebird on the hood and I loved them so much. They took me and my brother everywhere and just showed me so much attention and stupid little things that made me love them to death. Well when I was like 12 my mother overheard me call one of my friends "fag" and pulled me aside and told me "in fact that Pam and Suzy were gay". so from right about then I knew that I couldnt hate a person just because they were gay, I would have to get to know them first THEN hate them. :silly:

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No, I can reasonably expect that a term used to describe an entire group of people in a derogatory manner should not be used.

And calling someone a "breeder" is indeed derogatory.

By your interpretation, it certainly is derogatory. In fact, I'd say that your interpretation of the word is the only source of disagreement between us.

As you say, the terms I used are decidedly more harsh, but in who's ears?

Almost everyone's. ****sucker, for example, is considered offensive among any demographic... straight or gay, man or woman. It tends not to apply itself to any single group.

As I said, a breeder is a term used towards animals, or people who facillitate the reproduction of animals.


Again, someone calls my wife that they're going to have a problem with me.

You're thinking about this from a very personal perspective and seemingly using a very specific situation to make your judgment. that's generally not a good habit to get into.

As to my poking fun at people, I do, and you're right in that area. The only one I think I actually come close to slandering is Jeff Garcia, and only because he talks so effeminate. I've made cartoons in which he shows off his smokin' hot wife and tells everyone to go screw, too.

By the same token, I'd never call him a fag in a cartoon, same as I'd never call someone a ****** or a chink or a spic. (And if i did, it would be a shot at the character using the term, not the character he's flinging it at. I certainly wouldn't use such things gratuitously.)

I may poke a little fun, but I do sincerely try to not just be purposely offensive.

So you can make a joke at Jeff Garcia's expense for him being effeminate and its all in good fun but the moment someone says the equivalent of "ha ha! you make babies!" a line has been crossed?

There's a big difference when it is said with malice. "Breeders ****ing disgust me", for example, is clearly offensive... but so is "Jeff Garcia is a goddamn effeminate piece of ****".

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I would have to get to know them first THEN hate them. :silly:

I love that. I tell people sometimes, I don't discriminate, I hate everyone.. that is just a joke.

and I posted a lil pic in the show yourself thread. It's not the best, but the only one I have at work.

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You're thinking about this from a very personal perspective and seemingly using a very specific situation to make your judgment. that's generally not a good habit to get into.

So you can make a joke at Jeff Garcia's expense for him being effeminate and its all in good fun but the moment someone says the equivalent of "ha ha! you make babies!" a line has been crossed?

There's a big difference when it is said with malice. "Breeders ****ing disgust me", for example, is clearly offensive... but so is "Jeff Garcia is a goddamn effeminate piece of ****".

If someone was obviously joking, then of course I can take it. And as I said, in the context of satire, lines can be pushed. Dave Chappelle, for example.


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Nope, the worst I got was that uncomfortable "ughhhh" feeling when I was doing landscaping at the house of a gay couple and I rang the doorbell to ask if they wanted to have a specific area of their yard edged/trimmed that week and the one guy answered after about 5-10 minutes in his bathrobe and said "sorry, we were just getting out of the shower"

Thats in no way bashing, I was just like...damn I didn't need to know about that. :)

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I'm sure there are some Jewish folks who share your pain. :2cents:

Really? I have never witnessed any Jewish-bashing in my life, aside from a few stereotype joking around things here and there. Are Jews really still a target of hate crimes by people other than special interest groups and the KKK? I mean, my last name rhymes with the word "jew" and my brother is often called " ***** the jew" by his friends because he is conservative with his money, but it is just a joke and not hateful.

Do many of you see Jew bashing? Is it a generation thing?

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