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Effect of the credit-crunch: Playboys can't afford their mistresses


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City playboys can't afford their mistresses

Thursday, July 10, 2008

It's not just the Porsches and the expensive lunches that are being credit-crunched down in the City – mistresses of high fliers are also feeling the pinch.

Nearly half of analysts, stockbrokers and hedge fund managers say 'the other woman' is first to get the chop as they cut their spending habits.

Divorces have also soared as City bonuses fell for the first time in five years last month.

Click on the link for the full article

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Poor guys - you just have to feel for them.

Yes you do. Back in "The Day" the secretary or mistress was more than happy to put out simply to be with a Man of Industry and to get a reservation at that nice restaurant or be able to attend that special event. Now they expect flowers, jewelry, clothes, cars, and other enticements from the Guy in order to maintain that availability. That **** isn't cheap and it adds up pretty quick.

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I'm sure Hooters and the strip clubs are probably hiring if the ladies need to earn more money for college. ;)

I'm way too overqualified for those jobs...I'm thinking more of a "Heidi Fleiss" type of deal...;) :laugh:

Who am I kidding? I'm just pissed that strippers and Hooters waitresses make more than me, so they need to shut the heck up.

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Psst...the article is from and about the UK.

But, I agree we're whiners, there was a whole thread on it the other day.

Didn't realize on the first part, :gus:

But yeah, I was making a play off of Gramm's comments. :laugh:

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I'm way too overqualified for those jobs...I'm thinking more of a "Heidi Fleiss" type of deal...;) :laugh:

I'd guess that career field isn't doing terribly well during this economic downturn either. I mean why pay hundreds to thousands of dollars when you can get the same commodity for significantly less on the street corner?

Who am I kidding? I'm just pissed that strippers and Hooters waitresses make more than me, so they need to shut the heck up.

Having never met you I don't know if that's a reasonable complaint. Of course that begs the question....

Then why aren't you a stripper or Hooter's waitress? :D

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