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McCain asks that Friday debate be postponed to focus on financial crisis

Cooked Crack

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Mccain=Genius move political or not....Takes bull by horns...."rather lose a campaign than a war"...does what he says...Love it!!

Obama=Screwed big time and I LOVE IT!!!We shall see what's really important to Obama now,won't we?Is the Presidency more important than our economy?

GAME OVER!!Mccain wins...lol

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Well, to be totally truthful here, McCain is suspending his campaign, thereby postponing Friday's debate. The MSNBC title makes it appear that McCain is just delaying the debate, when in reality he is proposing boths side suspend their entire campaigns.

It'll be interesting to see Obama's response to this. It'll be difficult for him to continue with the negative ads while McCain is back in Washington dealign with this crisis.

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mccain=genius move political or not....takes bull by horns...."rather lose a campaign than a war"...does what he says...love it!!

Obama=screwed big time and i love it!!!we shall see what's really important to obama now,won't we?is the presidency more important than our economy?

Game over!!mccain wins...lol


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Guest sith lord
If I'm Obama, I just come out with a simple statement:

I am fully capable of doing my part in this financial crisis and at the same time debating John McCain on the issues. I believe the President will be called on everyday to show his ability to deal with several different tasks at the same time, and I plan to start doing that now.

There you go.:applause::applause::applause:

If I were Obama, I wouldn't suspend my campaign.

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Mccain=Genius move political or not....Takes bull by horns...."rather lose a campaign than a war"...does what he says...Love it!!

Obama=Screwed big time and I LOVE IT!!!We shall see what's really important to Obama now,won't we?Is the Presidency more important than our economy?

GAME OVER!!Mccain wins...lol

Put the crack pipe down.

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Mccain=Genius move political or not....Takes bull by horns...."rather lose a campaign than a war"...does what he says...Love it!!

Obama=Screwed big time and I LOVE IT!!!We shall see what's really important to Obama now,won't we?Is the Presidency more important than our economy?

GAME OVER!!Mccain wins...lol

I sort of agree with Michael. Here's why.

Doing this fits in with McCain's "four corners" run out the clock strategy. Sure he'll take a bit of a hit on this but he gets to postpone the debate where he's strongest, increasing the chance that the debate where he's weakest (i.e. economy) which is scheduled last, might be cancelled altogether. Thus this move either puts off or potentially removes one more opportunity for him to make a big mistake or gaffe....which given his history on the campaign trail is highly likely.

In short, as with the Palin pick, I think he's throwing another hail Mary pass. I think he's willing to take the short term hit in exchange for reducing chances of gaffes and the slight possibility that the American public sees him as making another heroic sacrifice by doing this.

It's risky but it could very well work if the Obama camp doesn't handle it properly. Handled poorly, Obama could be seen as a cynical political opportunist.

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My first response was critical. I'm looking forward to the debates. My preparations have been made. I've soundproofed my viewing room so as not to disturb the wife and kids with my screaming insults at the TV, I've assembled many soft objects to throw at the TV so I won't have the same unfortunate accident as in the 2004 Presidential debate. I've purchased a bottle of Johnny Walker Blue to console myself from fusteration before during and after the debate.

However; On second thought, I'm a little more sympathetic. This bail out is going to play out in hours and days rather than weeks and months. Taking the next three days out to prepare for the debates when all this is going to go down, is a very tough call. This was a tough decision for McCain. I won't ridicule him for it, even though I desparately want to see him debate Obama on issues.. My preparations will keep.

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Pretty much.

If McCain was so concerned about putting Country First why didn't he announce this earlier? He's known about it since last week.

That's what is really gonna make this move look like sheer cowardace.

"Because of an imminent crisis that happened last week, I've decided to wait a couple more days, and then announce an end to politics. It is merely a coincidence that the date I've chosen to stop campaigning is also the date of my first debate. I'm not choosing that date because of the debate. I'm choosing that date because of the crisis that I've been ignoring for the last week."

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Obama..."I have spent alot of money covering up my islamic muslim extremism ties to terrorism...From William Ayers,to Rev. Wright...I cannot afford to take time off as I have spent the last few days in florida going over my speech debate on Foreign affairs which I have little knowledge of due to my lack of experience"....Being the President is more important than anything in the world from our economy to Russia moving Battleships to the carribean....I have came along ways from my radical muslim left views and I just can't afford to risk any possible debate that will help me,even though I do get to delay any kind of debate with Mccain without a telepromter...So now I need to twist as many lies as I can to help my campaign so the idiot left wing nutbags will stay on my side..."

Now that is what Obama should say...

Maybe we can get Biden to say it?lol

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If you had been watching CNN, you would know that it was Obama's camp that called McCain's this morning.

I didn't read that in the article on CNN. It said they spoke by phone. It didn't say who initiated the call. Was this said on CNN on tv?

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Obama..."I have spent alot of money covering up my islamic muslim extremism ties to terrorism...From William Ayers,to Rev. Wright...I cannot afford to take time off as I have spent the last few days in florida going over my speech debate on Foreign affairs which I have little knowledge of due to my lack of experience"....Being the President is more important than anything in the world from our economy to Russia moving Battleships to the carribean....I have came along ways from my radical muslim left views and I just can't afford to risk any possible debate that will help me,even though I do get to delay any kind of debate with Mccain without a telepromter...So now I need to twist as many lies as I can to help my campaign so the idiot left wing nutbags will stay on my side..."

Now that is what Obama should say...

Maybe we can get Biden to say it?lol

If you are a McSame supporter than yes he should say that. But the "messiah" is smarter than that.

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Obama..."I have spent alot of money covering up my islamic muslim extremism ties to terrorism...From William Ayers,to Rev. Wright...I cannot afford to take time off as I have spent the last few days in florida going over my speech debate on Foreign affairs which I have little knowledge of due to my lack of experience"....Being the President is more important than anything in the world from our economy to Russia moving Battleships to the carribean....I have came along ways from my radical muslim left views and I just can't afford to risk any possible debate that will help me,even though I do get to delay any kind of debate with Mccain without a telepromter...So now I need to twist as many lies as I can to help my campaign so the idiot left wing nutbags will stay on my side..."

Now that is what Obama should say...

Maybe we can get Biden to say it?lol

Wow Mike. If you're going to say something stupid, at least have the common decency to make it funny. :rolleyes:

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Obama spokesman Bill Burton emails reporters:

At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details.

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I didn't read that in the article on CNN. It said they spoke by phone. It didn't say who initiated the call. Was this said on CNN on tv?

At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details.


Obama wanted to issue a statement, McCain wants to cancel the whole damn thing.

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Obama spokesman Bill Burton emails reporters:

At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details.

Does that mean they agreed to move the debate together before hand?

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I'm also thinking that if Obama wants to get really dirty, I'd be tempted to draw a parallel between this and "W announces, two days after Katrina hits New Orleans, that he will cut his vacation short, and will return to Washington, just as soon as he finishes the fundraisers he's got scheduled for tomorrow."

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Obama spokesman Bill Burton emails reporters:

At 8:30 this morning, Senator Obama called Senator McCain to ask him if he would join in issuing a joint statement outlining their shared principles and conditions for the Treasury proposal and urging Congress and the White House to act in a bipartisan manner to pass such a proposal. At 2:30 this afternoon, Senator McCain returned Senator Obama’s call and agreed to join him in issuing such a statement. The two campaigns are currently working together on the details.

So Obama didn't call to cancel the debates.

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Obama..."I have spent alot of money covering up my islamic muslim extremism ties to terrorism...From William Ayers,to Rev. Wright...I cannot afford to take time off as I have spent the last few days in florida going over my speech debate on Foreign affairs which I have little knowledge of due to my lack of experience"....Being the President is more important than anything in the world from our economy to Russia moving Battleships to the carribean....I have came along ways from my radical muslim left views and I just can't afford to risk any possible debate that will help me,even though I do get to delay any kind of debate with Mccain without a telepromter...So now I need to twist as many lies as I can to help my campaign so the idiot left wing nutbags will stay on my side..."

Now that is what Obama should say...

Maybe we can get Biden to say it?lol

:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: Are you off your meds seriously.

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