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For those who recorded the Cards vs Skins game...Funny clinton action caught!


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He started jumping up and down after Heyer knocked Dockett on his ass. He was gloating and we lost a 60 some yard TD b/c of Heyer. Stupid play even if I think it was a horrible call by the ref...still a stupid thing to do. We could have easily lost that game and that play would've been even more bone-headed. I still don't believe they should have called the penalty, but Heyer could've been more subtle and we'd have had 6 on the board. :2cents:

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Frankly, the penalty was legitimate. This hit was no different from roughing a passer or a kicker - and don't tell me that just because they're a lineman, they should expect to be hit at all times regardless of where the ball may be or how far along the play is.

My only hope is those two learn. Zorn needs to get on top of this sort of activity immediately. And you all, well most of you, need to grow up.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah......................

Get over yourself.

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Nowhere did I say what Portis did was illegal. What I did say, is that Portis acted completely childish. There is no room for that kind of bs on the football field, let alone in a close game during the 4th quarter. Had Portis not acted like an idiot, Heyer would not have given the push, and we wouldn't even be discussing this.

I'm not going to argue the validity of the call - regardless of whether you think it was wrong or not, it was completely avoidable. We would have gotten 7 more points on the board, and the game would have been in the bag.

Homerism is clearly on the high today, as usual I suppose. Would you really feel the same way if you were a Cardinals fan?

Didn't think so.

Suppose JC had not thrown the pass and circled back to that side of the field. Should Dockett not have been blocked. They play was still going on, anything could have happened. Dockett needed to be blocked until that whistle sounded. Have you ever played ball before? Did you quit before the whistle? This was no penalty period.

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I don't see why Portis was jawing at Dockett in the first place. All Dockett did was wrap his arm around Portis' neck and dragged him down by essentially riding Portis' back. It wasn't a dirty tackle and Dockett didn't initiate the smack talk.
Portis was headlocked and brought down out of bounds at a full run on the play before by the neck. Then another neck tackle. I don't blame CP for being pissed, and there even might have been some dirty play going on. Kudos to Heyer for standing up for his guy with a legal hit in the side before the whistle. Boo to the part time refs. Even with the bogus penalty, the TD was valid.
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Portis was headlocked and brought down out of bounds at a full run on the play before by the neck. Then another neck tackle. I don't blame CP for being pissed, and there even might have been some dirty play going on. Kudos to Heyer for standing up for his guy with a legal hit in the side before the whistle. Boo to the part time refs. Even with the bogus penalty, the TD was valid.

Yep. And on the second neck tackle, Dockette kept his arm around CP's neck while they were on the ground. He wasn't forced into doing so, he just chose to do it. Then he got laid the **** out.

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He started jumping up and down after Heyer knocked Dockett on his ass. He was gloating and we lost a 60 some yard TD b/c of Heyer. Stupid play even if I think it was a horrible call by the ref...still a stupid thing to do.

Uh... unless Portis has psychic abilities that he's declined to share with us, there's no way he knew that Heyer's hit would bring back Thomas' TD as he was jumping up and down. It was right as Heyer hit him. The flag hadn't even come out yet.

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I don't see why Portis was jawing at Dockett in the first place. All Dockett did was wrap his arm around Portis' neck and dragged him down by essentially riding Portis' back. It wasn't a dirty tackle and Dockett didn't initiate the smack talk.

well who knows, to me it looked like Dockett kept him in the head lock while he was on the ground and could have squeezed his neck harder and wouldnt let go....it looked dirty to me..

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it was funny as heck

but it was deserving of the penalty

its not the right message to send. I think it would be better to have had 7 more points. When is the last time we put up 30?

Just imagine if TO did this kind of thing to us. Bet everyone would think it would be deserving of a penalty then.

Even if the Cards were playing dirty and deserved it - better to beat them bad rather than to resort to their level.

Ok - im going to go watch the clip one more time ha ha

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it was funny as heck

but it was deserving of the penalty

its not the right message to send. I think it would be better to have had 7 more points. When is the last time we put up 30?

Just imagine if TO did this kind of thing to us. Bet everyone would think it would be deserving of a penalty then.

Even if the Cards were playing dirty and deserved it - better to beat them bad rather than to resort to their level.

Ok - im going to go watch the clip one more time ha ha

He hit the guy in the chest. What are they supposed to do, tap them on the shoulder and request permission to put a block on them. "Pardon me kind sir, I plan to put a block on you since the whistle has not blown yet. Could I trouble your attention such that I might do my job?"

There wasn't anything wrong with the hit.

Cardinals had alot of bad moves IMO. I am surprised a couple weren't called. ANyone know the play that JT got kicked? I wonder if another cheapshot was missed, or just a badluck play.

There wasn't anything wrong with what Heyer did. And know if TO threw one of those on us, while a play is still going, I wouldn't complain. But who knows I may now, now that they screwed us.

FYI, we scored 29 last week. We scored 32 the second to the last game of the regular season last year. Hasn't been that long.


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Like many of you, I agree that there was no penalty on that play. I didn't know it was illegal to knock a guy on his ass because he isn't paying attention to the play. There was no helmet to helmet hit, he didn't hit him from behind, or go low at the guy's legs. It doesn't make much sense....

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I can't believe how funny this is. I could watch this forever. The entire chain of events is just too perfect to be real. Portis retaliates dirty play by popping Dockett and dancing in his face as he stood and watched. Then just as Campbell throws a long bomb to the rookie, Heyer decks his ass and Portis jumps at least three feet in the air in celebration of the act. I laughed my ass off.

This wasn't planned. Portis is just one crazy mofo. Put me at the top of the Portis mancrush club. He is the heart and soul of this team so he can do whatever the hell he wants. HTTR

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