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You know you're drunk in Vegas when...

Special K

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If we expand Vegas to include FedEx Field, I can participate. :laugh:

Consider it done.

Plus, I need to know more about potential "skeletons" in the candidates closets before I vote.... Candidate with best story gets my vote........

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Consider it done.

Plus, I need to know more about potential "skeletons" in the candidates closets before I vote.... Candidate with best story gets my vote........

17 years old, I was drunk on a cruise ship and thought Russians were invading the ship so I dove under my table.

And there's always the obligatory drunk telling your friend in college "I love you man".

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Consider it done.

Plus, I need to know more about potential "skeletons" in the candidates closets before I vote.... Candidate with best story gets my vote........

I'll do it tomorrow, ma'am. Leaving work here shortly.

(NOTE: HH works the longest, goofiest hours of any of the candidates. So don't worry when the red phone rings at 3 a.m. I'll still be up!) :laugh:

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I'll do it tomorrow, ma'am. Leaving work here shortly.

(NOTE: HH works the longest, goofiest hours of any of the candidates. So don't worry when the red phone rings at 3 a.m. I'll still be up!) :laugh:

I told you, it's those damn kids calling you again.
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17 years old, I was drunk on a cruise ship and thought Russians were invading the ship so I dove under my table.

Dude, you're too young to have a legit fear of the Soviets! Well...I am too, but regardless.

Let's just say it involved lots of showgirls, a stage, an aquarium, and mouth to mouth.
WTF!?! This has the makings of the best Vegas story EVER! Details please Burgold if you want to be the first lib to get a keeastman vote! :laugh:
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Never been to Las Vegas but I drank enough once in the Navy to leap onto the flatcar of a speeding train and leap off the other side. I woke up the next morning with 4 bruised ribs and something purple that looked like a hacky sack in my forehead.

The hangover's not worth it anymore. I drink about 3-4 times a year now and when I do I start yawning and go home by 10pm.

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Dude, you're too young to have a legit fear of the Soviets! Well...I am too, but regardless.

WTF!?! This has the makings of the best Vegas story EVER! Details please Burgold if you want to be the first lib to get a keeastman vote! :laugh:

It certainly involved a liberal ammount of alcohol and if we ever meet I'll be happy to share, but it's not a story that I will publish... at least not here.

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When you puke in a cab and piss off the cabie....cartoonishly step behind a pillar in front of a casino while the cab driver screams about what you did... watch him race into the casino thinking you ran inside while he wasn't looking.... jump in a second cab and have him drive you to the resort you are actually staying at.

Wake up share stories about how the hell you managed to find your way home with 3 other guys that have similar stories.

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You get tossed out of a nightclub (by 12:30) and have to be wheelchaired by Bellagio staff up to your suite...

So how about you guys, I want to hear some drunk Vegas shenanigans!

In 1980 (gawd, how many of you were even alive then :laugh: ) I sat in cesars (only casino on the strip then) playing video black jack for 18 hours at the same machine. I won over $1000, drank about 35 jack and cokes and they made me leave :laugh: .

When I was shoved out the back door it was 7 am and the sun was soooo blinding I felt like dracula, and almost passed out on the spot.

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I had watched The Hunt for Red October earlier in the day.

The chips are falling into place now...

It certainly involved a liberal ammount of alcohol and if we ever meet I'll be happy to share, but it's not a story that I will publish... at least not here.

Yeah, probably not a good idea to publish that...but the outline has soooo much potential. I can't wait to meet you someday, because this will be the first thing I ask about!:laugh:

When you puke in a cab and piss off the cabie....cartoonishly step behind a pillar in front of a casino while the cab driver screams about what you did... watch him race into the casino thinking you ran inside while he wasn't looking.... jump in a second cab and have him drive you to the resort you are actually staying at.

Dude, at least you got a cabbie to pick you up. They refused to pick me up...and I'm a chick!! My sister had to pay off a limo driver to haul my butt back to Bellagio...

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You get tossed out of a nightclub (by 12:30) and have to be wheelchaired by Bellagio staff up to your suite...

So how about you guys, I want to hear some drunk Vegas shenanigans!

I spoke with Miss Keeastman the morning after said night, and all I can say is....

This Thread Is Useless Without Pics

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