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Police Brutality at the Democratic National Convention


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Police Brutality at the Democratic National Convention


DENVER, Aug. 28 /Christian Newswire/ -- Police officers use excessive force and brutality in arresting two young women, aged 17 and 15 years old, at the Democratic National Convention in Denver for peacefully demonstrating yards away from where Senator Obama is staying.

Also arrested was the Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition of Washington, DC.

Jayne White, 17, and Julia Giacopuzzi, 15, both from Lake Arrowhead, California, were arrested in front of the Westin Hotel where Senator Barack Obama is staying while at the Democratic National Convention.

View pictures of the young women arrested

The two young women were arrested, without warning, while peacefully writing pro-life messages on the sidewalk in front of the Westin Hotel with sidewalk chalk where Senator Obama is staying.

Rev. Mahoney was arrested and threatened with a felony for leading the event.

After being arrested, the group was later released.

The group had received permission to sidewalk chalk from Denver City Attorney David Fine and Denver Deputy Chief Police John Lamb and had been "sidewalk chalking" for six days prior to the arrests.

Jayne White, age 17, was rushed from behind, physically forced to the ground, had a police officer dig his knee into the back of her neck, pulled her arms and cuffed her behind her back.

Julia Giacopuzzi, age 15, was rushed by a police officer, had her arms twisted behind her back, lifted up off the ground and then cuffed.

Jayne White, age 17, states, "I was peacefully sidewalk chalking when I was forcefully pushed to ground by a police officer from behind. As I was being cuffed on the ground, the police officer pushed his knee into the back of my neck. I was pulled roughly off the ground and taken away. I was given no warning to stop and was completely shocked when I was arrested. My back was throbbing from his knee."

Julia Giacopuzzi, age 15, comments, "As I was sidewalk chalking, I was rushed by a police officer without warning and lifted up off the ground and was cuffed. I was then dragged by the police into the Westin Hotel."

Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, Director of the Christian Defense Coalition, adds, "I am absolutely stunned, sickened and appalled by the excessive use of force by these police officers against these two young women at the Democratic National Convention. They were rushed without warning, physically forced to the ground, had a knee driven into their back, cuffed and dragged away. Their crime was simply writing pro-life messages on the sidewalk yards away from the hotel where Senator Barack Obama is staying. It must be stressed that they had permission from the Denver City Attorney and Police Department to do this and they were given no warning to stop.

I was arrested for simply being accused of being "the leader" of the event.

For the past ten months, I have had numerous news conferences in Denver expressing concerns that free speech rights and the First Amendment might be crushed during the Democratic National Convention. I have said repeatedly that demonstrators are not terrorists and that the city of Denver should do all within their power to ensure civil liberties would be protected.

Sadly, the city of Denver ignored these warnings and the civil rights of two young women and myself were trampled. How is it possible that at the Democratic National Convention two young women could be brutalized by the police just yards away where Senator Obama is staying for writing a political message on the sidewalk? Upon my return to Washington, DC, I will be meeting with our legal team to discuss our legal options against the city of Denver and the Democratic National Convention."

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Based on this report it seems his beef should be with the Denver Police rather than the DNC.

He ought to try harder to at least appear politically neutral, otherwise the IRS will be paying him a visit regarding the tax-exempt status of his church.

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Based on this report it seems his beef should be with the Denver Police rather than the DNC.

He ought to try harder to at least appear politically neutral, otherwise the IRS will be paying him a visit regarding the tax-exempt status of his church.

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*******. I've seen police brutality, that's nothing.

I agree with that. But if the police felt something was illegal, they didn't have to arrest them face-down on the pavement.

Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't allow my teen daughter to be used like this.

Shouldn't 15 and 17 year olds be back home in school rather than employed as publicity pawns for this guy?

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I agree with that. But if the police felt something was illegal, they didn't have to arrest them face-down on the pavement.

Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't allow my teen daughter to be used like this.

Shouldn't 15 and 17 year olds be back home in school rather than employed as publicity pawns for this guy?

I don't know about you, but when I was in high school, I was very much into politics. If this wasn't church related, would you still take issue with them being there and doing this?

As for police brutality; not even close. However, if they had permits, they certainly have a claim for wrongful arrest I would think.

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I don't know about you, but when I was in high school, I was very much into politics. If this wasn't church related, would you still take issue with them being there and doing this?

They're from California and were brought to Denver by a figure from Washington DC who clearly has a beef with the DNC.

My teen daughter is very interested and involved in public policy issues (competitive debater and volunteers with social advocacy groups), but I'm not sending her to get arrested during school time for writing slogans on a sidewalk more than a thousand miles away from home.

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They're from California and were brought to Denver by a figure from Washington DC who clearly has a beef with the DNC.

My teen daughter is very interested and involved in public policy issues (competitive debater and volunteers with social advocacy groups), but I'm not sending her to get arrested during school time for writing slogans on a sidewalk more than a thousand miles away from home.

Actually it doesn't say that he brought them.

Doesn't matter though. They had the permission of the city. Plus, I'd be ticked too if I was sitting on the sidewalk and got blindsided by a couple of overzealous cops.

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I hope there's another side to this.

(So far, it looks like the article is completely based on the statements of members of a political action group.)

OTOH, I really wish I could be certain there's more information. But I can't be.

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We'll know if Obama is real when he does or doesn't do anything about the Fascist police systems currently in place. We already no McCain is part of the Nazi-con party so IF McCain wins or if the Reps cheat again...you better get out of the country fast. Bush has had Fema building Concetration camps and Prisoner Rail Cars in the US to execute/oppress fascist dissenters. Google "Operation Garden Plot" if you think I'm lying.

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Bush has had Fema building Concetration camps and Prisoner Rail Cars in the US to execute/oppress fascist dissenters. Google "Operation Garden Plot" if you think I'm lying.

I think you're lying.

Garden Plot has existed since the 1960s as a general response to major civil unrest. It was invoked during the LA Riots and after 9/11 and includes putting military on the street.

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  • 3 weeks later...
They are 15 year old girls drawing on the sidewalk with chalk in protest and they got a knee to the back. Your right they didn't whip out their batons and give them a beating, the girls also didn't resist.
I agree with that. But if the police felt something was illegal, they didn't have to arrest them face-down on the pavement.

Maybe it's just me but I wouldn't allow my teen daughter to be used like this.

Shouldn't 15 and 17 year olds be back home in school rather than employed as publicity pawns for this guy?

*******. I've seen police brutality, that's nothing.

The problem here is that the police in this country have for far too long been allowed to go about their so-called duties with unchecked zeal and contempt for a person's civil rights. Victims used to primarily be those deemed as lower class. But all that's changing now because the distinction between classes is not as easy to see - same clothes, same cars, same music, same hairstyles, etc.

Can you imagine how it would be if we didn't have the technological advances (picture phones with video, digital cameras, internet, etc.) that puts a light on these incidents. We're in the toddler stage of the new Gestapo.

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