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For those who recorded the Cards vs Skins game...Funny clinton action caught!


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For those who recorded the game you guys need to fast forward your DVRs or whatever and watch this...You guys will get a laugh at this, I know i did!.....

At about 9:28 in the 4th quarter (2nd down and 6) we run the ball with portis. You see #90 from the cardinals wrap his arm around portis like in a head lock and tackle him down. Then Portis gets up and starts talking crap to him in his face because of the tackle and #90 talks back exchanging some unkind words probably.

And then the very next play at 8:50 in the 4th quarter (this is the play to Devin Thomas for the touchdown that got called back) they do a playaction to Portis. For those who recorded the game, keep your eyes on Portis! He sells the fake and gives a hardcore blow right to #90 to get him back for the last play (Heyer is blocking him). Now this is the funny part, after he gives him a blow, #90 looks at Portis, and then Portis starts dancing by wiggling his arms and legs getting his attention lol. #90 then looks at him (porbably thinking "what the f..ck" and then Heyer (while #90 is concentrated on CP) gets in front of him and gives him a good hit and knocks his asz down to the ground! This had to be the funniest thing I've ever seen CP do. I guess this is why Heyer was called for the roughness penalty but oh well it was so worth it!

Its hilarious and I just spend almost 10 min watching this back to back laughing my asz off. You guys gotta catch this! This is such a CP thing to do! Its great to see these guys having fun on the field

Let me know if anyone else saw this.....

EDIT: Heres a pic of CP jumping up and down with glee after the hit Heyer made...(Pic is from iMeast..thanks man)


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Yo, are you serious....that **** was coordinated? hahaha......

I just watched it, you can see it happen. I didn't realize what had happened the play before, so that answers a lot, I guess. Portis runs the play action and slams into Dockett, and does a little dance. Heyer comes around and plants him. It was pretty bad ass. But it's a good ****ing thing we won that game, that single play could've cost it and people would've had a ****ing COW. And that would be one of the few times that a game was pretty weighted on a single play.

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what happend to "team first?" i would rather have that touchdown, did you even hear the stadium explode when thomas caught the ball?


Oh yeah.. i was there at the game. I was so happy for Thomas and pissed about the Heyer penalty and was clueless why it was called. I think the whole stadium was clueless about the reason for the penalty.... Luckly i recorded the game and watched and analyzed what happed during that play. I probably wouldnt say this if we lost, but you really need to catch the play and see what exactly went down. Its probably some of the funniest stuff I've seen CP and Heyer do.

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what happend to "team first?" i would rather have that touchdown, did you even hear the stadium explode when thomas caught the ball?


Get real, dude. That was a HORRIBLE call. Nothing wrong with a clean hit from the side when a guy is not looking. It's part of the game. The official reall ****ed that up. GREAT job by Portis and Heyer

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Get real, dude. That was a HORRIBLE call. Nothing wrong with a clean hit from the side when a guy is not looking. It's part of the game. The official reall ****ed that up. GREAT job by Portis and Heyer

Yeah I agree, it didnt affect the play whatsoever.....

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Get real, dude. That was a HORRIBLE call. Nothing wrong with a clean hit from the side when a guy is not looking. It's part of the game. The official reall ****ed that up. GREAT job by Portis and Heyer

the penalty was unnecessary roughness, and I'd say it was pretty unnecessary (for the play that is). Now, was it necessary to show Dockett why he shouldn't be a punk ass and tackle dirty? yea, i'm thinking it was.

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Maybe one of the great finds in instant replay, god am i glad the OP pointed this out. I have the feeling watching replay they are going to handle this internally but man i tell you, I'd love to hear what clinton and stephon were talking about in the huddle before this play started.. and I've got 100 dollars that the ref that threw the flag saw all of this unfold, because it wasn't a dirty hit, but if he deemed it unsportsmanlike, thats where the flag came in. But I'm telling you, dockett deserved everything he got on that play.

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Damn I missed it! I watched the play and when Thomas scored I accidentally spilled my beer jumping up and down..... Then to see it called back on the unnecessary roughness got me more pissed off cuz I thought it was a dumb move on Heyer's part. But now that you guys mentioned it was coordinated between C-Po and Heyer, I don't mind it at all, or at least since we got the win.

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My only hope is that this thread doesn't get lost by the time the morning crowd wakes up. Because I think everyone will appreaciate this, I mean, if this isn't teamwork at its finest, haha. I just hope that Stephon nor Clinton catch too much heat from the front office, or the media, when they find out. I am pretty sure JLa has already sent a tape of this trying to get both Clinton and Stephon fined and suspended indefinitely.

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Let me know if anyone else saw this.....

Ha, good eye RIPST21. That explains a whole lot about this play. And probably the fine and flag too. The last replay of the penalty clearly shows Portis jumping his little jig. I knew there was some reason I wasn't mad at Heyer. lol. I'll edit up a little clip and post it on rapidshare tomorrow if nobody else has.

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I understand the big "if", IF we didn't score, then there would have been much to say about it. The funny thing about sports and football in particular, is that winning cures all that ails. I would have been pissed if we lost too, but I am not in the least concerned with Devin Thomas' first touchdown. Hopefully he'll have plenty of opportunities and hopefully he supplants the early favorite (Desean Jackson) as the best first year wide receiver..

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Wow after watching that you could see Portis REALLY wanted to get Dockett's attention. After watching that, seems they must have planned it out in advance. If the league sees the same thing we saw, there is sure to be a fine for that. Not that Dockett didn't deserve it, but I still would've rather had the TD.

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I noticed that too.

It looked like the guy and CP were squaring up and about to go at it and then Heyer just nails the guy and knocks him down.

Either way, the play was still live and no penalty should have been called. It was a clean shot. If the idiot wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, it's his fault.

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