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2008 NFL Suicide/Knockout Pool


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I can't believe that the first Redskin game is less than four weeks away. In what has become a tradition, July 4th marks the official opening of the 2008 NFL Suicide pool.

There were a number of ES participants last year, and I hope you all return for another go at it. Also, the more new participants, the better.

Last year was the biggest year yet, with 352 entrants for a pot just over 7 grand. I am hoping to eclipse that this year.

The OFFICIAL RULES (short version)

$20 gets you in. (if you use paypal, it will be $21.00, to cover the paypal transaction fee).

Multiple entries are allowed, buybacks are not. Meaning you can enter 2,3,4 times at the beginning of the season, but once your entry loses, you are eliminated.

All you have to do is pick a winner every week. Once you use a team, you cannot use them again for the remainder of the season. So when you pick the Skins over the giants opening night, you cannot use Washington again.

Feel free to use this thread to ask me any questions. You can also PM me, or send an email to NFLSuicidepool2008@yahoo.com

All picks are tracked on this website. http://home.earthlink.net/~suicidepool

Good luck everyone, and I hope to see you all in the pool

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I did this last year and it was a blast. I made it pretty far before losing.

I think im gonna have a couple entries this year. I sent you a check last year and I plan to do the same this year.

Were there mulitple winners last year or just one?

Three people made it to the end. So the three of them split the pot.

I only made it to week nine, with five entries. Pretty sad.......

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...
So where do we send our picks into?

Also, What happens in the event of a tie... Is the point for your team to win or your team not to lose?

You can PM me here (I'll make sure to keep my inbox low), or email them to NFLSuicidepool2008@yahoo.com

A tie is a loss. Your team has to win to advance.

It's filling up nice. Right now there are 310 confirmed participants, and I know that number is going up.....

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The only thing I ask is that you two guys don't become part of the "Sunday Crew".

The clowns who call/text their pick in at noon Sunday after watching ESPN to double check game time decisions/weather, all that other stuff.

I had to call one girl last year every week, because if I didn't she would wait until 10 to 1. I need to be at the bar well before then......

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I took Philly in the las man standing/suicide/knockout pool that I'm in. Along with 2 other guys I work with, without even knowing who each other's picks were.

If Philly loses, a lot of people will be eliminated.

Im not really sure on how to go about doing this? Meaning, save teams like San Diego, Indy, and New England for later or pick them early to ensure a win. If you take them early, you kinda screw yourself for later weeks, but if you take a chance on a team that should win but isn't a power house and lose you're done.

Do you guys try to do any strategy? Like do you look ahead the next week to see who is playing and decide "oh, ill save them for next week."

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