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Riggins Show Canned, SportsTalk980 New Flagship for Redskins Radio


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This is how it should be.

Czaban Morning Drive (Mike and Mike is awful)

Doc Walker show

Cowherd (It's better than Patrick)

JT show

Sports Reporters (Add Riggo to Pollin and Czaban). I remember when Riggo used to come onto the Sports Reporters on Monday evenings and he was great with Pollin and Czaban.

Find someone else to replace Cowherd or Patrick - they both suck

The rest is good

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I wish they would go all local and ditch the national programing. M&M, Dan Patrick and Colin Cowherd all bore me to tears.....

Especially Dan Patrick. Whenever I feel like catching a nap on my lunch break I just turn him on and I'm out.

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Especially Dan Patrick. Whenever I feel like catching a nap on my lunch break I just turn him on and I'm out.

He spends the whole show making the same 2 or 3 assertions over and over again and trying to convince everyone that he has found the secrets of the universe.

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I love Czabe and love to hate Czabe. Wich I guess is what you want out of a good talkshow host, in any format, because while he might piss you off at times you are still compelled to listen.

I can't anything bad about Andy Polly. My only hope is that he can get his own show and stop playing Robin to Czabe and Mr. Tony's Batman's.

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I know what about Larry Micheals and John Riggins on Redskins Nation. I hate that one girl on there. She has no charcter to her. She seems like a robot to me.

That chick on the show is woeful! Yesterday she was reading emails and asked Larry if he thinks the skins will move back to DC because "the Governor of DC is preparing legislation".

Governor????? Even if she's reading off an email...do a little prep work sweetheart! Improv-skills much?

Didn't Riggo move back to the NOVA area recently? I hope it wasn't for his show. I'm sure he will bounce back...if only we can get rid of Pollin and Czaban.

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He spends the whole show making the same 2 or 3 assertions over and over again and trying to convince everyone that he has found the secrets of the universe.

I just hate his name dropping. Ok, we get it, because of ESPN, you got to rub elbows with all sorts of people, can't you just talk about the issues and not what Barkley said to you over the weekend. It's like Regis Philbin taling sports or something.

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I wish they would go all local and ditch the national programing.

That's not really possible. By ditching all national affiliations, you lose late night programming and early morning programming... you lose weekend programming... and you lose the ability to run an ESPN or FOX game of the week (maybe even NBA, certain MLB games, NASCAR, etc.). Not smart.

And the Riggio getting "canned" thing is a rumor at this point. And even if turns out to be true, where are all the conspiracy theorists now? What happened to the "Larry Michael will be on the air 24/7... Synder wants to control his message" stuff?

Just wait until all the facts come out before you jump to conclusions.

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Obviously we don't get to listen to #44 here in the islands, but we get the Cowturd on the ESPN radio affiliate. The only reason I listen is because I keep waiting for someone to bust into the studio and drop kick that jerk... most times I just turn it off.

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Czaban is a good sports talk show host! What are you guys talking about? At least he is not like most of the homers out there. I respect the fact that he has enough guts to go out on a limb and question what the Redskins are doing in certain situations....rather than fall in line with the rest of the blind paid off homers (example: George and Sonny, Larry Michael, etc.)

Sometimes you need to hear those things from a different prospective, so you can see things from all angles. This goes against all convention, but for a moment it gives you a chance to think outside of the box.

I respect his opinions and his ideas. I like I said before, sometimes you need someone like Czabe to tell it to you straight!


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Czaban is a good sports talk show host! What are you guys talking about? At least he is not like most of the homers out there. I respect the fact that he has the cojones enough to go out on a limb and question what the Redskins are doing in certain situations....rather than fall in line with the rest of them (like George and Sonny do)

How about a happy medium? On one end you have homers, and on the other end you have haters. Czaban is a hater, pure and simple. Not a "realist" as some like to call him. It would be nice to have someone who is objective. Czaban clearly is not that. He has an anti-Redskin agenda that's so blatant it's insufferable. Just give me someone objective and I'm happy.

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That's not really possible. By ditching all national affiliations, you lose late night programming and early morning programming... you lose weekend programming... and you lose the ability to run an ESPN or FOX game of the week (maybe even NBA, certain MLB games, NASCAR, etc.). Not smart.


WFAN is NYC is the gold standard of sportstalk radio and they are live and local 24/7. It can be done.

WTEM was live and local all day last summer for a few months as well. They had Doc, Fedlman and Maloney, JT and Sports Reporters. Even though the First Team w/ Czabe was FSR syndication he is still a local guy.

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How about a happy medium? On one end you have homers, and on the other end you have haters. Czaban is a hater, pure and simple. Not a "realist" as some like to call him. It would be nice to have someone who is objective. Czaban clearly is not that. He has an anti-Redskin agenda that's so blatant it's insufferable. Just give me someone objective and I'm happy.

Trust me, he is a Redskins fan. He just looks at things from all angles. He does the same things with the UMD Terps, the Nats, the Caps, and the Wizards... Nothing wrong with it, and it is nothing personal. It is just his job to be objective, to create a little bit of controversy here and there.

Another example is myself....I love the Skins and the Terps, yet I do bad mouth their decisions a LOT! Yet, I still LOVE the Skins! No matter what! And I will give credit where it is due. I listen to Czabe a lot and believe me, he does give credit when credit is due.

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Trust me, he is a Redskins fan. He just looks at things from all angles. He does the same things with the UMD Terps, the Nats, the Caps, and the Wizards... Nothing wrong with it, and it is nothing personal.

I believe he grew up a Redskin fan, sure. Perhaps you don't recall the whole dust-up between Czaban and Gibbs, and why Czaban was removed from the Joe Gibbs Show back when Gibbs appeared on 980. Ever since that incident Czaban has been blatantly anti-Redskin. How can you say he looks at things from all angles? He twists any facts he can get his hands on to try to show that the Redskins are a mess.

It is just his job to be objective, so there is a little bit of controversy there.

If his job is to be objective, then he should be fired immediately because he's not even a little bit objective. His job is to be controversial and to get a rise out of people.

I listen to Czabe a lot and believe me, he does give credit when credit is due.

The only time he gives credit is when the Skins make him look like a complete buffoon for trashing them. If you call backtracking "giving credit," then sure, he gives credit. :rolleyes:

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WFAN is NYC is the gold standard of sportstalk radio and they are live and local 24/7. It can be done.

That's quite an endeavor if you can pull it off successfully. An overwhelming majority of sports radio stations don't have those types of resources.

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I believe he grew up a Redskin fan, sure. Perhaps you don't recall the whole dust-up between Czaban and Gibbs, and why Czaban was removed from the Joe Gibbs Show back when Gibbs appeared on 980. Ever since that incident Czaban has been blatantly anti-Redskin. How can you say he looks at things from all angles? He twists any facts he can get his hands on to try to show that the Redskins are a mess.

Czaban was not pulled from the Redskins Postgame on Comcast SportsNet though. He continued to be OBJECTIVE there as well, like I said before, that is what he gets PAID to do.

Trust me man, Czabe is not "Anti-Redskins", he is "Anti-Danny and Vinny"... Believe me when I say that.

Also he challenged Joe Gibbs for constantly POOR-MOUTHING his own team over and over again, week after week (example: "We have to play 150% to win this ball game, the *insert NFL team here* are such a good team and we will have to play a perfect game to win, etc etc).

If his job is to be objective, then he should be fired immediately because he's not even a little bit objective. His job is to be controversial and to get a rise out of people.

Looks like he certainly has gotten a rise out of you, hasn't he? And in fact I find him to be very objective, and he has his reasons to be objective to back it up.

The only time he gives credit is when the Skins make him look like a complete buffoon for trashing them. If you call backtracking "giving credit," then sure, he gives credit. :rolleyes:

When I said this, I said it by knowing that he gives all the teams credit that he bad mouths. I have heard him give credit where credit is due to the Terps, the Nats, the Caps, the Wizards, and of course the Redskins! He definitely comes out and is open in giving credit to teams, especially when they prove him wrong. I respect him for that, and that is why I am a continued listener of his show (everyday).

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That's quite an endeavor if you can pull it off successfully. An overwhelming majority of sports radio stations don't have those types of resources.

If I'm not mistaken, WTEM (570 AM back in the day) was almost all local, if not completely local, when it first started out. As mentioned in this thread they had a guy named Paul Nanos (Nanos at Night) doing the overnight shift, and he was local.

Maybe that business model wasn't cost-effective, but back in the day that's how the station was set up.

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I have to be honest I wasn't the biggest fan of the Riggins show.

Riggins always seemed to take the controversal side in every subject that was brought up then you had the one guy who sucked up to him on a consistant basis Gary I believe.

and Kevin was basically always on his own in a sense.

Another thing that bugs me about the show is how they take very little listener calls, and even when they do they here what the person has to say and hangs up. It's never an opinion or a debate on there.

I personally would of liked to seen more of that, but maybe thats not the direction that wanted it going in.

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While I love 980 they need to devote more time to local sports, instead of talking about the caps JT show is interviewing kevin garnett. I mean come one I don't care about a boring interview lets talk local teams.

I love Czaban and his morning show on 980 blows anything espn does. In fact Espn radio in general sucks as fox radio is 10 times better.

I better find a new station to listen to in the AM because I will not be listening to M &M.

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This is how it should be.

Czaban Morning Drive (Mike and Mike is awful) prefer M&M

Doc Walker show - he's pretty good, but the LA (Dodgers and UCLA) angle gets old at times

Cowherd (It's better than Patrick) - 180 degrees of disagreement

JT show - I wish I could call into my job as much as he does, but still well-connected and says some very intelligent things. Don't let the "Joe Fan" act fool you.

Sports Reporters (Add Riggo to Pollin and Czaban). I remember when Riggo used to come onto the Sports Reporters on Monday evenings and he was great with Pollin and Czaban. - agree this could work

When Riggo was on 980 with the Sports Reporters, that was very entertaining.

Riggo was good with Pollin and Czaban because they drove the show. When he steers his show, even though I like it most of the time, it gets off track way too often. The way he gets off sports topics so often you'd think he was trying to be Tony Kornheiser or something. It's a shame because with quality sidekicks like Gary and Kevin, the show should be better than it is.

As to this proposed lineup, I prefer having two stations to choose from so why should I have to choose? I prefer M&M over "First Team" most days. Cowherd says thoughtless and inflamatory things about 90% of the time-- he's not worth the aggravation. Patrick is very poised and connected, rarely does he hit way off target. I think it's nice to be able to switch back and forth between Riggins and the Sports Reporters.

Consolidation = less choices for us.

That's not really possible. By ditching all national affiliations, you lose late night programming and early morning programming... you lose weekend programming... and you lose the ability to run an ESPN or FOX game of the week (maybe even NBA, certain MLB games, NASCAR, etc.). Not smart.


Just wait until all the facts come out before you jump to conclusions.

Well said on both accounts.

Also he challenged Joe Gibbs for constantly POOR-MOUTHING his own team over and over again, week after week (example: "We have to play 150% to win this ball game, the *insert NFL team here* are such a good team and we will have to play a perfect game to win, etc etc).

I like Czaban too, however you blew this characterization way out of balance. He usually tried to act nice to Gibbs when interviewing him, but then trashed him on the air as if what he said about Gibbs would never get back to the man. It's just not good manners to disrespect a man with Gibbs' resume like that.

And what you mistook from Gibbs as "poor mouthing" was really just something we call humility. In sports it's rarely seen so it's easy to see how one could overlook this.

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